A Kundalini Awakening?

Yes, had thyroid checked. It is okay. Had blood tests for vitamin deficiencies. Doctor thought I might have a B12 deficiency. No deficiencies were found.

Interesting, especially that your doctor thought to look for vitamin deficiencies. It sounds like they are trying to figure this out. My PCP did not. I eventually went to a specialist and that put me on the road to recovery.

I've been reading/listening about gut microbiome (ie gut health). I'm wondering if that would help you?


Podcast explaining it:
Hi GreenTea,
If your body is becoming hot even when sitting and relaxing in meditation it means your “right side” is overactive, meaning the solar / sympathetic system is overstimulated. Try breathing through your left nostril only for 10 or so breaths - this will help to activate your parasympathetic system (left side / lunar). When the right nostril is dominant, it heats us up, helps us to be active, and also helps with digestion (it can be helpful to breathe a few extra time through the right nostril before eating). The right nostril and right side of the body is governed by the left hemisphere of the brain, but prana moving through the right nostril can activate the left hemisphere, and vice versa with the left nostril:


Once you feel like you have cooled off over time you may want to try alternate nostril breathing for 10-15 breaths at least once per day to keep the channels balanced. Hope this helps :)

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@GreenTea – I added a video to my last post. It's Rich Roll, which is a podcast I listen to so often it is a cliché.

I keep using this word lately, but that'd really interesting @AJ_
Hi GreenTea,
If your body is becoming hot even when sitting and relaxing in meditation it means your “right side” is overactive, meaning the solar / sympathetic system is overstimulated. Try breathing through your left nostril only for 10 or so breaths - this will help to activate your parasympathetic system (left side / lunar). When the right nostril is dominant, it heats us up, helps us to be active, and also helps with digestion (it can be helpful to breathe a few extra time through the right nostril before eating). The right nostril and right side of the body is governed by the left hemisphere of the brain, but prana moving through the right nostril can activate the left hemisphere, and vice versa with the left nostril:


Once you feel like you have cooled off over time you may want to try alternate nostril breathing for 10-15 breaths at least once per day to keep the channels balanced. Hope this helps :)
Thank you for the link @AJ_ :)
I do this alternate nostril breathing as a stress reducer. Using forefinger and thumb breathing in one side and exhale the other for 10 reps switching between.
I hadn't heard of nostril breathing before eating. Going to give that a go; I have digestive issues and I look for any little thing that may help. :)
@GreenTea – I added a video to my last post. It's Rich Roll, which is a podcast I listen to so often it is a cliché.

Watched the video. Didn't know that 70% of the immune system resides in the gut!
I'm a vegetarian since age 21 and am careful to get enough vitamins, minerals and protein. Will now pay more attention to fibre intake and diversity of plants within diet. Its amazing that every plant has its own type of fibre.
Watched the video. Didn't know that 70% of the immune system resides in the gut!
I'm a vegetarian since age 21 and am careful to get enough vitamins, minerals and protein. Will now pay more attention to fibre intake and diversity of plants within diet. Its amazing that every plant has its own type of fibre.

It changed how I think about my body and food, too. I've been veg/vegan since age 15. :) <3
I was a vegetarian for awhile but my university didn't have a wide enough array of options for food.

It's getting easier, but unless you have your own kitchen and cook your own food, it is really hard to be a healthy vegan or vegetarian because there aren't enough options at cafeterias and restaurants. That said, I know many omnivores with serious nutrition deficiencies. No matter your diet, make sure you keep it balanced.
I see that most of the discussion here has focused on the physical effects, but this video is looking beyond those and hinting at profound psychological revelations as well. It maybe helps to look at this sort of thing from another angle, from ground that we can easily relate to. There is a parable in the Bible in the Gospel of John that is a brilliant analogy: Jesus heals a man born blind, and his whole world changes. It isn't all straightforward though, because people who know him don't recognise him - he is bound up in their minds with a blind persona. He loses his livelihood - he can't sit and beg as a blind man any more. He no longer fits in and is rejected by the religious authorities who sling him out of their community. But he can now see! I'd love to know what happened to him subsequently.

Like all good parables, this tale works at many levels. It's not just ordinary sight that is being explored, but a change in insight as well - an insight that can change our destiny, our hopes and fears, our loves and friendships. There are risks.

The video is referring to the possibility of experiences akin to this - the possible sudden awakening of faculties and perceptions that are unexpected - which can crash in on us with the same intensity that sudden sight would have on us if we'd been born blind. When someone hasn't experienced them, they have no way of anticipating or imagining them, and, if they are referred to, doubt their existence. If it happens that one of these faculties is awakened in them, the effect can be just as dramatic as being able to see for the first time ever - and it might easily break someone who isn't prepared, depending on what awakens and what it 'sees'. The blind man no doubt gets plenty of help from people around him who can see already, but few people around us have experienced the kinds of awareness that this video alludes to, so there may be no-one to help. You are like a new-born child having to learn to make use of your eyes, without parents to guide you - seeing yourself and the world for the first time, with no easy way to integrate and structure what you are experiencing. It can be terrifying as well as ecstatic initially. When (if) you get used to it, it can be isolating because it's so hard to share with anyone who has no real feel for what it is that you are 'seeing' - it sounds unlikely and hypothetical to them while to you it's as clear and obvious as ordinary sight. Even those who are receptive and drawn toward that sort of experience, but haven't woken to it, tend to distort it and go charging off in all kinds of directions at right angles to where the heart of it lies. So it can become a secret locked up inside you that you are not able to share easily and you end up looking at the world as an outsider rather than a participant if you aren't careful.

This sort of awakening is actually only an event along the road, and the path leads on beyond - it's not good to make them an end in themselves but to treat them as milestones along the paths of our lives.
Hi John, thank you for sharing these videos and your wise words. I just didn't feel like getting into the psychological effects of this, though yes there are some. It was easier to write about the physical.

It is my intention to move pass this, of course and continue my journey. Usually I do not feel drawn to talk about psychic or spiritual experiences at all. In this case, I began this thread because I was feeling overwhelmed and confused with all that was happening and hoping someone might understand or have advice. I would like to be able to return to my daily routine.
Hi John, thank you for sharing these videos and your wise words. I just didn't feel like getting into the psychological effects of this, though yes there are some. It was easier to write about the physical.

It is my intention to move pass this, of course and continue my journey. Usually I do not feel drawn to talk about psychic or spiritual experiences at all. In this case, I began this thread because I was feeling overwhelmed and confused with all that was happening and hoping someone might understand or have advice. I would like to be able to return to my daily routine.
Hi GreenTea. I actually got the feel that you were in a good place exploring the possibility of Kundalini in relation to your physical symptoms. You are involving the health people as well, and that provides grounding - and hopefully either reassurance or a fix.

My thoughts were tangential and triggered by the video that Wyote posted - Kundalini has parallels in Zen and in Sufi thought, as well as in Christian mysticism, and can lead to unexpected and life changing psychological experiences that can overturn some folks if they aren't supported. In fact most people have a protection instinct that pushes them away before they get there, but a few of us fall down the rabbit hole without realising it's there lol.
The blind man no doubt gets plenty of help from people around him who can see already, but few people around us have experienced the kinds of awareness that this video alludes to, so there may be no-one to help. You are like a new-born child having to learn to make use of your eyes, without parents to guide you - seeing yourself and the world for the first time, with no easy way to integrate and structure what you are experiencing. It can be terrifying as well as ecstatic initially. When (if) you get used to it, it can be isolating because it's so hard to share with anyone who has no real feel for what it is that you are 'seeing' - it sounds unlikely and hypothetical to them while to you it's as clear and obvious as ordinary sight.

Ah! You know this truth so well. This is exactly what happened and IS happening with me since my very strange awakening experiences in Portland OR in 2012.
It's not often I run into someone who understands. Thank you. Big hug for you!
Ah! You know this truth so well. This is exactly what happened and IS happening with me since my very strange awakening experiences in Portland OR in 2012.
It's not often I run into someone who understands. Thank you. Big hug for you!
I'm really glad Kgal - it always feels like a risk talking about these things. A big hug back for you

It's good to meet a fellow traveller :)
I think I wrote once in a thread about a ruptured ovarian cyst. This happened nearly 10 years ago, exactly 1 month after an awakening experience - this was not a kundalini experience. So, I went from bliss to extreme pain weeks later - needing morphine to handle this pain. After that came endometriosis and a lot more pain. I always felt that awakening experience triggered the gynaecological issues. I went from resisting the pain initially to finally being at peace with it. I stopped taking painkillers and would feel it fully. This pain made me kinder and softer. The strange thing is the endometriosis improved over the years. A regular menstrual cycle returned and I have less pain. Some months no pain.

I will see what these new symptoms are here to teach me.
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