(Shakes fist in a joking manner. LOL!) You make me cut and paste, cut and paste!
I mean, you're kind of suggesting my point is valid with your response. I'm not judging anyone in a way that would cast them off or think of them any less really. Whether it's perceived or not.
I'm not here to argue against your points for the sake of arguing. I didn't say your point wasn't valid. I was simply clarifying why the OP was vague. :/
Wait, no, I mean (beep, beep, beep, alarm! alarm!) you're point is invalid!

Ehh, I mean, I hear INFJs talking about being overwhelmed and being sensitive a bit. I have had INFJs directly use the word sensitive to describe themselves several times here and in real life. Unprompted even. I'm not sure how tactful isn't a part of being kind to some degree. Also, I have heard INFJs (personal experience) really harp on "it's how you tell someone something".
Yes, Feelers, including INFJs are better at wording things, being tactful, and picking up on social cues than Thinkers generally are. That said, I still say a ton of things that lack tact because INFJs aren't particularly gifted at "live" verbal communication despite (often) being gifted writers, plus we're awkward introverts. If you're around INFJs you'll notice we take long pauses because we need to gather in Ni, possibly collect evidence in Fe and Se, and weigh it in Ti before we can reply. There is a lot of room for error when talking "off the cuff" and that is where we lack tact and where we are at our weakest in debates.
We do tend to be thoughtful when having discussions with others, particularly about feelings.
I wouldn't categorize INFJs as "sensitive" in general. I know a lot of people on the forum feel otherwise and that is fair and fine.
As a rule, I think people who are Fi/Fe dom (meaning first in their stacks), young, or have under-developed Fi third or fourth in their stacks are more sensitive than Ni/Fe/Ti/Se. I think Se doms are more sensitive to their environments than INFJs, too.
Oh, we're not as surprised by the "warrior mode" thing as much as you think. We are surprised at the degree of coldness the door sham is, though. I mean, it makes some sense unpacking it after the fact, but still
You are not surprised by it because you know INFJs, but this has been a constant theme in my life.
Door slamming makes perfect sense. We become deeply invested in people. If that investment doesn't work out we may need to cut a person out of our lives. Other types ghost, which I think is rude as hell because ghosting "just happens", while door slamming has warning signs or a significant event as a catalyst. It's sort of six of one and half a dozen of the other. Both hurt.
If you can't handle what you're willing to dish out, then it's hypocritical. I prefer the term inauthentic, though.
I agree with this. I think it is true of anyone. This is not exclusive to INFJs.
Eh, loyalty is earned and is not forever binding. If one describes themselves as kind, but will go "warrior" on them, then it's a little incongruent. That to me sounds more like having a streak of justice or being "fair" or "petty" depending on the context
I agree with you about loyalty but I also say my loyalty is a fault because I see the logic and reasoning and my loyalty still wants to hang on.
No. Warrior mode is for people who don't deserve our kindness, at least in that moment, because they are being harmful, toxic, etc. Warrior mode is protection. Kindness isn't always nice. Kindness is doing what is best, what causes the least amount of harm, and is most helpful for either the individual or society, even if it doesn't come off as "nice".
Don't fall into the trap of thinking that being kind means being a pushover, being a victim, glossing over moments of growth without addressing them, or failing to stop a person from causing harm.
When I click into warrior mode the person has taken advantage or acted harmfully for a long time or is acting so toxic that it takes immediate action.
Well, that's what you're hearing, and not listening. I've seen INTJs do the same thing, too. And you're right: any type can make those of errors of jumping to conclusions. However, Ni doms tend to have so much confidence in their Ni and use it as willpower to make it a reality and forever binding, that it complicates things. Other types are either not "reading-between-the-lines" as much and or will be more patient in coming to a conclusion. The real errors come in reading things that could use more information before acting (while removing confirmation bias and personal agendas at the same time)
Nearly everything can incorporate a degree of relativity
I keep going back to the fact that the people you have had bad experiences with are young/under-developed INFJs, or maybe even under-developed IXFPs. Your hostility toward INFJs on the forum doesn't help you see a different side of us either, because the more you push against us the more stubborn we will be. You really have it out for us. Hahaha.
The way you are describing this is not my experience with Ni. I don't use Ni to
force anything or chisel anything in stone. I admit I do have moments with Ni where I
know something is true, but I can tell these moments apart from other ideas and (being forever skeptical, even of myself) I investigate to make sure I am right. Ni is more of an idea mill. It isn't
I typically get along well with INTPs and we fuel each other's ideas and share good conversations about ideas. When I've had problems with INTPs it is because they fail to follow my logic and they don't ask for the map to be explained to them, they just think I'm being irrational.
Example: INTP wanted me to pay for a costly task halfway through my project. I wanted to wait until the end of the project when all my editing was complete before I paid a lot of money for said task. He thought I was being irrational and making a big mistake because I didn't follow his advice. He lost a lot of respect for me. He criticized my thought process as you described above. To this day we both think the other person was wrong.
Threatened isn't the word I would use for Fe. Fe feels good. We love the way Fe feels. We tend to be cautious and question it because we know it can be a powerful, manipulative agent, and it gets in the way of critical thinking. Fe (like Te) is a system of control. We actually strive to have a high sense of finely tuned Fe incorporated into our existence, though. INFJs can be master manipulators with Fe in my experience.
We can be manipulative, yeah, but that is typically true of immature/ unhealthy INFJs and during unhealthy moments such as break-ups where neither person is being their best self.
Any type can be wrong, but we are on an INFJ forum where INFJ is usually a constant theme of discussion.
Yes, I know. You will not let us forget that INFJs are awful, awful people.
Sure. We are talking about weaknesses specific to INFJs. Make a thread about unhealthy INTPs, and I'll gladly share what happens and why. We're the worst! I know the whole we are all human thing
gets thrown out a lot, but if we are all the same, then we would all have the same outcomes and perceptions during life, but that's not the case. Those causes and responses create big differences!
OK. Fair enough.
Nah, I wouldn't bother. In general, I really dig INTPs even though I know their faults and have learned some of the limits I should impose in my relationship w/ INTPs the hard way. (I have limits for everyone to keep relationships healthy, so don't think it is just for INTPs.)
That should be celebrated! Enneagram 4s should be a type that knows and appreciates this more than any type
Are you a 4? I guess I'm a 5x4, so...? I will try to get used to/ adapt to Enneagram. LOL LOL!
If an INFJ wrote what I did, what would be the response?
That depends on the popularity of said INFJ on the forum.
There is nothing new. It's an INFJ forum where one has thoughts on INFJs--is this illegal?
Hahaha, no. It is not illegal.