A Kundalini Awakening?

My GP is sending me back into hospital today. He doesn't want me to wait months to see the neurologist. I can't manage the crutches and it's difficult to move.

Hey GreenTea. I'm sorry to see you in pain and struggling. Big Hug for you in empathy.
Try to notice the fear as best you can and breathe through it. Try to look at this experience as gathering data for the moment. In your calm moments Clarity will come for you.
Over the next couple of years there are going to be a lot more people going through this phase though the hard part will be doing so while the crap is hitting the fan more so than it already has in society.

Agreed. Especially due to the fear mongering being promulgated out there in the media we consume.
Thankfully there were some who agreed to go through this before me so I would have some cheerleaders and guidance to help me get this far. I in turn offer a hand out to others who may need some assistance as they walk their own unique path. I consider myself fairly calm and neutral so I can hold a stable frequency when the fear energy spikes within the collective field. Many many others are doing the same. To me it's what's meant to Hold the Light.

As more and more of us brighten up our light field it will be easier and easier (relatively) for those who brighten up after us.
In this way we're all walking each other home to our self.
Reading through everyones wonderfull insights and queries, a teaching, eh a quote from not so long ago flashes through my mind. Buddha was asked by a student wondering about the meaning of meditation. Is it worth it he asks, what do you gain? What was given in return from Buddha, I gain nothing from meditation, I've lost guilt, anxiety, and fear of death.
There are a few references about kundalini energy while meditating or around a meditation practice. This energy is dormant in our experience for each being. Like a conduit, we channel core truth energy. As we step into this new dawn, old paradigms are dropped. The myriad of terms distinguishing this from that are lower consciousness and being dropped. New aspects are coming through at a never before seen level. So I'm thinking kundalini is a term for an elevated consciousness. Aware to it or not, we are together in our transformation and light is here in abundance, for everyone of us, every bit of Earth, and the shared air we breathe.
Meditation, mindfulness, yoga, whatever your practice and method, understand that these practices are not about doing or getting. They are avenues of conscious choice to create space, that your being can recognize itself in the moment. And a snowball of higher consciousness expands exponentially. In this presence is our healing. Anything we want to change in our lives in healthy intent, can only be realized first within.
The cure for pain is in the pain. As much as we have the tendency to push away discomfort, pain, and fear, remember we have shifted into such loving energy that is here and wants to help. This energizing light is more easily accessed now, so I invite anyone to create that space in your being, however your method(anything is method that we consciously intend to create inner space), meditation and mindfulness are more practiced, and in that space, ask your self, "what is my intent? Is it healing, maybe interest, perhaps accessing higher self, could be for a last ditch effort. See, feel, and hear your own intent. And in your inner space, let go of that intent. Yes let go of your desire, your agenda, your reason. Your soul already knows what you need. In truth, our mind can't comprehend what we need. It thinks therefore is rooted in polarized creation. Healing or not. Pain and pleasure. Any of our desires involving our self, is ego. So the practice of creating inner space, quiets your mind and your heart opens. In this beingness, healing light is recieved. And you won't be able to discern...maybe, but really the light you let in flows exactly where it's needed. And of course, the more this is practiced, inner truth will be remembered. And that knowledge will let you know many questions about our relation to our outer world. Truly the inner and outer is one, but we came into form in this veil of tears. The veil is thinning!! Now is the moment to take initiative of our own innate knowledge and healing. If you have ailments, pain, suffering, all your answers lay inside your being.
If you are at the point no one is able to answer your medical questions in your life, your choice to go within will have you saying why haven't I done this yet. And it's okay, you here right now is meant to be. Your birthright is infinite Love. And higher consciousness just doesn't vibrate in the lower energy of dis-ease.
Hope this finds you wherever you, much Love and Light. We are all magnificent!! We are born magnificent!!
Reading through everyones wonderfull insights and queries, a teaching, eh a quote from not so long ago flashes through my mind. Buddha was asked by a student wondering about the meaning of meditation. Is it worth it he asks, what do you gain? What was given in return from Buddha, I gain nothing from meditation, I've lost guilt, anxiety, and fear of death.
There are a few references about kundalini energy while meditating or around a meditation practice. This energy is dormant in our experience for each being. Like a conduit, we channel core truth energy. As we step into this new dawn, old paradigms are dropped. The myriad of terms distinguishing this from that are lower consciousness and being dropped. New aspects are coming through at a never before seen level. So I'm thinking kundalini is a term for an elevated consciousness. Aware to it or not, we are together in our transformation and light is here in abundance, for everyone of us, every bit of Earth, and the shared air we breathe.
Meditation, mindfulness, yoga, whatever your practice and method, understand that these practices are not about doing or getting. They are avenues of conscious choice to create space, that your being can recognize itself in the moment. And a snowball of higher consciousness expands exponentially. In this presence is our healing. Anything we want to change in our lives in healthy intent, can only be realized first within.
The cure for pain is in the pain. As much as we have the tendency to push away discomfort, pain, and fear, remember we have shifted into such loving energy that is here and wants to help. This energizing light is more easily accessed now, so I invite anyone to create that space in your being, however your method(anything is method that we consciously intend to create inner space), meditation and mindfulness are more practiced, and in that space, ask your self, "what is my intent? Is it healing, maybe interest, perhaps accessing higher self, could be for a last ditch effort. See, feel, and hear your own intent. And in your inner space, let go of that intent. Yes let go of your desire, your agenda, your reason. Your soul already knows what you need. In truth, our mind can't comprehend what we need. It thinks therefore is rooted in polarized creation. Healing or not. Pain and pleasure. Any of our desires involving our self, is ego. So the practice of creating inner space, quiets your mind and your heart opens. In this beingness, healing light is recieved. And you won't be able to discern...maybe, but really the light you let in flows exactly where it's needed. And of course, the more this is practiced, inner truth will be remembered. And that knowledge will let you know many questions about our relation to our outer world. Truly the inner and outer is one, but we came into form in this veil of tears. The veil is thinning!! Now is the moment to take initiative of our own innate knowledge and healing. If you have ailments, pain, suffering, all your answers lay inside your being.
If you are at the point no one is able to answer your medical questions in your life, your choice to go within will have you saying why haven't I done this yet. And it's okay, you here right now is meant to be. Your birthright is infinite Love. And higher consciousness just doesn't vibrate in the lower energy of dis-ease.
Hope this finds you wherever you, much Love and Light. We are all magnificent!! We are born magnificent!!

Wow! This is Golden!
Agreed. Especially due to the fear mongering being promulgated out there in the media we consume.
Thankfully there were some who agreed to go through this before me so I would have some cheerleaders and guidance to help me get this far. I in turn offer a hand out to others who may need some assistance as they walk their own unique path. I consider myself fairly calm and neutral so I can hold a stable frequency when the fear energy spikes within the collective field. Many many others are doing the same. To me it's what's meant to Hold the Light.

As more and more of us brighten up our light field it will be easier and easier (relatively) for those who brighten up after us.
In this way we're all walking each other home to our self.

When this is all done and come time again I look forward to moving on somewhere much nicer than what this world has offered. The duality for which it has been built on is a rough white knuckle ride and it has been a long time.
Good news. While I was waiting for a lift to the hospital a friend unexpectedly phoned and offered to move in with us for awhile. With her help I can stay at home.
I still had to go to the hospital to get my knee checked. It's healing well.
Some of the physical symptoms :
Extreme fatigue
Pain in various places - joints, limbs
Pressure in forehead and between eyes
Strange sensations on skin and on scalp
Sensations of heat or cold in body
Tingling and pins and needles in various places
Heart palpitations
Muscle twitches. Muscle cramps.
Surges of energy
Increased sensitivity to light and noise
Seeing colours when eyes are closed
Wtf... I have alot of that but I don't meditate or anything
Another strange thing that happened when all this began was I had vivid dreams of Arunachala. Maybe some of you are familiar with it? I also saw images of it during meditation. I recognised it because I looked at images of it years ago when I first got into Ramana Maharshi's teachings.
For me, no, but I have had exceptional dreams of a similar (powerful and meaningful) vibe. I've discussed that occasionally in my blog.
Good news. While I was waiting for a lift to the hospital a friend unexpectedly phoned and offered to move in with us for awhile. With her help I can stay at home.
I still had to go to the hospital to get my knee checked. It's healing well.

That's wonderful to hear for you!!!!
Another strange thing that happened when all this began was I had vivid dreams of Arunachala. Maybe some of you are familiar with it? I also saw images of it during meditation. I recognised it because I looked at images of it years ago when I first got into Ramana Maharshi's teachings.

Yes. We often receive the guidance we've asked for in imagery and information we are familiar with ....or at least accept as something normal and natural to perceive.
Your experiences are a normal part of the awakening to Self process.
It's exciting to see you having them. :D
It's interesting that your body gets hot when you meditate because, in theory, your body should be calmer and less heated when mediating. I wish @Skarekrow were around to give some advice. (If he sees this, I hope you are well, Skare.)

Have you had your thyroid checked?