Shai Gar
With age comes wisdom... With two or three hundred years? How much wisdom could we attain?
With age comes wisdom... With two or three hundred years? How much wisdom could we attain?
What do you look forward to when you've done everything you wanted?
Gots to say all the negativity about living in a world without death is so, well depressing. So we tell ourselves that death is part of life, we know it happens but when someone close to us passes it's one of the most painful things.
Ya'll are looking at a half empty glass (except Shai who’s still hoping for that apocalypse) methinks. So death as part of life is something that has always been but I don’t understand why that’s such an important factor in people not doing certain things or appreciating life... How many people do stupid things regardless and how many people really appreciate life? Joy and love are not reliant or even linked to death I say, most people don’t think to hard about the consequences for death to be a factor in day-to-day thinking.
The no procreation part would be sucky except for the lack of babies crying on planes.
Dunno about you but as soon as I finish one thing I've wanted to do there are 26 new things begging to be tried. There’s an infinite amount of things to do with new inventions every day I’m never going wake up one day and say, kay, I’m done, all finished with the list of things to do.
One lifetime isn't enough I say .