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  • You are completely colour-blind, I take it?

    Most men are pre-disposed to some sort of colour-blindness, especially R/G.
    I'm sorry if this test is mean to you.
    Hmmm that's interesting. I know there are a few people on this forum who think that Serenity and I are both definitely ISFJ haha. Nice to see someone out there thinks I'm a "real" INFJ.
    I suppose I'll just have to take your adorable word for it...

    "You shall be my squishy." [Finding Nemo reference] :)
    So this other guy messaged me again when I didn't reply first time, and like, he is really into me, and he changed his photos and spruced up his profile before he sent the 2nd message LOL. I think this guy is a lot better than the creeper, and just as much sex potential.
    Either INFJ or INFP seems possible to me but you'll have to do some self reflecting, I personally also think comparing yourself to others could help. looking at the way they see things etc. Keep in mind that these are just my opinions I only know what I've read and am no expert at this.

    The only three people on this forum that I feel very certain are INFJs are Sandra_b, Serenity, and Bird.

    If you're looking for INFPs to compare to Rite, Aeon, and Wish are all INFP.
    To be honest I can't really tell with you, I think sometimes it may be hard for you to feel as if you can completely open up on these forums. Which does make it a bit difficult to type as to really type someone you need to see not just the words they are saying but why they are saying them. There are in my opinion quite a lot of ISFJs and INFPs here. But it's not because I see a lack of Ni that I think that, it's because of the way Ni-Fe works together, Ni-Fe works in such a way that you can empathize without agreeing. In other words you can see someone's point and you can see how they came to that conclusion and why they would feel that way, but you don't necessarily agree. You very well could be INFP I don't really see ISFJ in you as an ISFJ would avoid conflict and it doesn't seem to be a problem for you. From what I've seen you are definitely an introvert but beyond that it's a bit hard for me to tell.
    I mean, I personally don't really see it in you... But I say that very hesitantly as I'm not a very good typist. It gets hard because so many of the functions have the possibility to look so similar. For example, Indigo thought I was Fi dom/Fi aux, because I didn't click with the forum, I constantly caused trouble by bringing shit out that no one wanted to talk about, and I hated it when he would use blanket statements, because I believe everyone is unique. The thing is, I was using my Fe to not click with the forum, I was using my Fe by bringing that shit out because I felt very uncomfortable when it wasn't getting talked about, and ENFJs think everyone is unique.

    I mean, the difference between Fe and Fi in my mind, is a fight I once had with my ENFP sister. Eventually she said "omg just go away, I don't feel comfortable talking about this and I don't like it!" But I HAD to talk about it. Fe is like, a talking function. Same thing with Te I think. In order to processs your thoughts, feelings/emotions, ideas etc. We need to talk about them, talk through them. I had to talk about how I was feeling or else A) I wouldn't really know how I was feeling, or B) I would have this unsolved conflict lingering over me for hours and I knew I would hate it. Not that I say Fi is snobberish, but it doesn't care what other feelings are out there, in that being a Ji function, it doesn't incorporate them into its thinking process. Thus when an Fi dom is mad/angry/upset, they will just sink into themselves, sort of in like, a maudlin type way. I say Fe stands for Feeling-Environment, because an Fe dom, when extremely pissed off etc, is going to raise hell and make everyone else know what they are feeling etc.
    No, I said you were INFP, Dominant Fi and Inferior Te. Fi does the same thing as Fe, but the inclination is introverted.

    "The reason, it unnecessarily upsets the emotional equilibrium of the thread, Fe"

    No, F. Both Fi and Fe dominant types would get upset like you did. And since you consider yourself introverted, you're probably Fi-dominant.
    "People sometimes want to be unique so they see what they want to see in order to think they're more unique by being an N or an NF or an INFJ instead of who they actually are. But again: who cares?"

    This is probably the most Te-inferior thing I've read recently. Of course people care, that's why they made these tests and definitions in the first place. If you're personalizing these definitions to suit your liking then that defeats the entire purpose of typology.
    Oh idk, I'm not that knowledgeable about MBTI. I just always see 4 as the epitomy of an Fi dom mbti type. a 2 as the epitomy of Fe dom, 8 as a Te dom, 1 as an Si dom, 9 as an NF in general, 3 as some form of ESXP etc.
    Ah, I must have missed that thread. Pretty crazy O_O. I think that confessor was probably just someone trolling. I can really understand your concern though considering the information available through the article, I'm sure the staff could edit out the link to the article in the post for privacy concerns if you are worried.
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