aggresive women, sexuality, feminism, is askmen full of crap?

This is all pretty stupid. Confidence is not the same as bitchiness. Agressiveness is not the same as bitchiness.
There are certainly just as many bitchy men and bitchy women.
Some people are bitchy becuase they dont know how or care to communicate with respect. Perhaps they have low self confidence and choose to lash out rather than grow up. I guess to some others, that may appear as that these people are some how more in control of their lives. God knows what kind of sucker for pain someone might have to be attracted to a bitchy person. Anyway each to their own.
Isn't cold and impersonal the definition of a bitch?

I think when certain men meet a woman who seems cold, they tend to write her off as a bitch without getting to know her. I've been told more than once I appeared cold and robotic at first glance.

Of course when you get to know me, I'm more jovial than Santa Claus getting a blow job.
Is it just me who thinks the main bonus to having a vagina is the ability to flip the 'I've a vagina so you better just agree with me!' switch?

This article is weird. I don't think aggression gets you anywhere as a man or as a woman.

What gets you to different places depending upon your own talents are a mixture of the following:
  • Sexiness
  • Congeniality
  • Dignity
  • Commitment
  • Knowledge
  • Wisdom
  • Capability
  • Endurance
  • Initiative
I am really confused (..okay, I don't. But.) that people considers:

aggression = assertion = strong-willed
strong-willed = assertion
aggression = BITCH
feminism = aggression
feminism = BITCH
feminism = assertion = strong-willed

like o____O;;;;;;; That a whole lot of underlying assumption and imageries over there.
That reeks of instant dismissal.
Not to say that has never been happening... or that all X is Y, but.

I understand that exposure and loudness can badly substitute for depth and complexity, soo...
: |
I am just now reading this because I am in a bitchtastic mood.
I think it's pretty silly, but it has a purpose, and that is for people to read it and not take women seriously (I do realize it was written by a woman--A Dr. Phil "doctor," no less--which makes this even sadder and sillier...)
Because, women don't have a reason to be angry, you know.. I don't buy the genetic thing. So--it's only women, and not men that can be genetically angry?
We all like to blow the rent money on Jimmy Choo shoes because we're only human women after all...
It's a very condescending piece... She advises men to give bitchy women their way--or love the bitch right out of them..
I don't see anything helpful in this article at all, for either sex.
On a lighter note, almost every time I've gone to it resulted in superficial bs and worthless crap articles so to answer part of the OP's question: Yes askmen is full of crap. I cant trust that if they get fashion and grooming wrong that they will get deeper issues right.