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  • Yeah, that particular acoustic version makes me think no song could ever get better.
    Hallow there mate! Good to see you in Wisconsin too! Always nice to meet other strange persons. Heee, I've got an Infp ROOM-MATE which is...that's hilarious, lemme just say.
    Well part of knowing what's good is having what's bad to compare and contrast it to or with.
    Well, I like existentialism, sometimes and I do think that even bad philosophers or people I dont like for different reasons who are philosophers all play their part, if only as a good source of something to argue against or counter.
    @rep. You keep leaving blank messages in my rep. section, I cant tell if you agree or disagree :p
    Just passed by to say that that your post about graduation and especially this sentence "I just want to have a year of quiet life and recover from the last year of the University" kinda resonates with my life now. And...welcome back ;)
    Hello everybody.. I am back after a long time, at least to me. Got my college diploma, my heart broken and seems like I am back at the point 0 except with a college debt, in a small town where I almost don't know anyone I just moved to. It all seems surreal. I wonder where life goes next.
    Hey, like your poem. I too write poetry, and have a few posted on this website. Keep on writing, the world never has enough poets! Talk to you on the Forum.
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