[PAX] ACTUAL Presidential Candidate Discussion 2016

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I don't even know who's running for Taoiseach (similar to prime minister) in my own country, so I'm pretty clueless about American politics. I actually kind of like Hilary Clinton. She seems like a strong, fairly intelligent woman. I know that she's facing allegations, but I honestly couldn't care less about it. I'm not condoning anything, it's just that it doesn't matter to me at all.

At the end of the day it's all really bullshit. The fact is that those in power have little in common with ordinary people; any attempts at making constructive changes is weighed down by backbiting and petty squabbles, and anybody with real vision and insight either would never want power or wouldn't make it past the first round.
I don't even know who's running for Taoiseach (similar to prime minister) in my own country, so I'm pretty clueless about American politics. I actually kind of like Hilary Clinton. She seems like a strong, fairly intelligent woman. I know that she's facing allegations, but I honestly couldn't care less about it. I'm not condoning anything, it's just that it doesn't matter to me at all.

At the end of the day it's all really bullshit. The fact is that those in power have little in common with ordinary people; any attempts at making constructive changes is weighed down by backbiting and petty squabbles, and anybody with real vision and insight either would never want power or wouldn't make it past the first round.

This is so incredibly true!
I agree with you…I think we will start to see those ads any day now, ugh.
I think Hilary’s hand is stuffed into the cookie jar of corporate money just like 98% of these jokers.
No way Scott Walker is going to win, or Mike Huckabee…they are all trying to see who can be the most extreme right-wing candidate because they see Trump gaining ground for his insensitive, ignorant, and racist comments, and feel they have to try to turn the crazy dial up higher.
I feel it will be to their own destruction ultimately…the country will see them as not moderate enough and they will lose IMO.

Well, I don't necessarily agree with your take-away from the whole thing. Sure, democrats are hacks and frauds, but the way I see it, they are largely the victims of the way things are now. Big money favors republicans, and the more money they're allowed to spend, the weaker the democrats will come out of elections. I think that if democrats could, they would limit the amount of money spent on campaigns. But what do I know.

I don't think that Walker and Huckabee are turning up the extremist dials because of Trump, I think that they've always been that way. I remember the last time Huckabee ran, he said more or less the same stuff that he's saying now. Walker really gets under my skin, though. He's the one with his hands in the cookie jar -- he practically lives in it and waits for mommy bird to puke up regurgitated cash into his filthy mouth. Wow, that was harsh. You get the point, though.

The winner of the republican nomination quickly turns more moderate to appeal to more people, though. This is all just for show. Remember the stuff Romney said to be nominated in '12? That certainly wasn't what he was saying that November.


Notice how Jeb Bush is keeping his trap shut for the most part?
His handlers are playing the long game here.

I think his team are telling him to shut up for now. The republican field is just praying that Trump will run out of steam and go away. Give it time, if he's still the front-runner come November, the gloves will come off in a big way.
I don't know, Bush doesn't seem that bad to me. My impression of him (correct me if I'm wrong) is that he's a social conservative. He's a nut, but not a "let's sell the fed" kind of nut. He's still into some kind of government that works for people.
I really just like his style, even though I disagree with some of his positions. I like that he is not a normal politician, but trust that he would not try to dismantle Social Security or Medicare/Medicaid.

I can be down with that.
I’m glad that Bush was unsuccessful in privatizing SS like he tried to do right before the Wall Street collapse.
I believe that it was an unsuccessful attempt to destroy it in the fore coming economic fallout.
I don't even know who's running for Taoiseach (similar to prime minister) in my own country, so I'm pretty clueless about American politics.

You have Edna, like! He's a bunch of craic, right?

I actually kind of like Hilary Clinton. She seems like a strong, fairly intelligent woman. I know that she's facing allegations, but I honestly couldn't care less about it. I'm not condoning anything, it's just that it doesn't matter to me at all

Me too.
Well, I don't necessarily agree with your take-away from the whole thing. Sure, democrats are hacks and frauds, but the way I see it, they are largely the victims of the way things are now. Big money favors republicans, and the more money they're allowed to spend, the weaker the democrats will come out of elections. I think that if democrats could, they would limit the amount of money spent on campaigns. But what do I know.

I don't think that Walker and Huckabee are turning up the extremist dials because of Trump, I think that they've always been that way. I remember the last time Huckabee ran, he said more or less the same stuff that he's saying now. Walker really gets under my skin, though. He's the one with his hands in the cookie jar -- he practically lives in it and waits for mommy bird to puke up regurgitated cash into his filthy mouth. Wow, that was harsh. You get the point, though.

The winner of the republican nomination quickly turns more moderate to appeal to more people, though. This is all just for show. Remember the stuff Romney said to be nominated in '12? That certainly wasn't what he was saying that November.

I think his team are telling him to shut up for now. The republican field is just praying that Trump will run out of steam and go away. Give it time, if he's still the front-runner come November, the gloves will come off in a big way.
I don't know, Bush doesn't seem that bad to me. My impression of him (correct me if I'm wrong) is that he's a social conservative. He's a nut, but not a "let's sell the fed" kind of nut. He's still into some kind of government that works for people.

Please, please, please, no more Bush family…and I don’t really want the Clinton family either…what kind of fucking dynasty is this?

I think you are right about Walker and Huckabee…Huckabee is too much of a religious nut to be nominated, and yes, Walker is sucking on lots of Koch these days!
That’s the misconception that a lot of people have about Trump, is that because he has his own money that he won’t be beholden to anyone.

This is who people want to run the show? -
First things first: Donald Trump has filed for corporate bankruptcy four times, in 1991, 1992, 2004 and 2009.
All of these bankruptcies were connected to over-leveraged casino and hotel properties in Atlantic City, all of which are now operated under the banner of Trump Entertainment Resorts.

So, they guy ran his own business (built on his Father’s fortune) into the ground 4 times and because our tax laws and bankruptcy laws are so crooked and skewed to favor the rich he isn’t a homeless guy on the street like the rest of America would be…not they they could get 4 bankruptcies…some can’t even get one approved.

Bush will continue to do what the Bush family has done to the world whenever they are in power and that is start wars.
(not the Obama has been very vigilant in wrapping them up!)
You have Edna, like! He's a bunch of craic, right?

He's actually the complete opposite. He's a very cold serious individual. To be fair I thought he was actually OK as Taoiseach. He took leadership when the country was on the brink of destitution, made some hard decisions which made him less popular and was strongly in favor of gay marriage. Of course he is still just another straight rich white guy in power.
Please, please, please, no more Bush family…and I don’t really want the Clinton family either…what kind of fucking dynasty is this?

They're effective politicians! What can I say...

That’s the misconception that a lot of people have about Trump, is that because he has his own money that he won’t be beholden to anyone.

Trump isn't an island. He's an investment guy, he will probably be tied to a lot of his close associates, should he win. I highly, highly doubt that he will be nominated by the GOP. I could see him running a third-party campaign, though. Isn't there a libertarian party still? Time will tell.

So, they guy ran his own business (built on his Father’s fortune) into the ground 4 times and because our tax laws and bankruptcy laws are so crooked and skewed to favor the rich he isn’t a homeless guy on the street like the rest of America would be…not they they could get 4 bankruptcies…some can’t even get one approved.

He's made as more, if not more, than he's spent. He's a smart investor in the end. Also, running a business is very different from running a country. The president has shockingly little power over anything, really. It's all congress and the senate, and they've been at a virtual stand-still since 2010. The stand-still benefits the republicans, because then they get to say that Obama was inefficient and didn't do enough to enforce his platform. It's all shit for everyone.

Bush will continue to do what the Bush family has done to the world whenever they are in power and that is start wars.
(not the Obama has been very vigilant in wrapping them up!)

Call me an optimist, I think that Bush hated that he had to start the war on terror. He was very critical of Clinton's engagement overseas, and he ran as a peace candidate that was tough on the economy. He didn't calculate on having to focus on national tragedies and a global war on terror. Circumstances were tough on lil' Georgie.

Obama's done a lot on his very narrow playing field, if you ask me.
He's actually the complete opposite. He's a very cold serious individual. To be fair I thought he was actually OK as Taoiseach. He took leadership when the country was on the brink of destitution, made some hard decisions which made him less popular and was strongly in favor of gay marriage. Of course he is still just another straight rich white guy in power.

Was yanking ya chain. He's still teechuck though, right?
They're effective politicians! What can I say...

Trump isn't an island. He's an investment guy, he will probably be tied to a lot of his close associates, should he win. I highly, highly doubt that he will be nominated by the GOP. I could see him running a third-party campaign, though. Isn't there a libertarian party still? Time will tell.

He's made as more, if not more, than he's spent. He's a smart investor in the end. Also, running a business is very different from running a country. The president has shockingly little power over anything, really. It's all congress and the senate, and they've been at a virtual stand-still since 2010. The stand-still benefits the republicans, because then they get to say that Obama was inefficient and didn't do enough to enforce his platform. It's all shit for everyone.

Call me an optimist, I think that Bush hated that he had to start the war on terror. He was very critical of Clinton's engagement overseas, and he ran as a peace candidate that was tough on the economy. He didn't calculate on having to focus on national tragedies and a global war on terror. Circumstances were tough on lil' Georgie.

Obama's done a lot on his very narrow playing field, if you ask me.

Trump has survived and prospered through means that are unavailable to the common man, was my point.
GW Bush did a lot of harm to this country IMO…he didn’t need to go to war with Iraq, and it was a combination of some of Clinton’s policies and the Bush tax cuts (which are still unpaid for and only causes us to run a larger deficit) along with further bank deregulation that cause the economy to collapse.
I know Jeb isn’t his brother, but based on the history of his Father and Brother I can’t support him…but to each is own.
Some people really liked him.

Congress and any slow-down in Congress now that both houses are Republican majorities will be seen as no one’s fault but their own now.
I’ve noticed that Ted Cruz hasn’t read “Green eggs and ham” to shut down the government and waste billions of tax dollars doing it since they’ve taken power.
It’s all childish BS….they should all be presumed innocent and put on trial based on their actions and the damage they have done to this country…let their actions speak for themselves.
BTW…funny meme’s are fine, I don’t have a stick up my ass, just don’t spam them.

I'll try to control myself.

It's difficult when the candidates are so amusing. :(
I'll try to control myself.

It's difficult when the candidates are so amusing. :(

Hahahaha have at it!​
You don't know what kind of horrors you're inviting to this discussion lol.


I'm just gonna leave this here:

Last time around, when Hillary was running, I argued that the right so vehemently hated her that even if she got elected they would make governing nearly impossible....But now I can see that it isn't Hillary they hate, its us.
Last time around, when Hillary was running, I argued that the right so vehemently hated her that even if she got elected they would make governing nearly impossible....But now I can see that it isn't Hillary they hate, its us.

Well, they have certainly done their best to obstruct Obama at every turn.
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