A Kundalini Awakening?


Community Member
I'm wondering has anyone here experienced a kundalini awakening?

I have experienced strange neurological symptoms in the past few months. I don't think I have an underlying condition though I'm waiting to see a neurologist to get it checked. I also attended ER but they didn't find anything wrong. When I search my symptoms kundalini awakening keeps coming up. I was meditating for long periods each day before these symptoms began and I don't know if meditation could have triggered it.

Does anyone have any idea how to tell if symptoms are due to a kundalini awakening or are caused by an underlying medical condition?
I have had kundalini awakenings and ascension symptoms since I woke up in 2012. There are many perspectives on this idea of how the body responds to the change in energy available to the human collective on this planet during this great Shift in consciousness.
Meditation did not bring it on. Yet meditation allowed me to increase my energetic frequency signature of my energy field thus triggering the body to respond to it.
I was just listening to another lightworker describe what happened to him on Jan 1st as he experiences some seizures. I too have had those as well as a host of other various body deviations from what we used to call Normal functioning.
To illustrate an example: On the night of Dec 21, 2012 I had an experience where it appeared I blacked out and hit the side of my head on the corner of my big wooden desk and ended up on the floor. When I came too I called my partner who lived in the other house on our property and he came over and checked me out. I seemed okay except for a huge swollen area on the side of my head right behind my left eye. I slept and woke up okay. Many many of my coworkers and friends urged me to get an MRI....so I did a couple of weeks later. The MRI showed nothing. It fact....the MRI showed a beautiful clear brain with no scars at all....either from accidents or even aging. (I am 64yo). The doctors and the nurses all shook their heads in wonder at how clear and "young" my brain looked. My skull too.....for it didn't show a crack or anything to indicate an issue with my head/fall.
Later on as I reviewed the experience I realized I must have either laid down on the tile floor carefully before I passed out....or else my "angels" helped me fall with ease....because I had no bruises...no broken bones....no soreness in any part of my body that might have hit that hard tile floor if I fell when I passed out and hit the desk. In retrospect I realize now that I didn't hit the desk when I lost consciousness nor did I hit the floor.
Yet there was that golf ball sized inflamed area on the side of my head. (It went down in a couple of days and left me with a black eye).
Since then I've seen a doctor only a couple of times as they really don't know what's going on with me. I just gave up going to see them back in 2016 and I ride my physical symptoms out with lots of practiced breathing mindfully and letting go of fear.
Letting go of fear is the key.
Many many lightworkers I've engaged with over the years say to go with your gut instinct....your Intuition....with what your Heart tells you. If that includes seeking data about your body from an outside source such as what the medical industry can tell you....then that's okay. On the other hand if that includes listening and paying careful attention to what your Body is saying and what your Heart is telling you to do or not do....then that's okay too. Whatever action or inaction you choose I would encourage you to let go of any fear mongering information and just look for Data that means something to you.
Personally I think you've already answered your question as to whether your experience was related to a Kundalini awakening or not. It is...
If you want to know more about what others are going through from a Lightworker perspective do a search on Ascension Symptoms. You'll uncover a huge world out there where people are having mind boggling mystical paranormal Shift experiences.
I wish you Ease.
Yea I'm woke af

Hi Kgal
Thank you for sharing your experiences. It helped to read your post. My family were alarmed about a few of my symptoms (numbness, pins and needles, tingling, joint pain) and convinced me to go to ER. I had an MRI on the brain when I went to the hospital and it came back clear.

I felt I had an awakening in summer 2011 when I had a sudden mystical experience, also triggered by intense meditation. My body felt weightless and I felt great peace for weeks afterwards. This is quite different though.

Will read up on Ascension symptoms like you suggested.
@GreenTea @Wyote @Kgal – What are the physical symptoms and experiences of this?

Some of the physical symptoms :
Extreme fatigue
Pain in various places - joints, limbs
Pressure in forehead and between eyes
Strange sensations on skin and on scalp
Sensations of heat or cold in body
Tingling and pins and needles in various places
Heart palpitations
Muscle twitches. Muscle cramps.
Surges of energy
Increased sensitivity to light and noise
Seeing colours when eyes are closed
Thank you, both.
So, it seems like I have/had all these symptoms (both physical and life-related), but attribute it to things that happened in my life and my auto-immune disorder (which is a think that happened in my life). I'm skeptical, as usual, but I'm going to stay in this conversation.

Incidentally, I see my "third eye" very easily and have for years. This happens every few days. All I need to do is relax, like when I'm in the shower or lying in bed winding down to sleep. (It takes me a long time to fall asleep. I need to slowly unwind, and relax my mind.)
I'm skeptical, as usual, but I'm going to stay in this conversation.

Me too. But I've done enough research on it to know that it's an actual thing.
Whatever verbiage you wanna use or (meta)physiology you wanna attribute to it is sorta secondary in my mind.
I mean, unless you are experiencing stuff that is too disruptive to function properly. Then you should see a doctor.
Well, it is disruptive - I am a carer and it became impossible so we had to pay someone to help. I also fell and injured my knee (I think due to the numbness in my leg) but doctors have no explanation at the moment.
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Letting go of fear is the key.
This exactly.^^^^

Though it is a good idea to get 'checked out' by medical personnel to help quell the fear that something has gone haywire, accepting that something has gone haywire and flowing into it is part of the process.

Often times we fight against what we don't know.

I believe this is why we experience many of the physiological symptoms that we do when our vibration increases.

@Kgal , have you found this to be similar too?
Hi GreenTea,

At some point you may want to look into Ayurveda and what you can find about pacifying vata - possibly find an Ayurvedic physician if there is one around where you live. A lot of the symptoms you described sound like vata imbalances.

It might help to look into a vata-pacifying diet to help calm some of the prana/chi that may be going haywire. Alternate nostril breathing works wonders and you may also want to find the right oil for your dosha (body type) for daily self body massages.

Also - @Skarekrow may be able to attest to this - ashwagandha is a dietary supplement that may definitely be worth looking into - it is a natural berry dried and crushed into powder form and usually taken in a capsule.

Some more vata-related info:
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I was actually told years ago I had a Vata imbalance and I got a meal plan for it. Thanks for reminding me about that.

Will look into ashwagandha.
This exactly.^^^^

Though it is a good idea to get 'checked out' by medical personnel to help quell the fear that something has gone haywire, accepting that something has gone haywire and flowing into it is part of the process.

Often times we fight against what we don't know.

I believe this is why we experience many of the physiological symptoms that we do when our vibration increases.

@Kgal , have you found this to be similar too?

Agreed. We fight against what we don't know and this leads to dis-ease in ourselves....which includes the body of course.

It's just that we've been conditioned from birth to believe what others tell us about our bodies. We are traumatized repeatedly about our bodies literally from when we draw breath on this planet which propels us into fear whenever it comes to "engaging" with our bodies.
It's taken me while to see it happening within me and I needed many tools to help me gain a larger or higher perspective about me and my body. Finding out how much of our "issues" within our bodies is also created by just being a human being on this planet helped me a great deal. Just knowing it wasn't my fault helped stop the negative and abrasive self talk and recrimination leading to stress hormones saturating my body chemistry.... which of course we all know leads to the break down of the body's natural way of Being.

For example: Science knows now the Sun and its activity affects the body in such a way as to effect Heart and Mind issues such as Seizures and Heart Attacks and Stroke. It's also causing changes in the DNA which is causing a change in the human being.
Science now knows that eating a high carbohydrate diet leads to Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome very early in a person's life which leads to a whole host of alleged autoimmune issues etc etc. It turns out following the standard recommendations of my government made me sick.
Again...realizing it's not my fault just lifted a huge weight of guilt and recrimination off my shoulders.
Finally.... when I was jolted awake in 2012 and began my spiritual journey in earnest I learned about new ways of viewing what was happening in my body. Our Emotional energy field greatly affects our physical Body Field and shows up as dis-ease. So I've learned how to move through Forgiveness and encourage Compassion for my self and my Body by ideas focused upon energy.
One day as I was clearing out my hard drive I began noticing all of the files surrounding my health. I saw where I was searching for answers to issues via supplements and research and government guidelines and alternative modalities for a very very long time. Like some of the articles were saved for 30 years and they pertained to the same stuff I was going through 3 years ago.

It turns out Stress is the number one creator of dis-ease...along with believing the medical industry knew more about my body than my body did.

This journey has shown me my body knows more about itself and how it operates than any one or any thing else "out there". Have you ever noticed the medical industry either tries to blame you....or blame your body...and they create Fear within us?

Autoimmune disease for example is stated as the Body turning on itself while killing you.
Wow.... if that doesn't create fear and anxiety I don't know what would. The very idea your own body is killing you because it's lost its mind is a criminal act in my mind. Yet the medical industry and our "betters" tell us that all day longggggg....

Well... I should get off my soapbox. You all here are brilliant people and you'll get what you need from my words...if anything.

How have I gotten through most of my symptoms? Breathing. Yep. Pretty much practicing Mindfulness and Breathing and doing whatever it took to move me from Fear thinking reactions to Calm Kind thinking. Like I mentioned above... Forgiveness practice and Compassion practice. Mostly for self.

But! I also opened up to my Intuition and new ways of Believing came in to bring about some healing for me. For example I went from being a Vegetarian to a Carnivore. Wow.... did that require a whole new way of believing! A lot of my skin issues recovered including a very scary malignant black growth plus a horn growing up out of my thigh. Yep.... that was definitely a lesson in mastery of Heart over Ego. It all cleared up I'm happy to say.
My Fungus issues are going away. My joint pains are going away.
I still experience nerve issues though. It's very hard to explain...but it feels like my finger is next to electricity and a small bit of it is steadily flowing in to my body. During meditations I have felt weird sensations going on in my body.
I have gone through a few what I would loosely call mild heart attacks.
And I've gone through a gall bladder attack.
But since I know these are temporary conditions I breathe myself through them while talking to my Fear spewing from the Ego.

I suppose I should say I lean heavily upon my guides for assistance. I have made it my intention to expand my awareness of the relationship between myself and my body. Every day I give it Love and open up to embrace the Light of my universe and encourage it to flow through every cell. :D Sometimes I can feel the body shiver like a happy dog when I do this. Heh.... and I feel Bliss flowing through me.

Anyway. All I can say is the Body needs to be free to do its own assessment of what it needs in order to thrive in optimum functioning. Try to let go of the Fear that acts as an inhibitor keeping one from perceiving what the body needs.
I have had kundalini awakenings and ascension symptoms since I woke up in 2012. There are many perspectives on this idea of how the body responds to the change in energy available to the human collective on this planet during this great Shift in consciousness.
Meditation did not bring it on. Yet meditation allowed me to increase my energetic frequency signature of my energy field thus triggering the body to respond to it.
I was just listening to another lightworker describe what happened to him on Jan 1st as he experiences some seizures. I too have had those as well as a host of other various body deviations from what we used to call Normal functioning.
To illustrate an example: On the night of Dec 21, 2012 I had an experience where it appeared I blacked out and hit the side of my head on the corner of my big wooden desk and ended up on the floor. When I came too I called my partner who lived in the other house on our property and he came over and checked me out. I seemed okay except for a huge swollen area on the side of my head right behind my left eye. I slept and woke up okay. Many many of my coworkers and friends urged me to get an MRI....so I did a couple of weeks later. The MRI showed nothing. It fact....the MRI showed a beautiful clear brain with no scars at all....either from accidents or even aging. (I am 64yo). The doctors and the nurses all shook their heads in wonder at how clear and "young" my brain looked. My skull too.....for it didn't show a crack or anything to indicate an issue with my head/fall.
Later on as I reviewed the experience I realized I must have either laid down on the tile floor carefully before I passed out....or else my "angels" helped me fall with ease....because I had no bruises...no broken bones....no soreness in any part of my body that might have hit that hard tile floor if I fell when I passed out and hit the desk. In retrospect I realize now that I didn't hit the desk when I lost consciousness nor did I hit the floor.
Yet there was that golf ball sized inflamed area on the side of my head. (It went down in a couple of days and left me with a black eye).
Since then I've seen a doctor only a couple of times as they really don't know what's going on with me. I just gave up going to see them back in 2016 and I ride my physical symptoms out with lots of practiced breathing mindfully and letting go of fear.
Letting go of fear is the key.
Many many lightworkers I've engaged with over the years say to go with your gut instinct....your Intuition....with what your Heart tells you. If that includes seeking data about your body from an outside source such as what the medical industry can tell you....then that's okay. On the other hand if that includes listening and paying careful attention to what your Body is saying and what your Heart is telling you to do or not do....then that's okay too. Whatever action or inaction you choose I would encourage you to let go of any fear mongering information and just look for Data that means something to you.
Personally I think you've already answered your question as to whether your experience was related to a Kundalini awakening or not. It is...
If you want to know more about what others are going through from a Lightworker perspective do a search on Ascension Symptoms. You'll uncover a huge world out there where people are having mind boggling mystical paranormal Shift experiences.
I wish you Ease.

Over the next couple of years there are going to be a lot more people going through this phase though the hard part will be doing so while the crap is hitting the fan more so than it already has in society.
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My GP is sending me back into hospital today. He doesn't want me to wait months to see the neurologist. I can't manage the crutches and it's difficult to move.