Adjectives for the Biden Administration today

Post any adjectives, which capture how the new administration came across to you.

Long-winded, token, vindictive.
Well, with Republicans I know that they don't intend to do anything for working class people.

Democrats give you hope that they'll help regular people then let you down. Sometimes they positively surprise you though.

For Biden to pass exceptionally positive policies for all Americans he's got to be held accountable by voters.

We've got to be make him more accountable to voters than special-interest groups.
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Pretty sure Joe Biden will be pooping in his diapers again soon. Old age, you know.

Oh yeah? My President was taking 'campaign donations' from special interest groups while yours was still in pooping in his diapers.
So it took Biden twice as long as Macron to get where he is, and that's somehow a plus?

Pin, you owned yourself. Good job. :tearsofjoy:
Macron's a good boy, he'll wipe him.

He's ready.
