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  • Fi is one of the functions in MBTI and Jung theory. You can read about it here, if you want. The more information you soak up, the better you'll understand your type and yourself, IMO.
    Yes, I can see that you can be really gooey lol. That's not a bad thing, though. I think the world might need more people like us. Everyone here is so sensitive >_<
    Well, keep working on yourself, if you feel good about the changes you are making. Are you very moody? What else do you have going on in your life?
    I know exactly what you're talking about. You remind me of myself a lot, or at least, the way I used to feel. I do feel hopeless when I don't get to interact with anyone, but that's not a problem for me anymore because I have this place :) I find the outside world to be pretty hostile at times. I get sort of an antagonistic vibe from STs, sort of like they criticize me for being me. That's been my experience, anyway, they can't all be like that. I just feel, for the most part, not understood by most of the people in my outer world. Whether I'm an INFP or an INFJ, we still only make up like 5% of the population together. So, it is hard to find people I feel I relate to.
    That's great. You definitely strike me as Fi-dominant. :)
    Do you feel like this place is sort of a haven? I don't feel like I can really express myself and be understood anywhere else. I am very, very glad I found this place.

    The new year's resolution is going fine. It's really helping me a lot, being more clear-headed. It helps me deal with the emotional issues I've been dodging. Did you have a resolution?
    Nice to see you back here - I emailed you back, so I didn't post in your thread (the issue seemed quite similar)- Hope that's okay for now.
    Pull yourself together, man! lol :) Stupid internet... always messing things up.

    Yeah, I live in a kinda grungy, not-nearly-as-safe-as-it-used-to-be area lol. I have been called bubbly on here a lot. ...I enjoy talking to a lot of people on here, including you, and it's easy to be nice & happy when people are easy to get along with. I do think it makes it much more fun though. :m200: hahaha

    Well, you said before you needed time away from here & idk, you just seemed... off.. i guess there for a little bit (no offense)
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