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Entirely not true, and yes, they do.
No they haven't. But it's kinda really sweet that you think that.
I'm kind of obsessed with the whole idea of a Southern Belle (to be extremely explicit: this southern belle and not this southern belle). Do real Southern Belles exist? I'm thinking 'Southern Belle' in terms of 'ideal Victorian wife'.
Also, I read somewhere that Victorian marriages lasted the longest and were the most stable. A social psychology book I read way back when told me that the extreme politeness practiced between mates during that time was the way to go. Of course there was some outrageous ratio of hookers to London men; this person says the ratio was 1:12. Could it be because being in a Victorian marriage was no fun? Or, were there simply a lot of poor women in London at the time?
I have to admit I'm surprised to hear that guys under 25 have used you as a fuck buddy.
I have a few friends that are girls who have the same opinion, that you should have fun and play the field a bit to find out what you like and don't when you're in your twenties and to be honest, I don't think they're wrong, why would you just want to have one single relationship in your lifetime? It sounds horrible, ESPECIALLY since you might be stuck with a person you ultimately don't get along that well with for the majority of your life, it's like saying you should only have one friend in your life and that's it. I definitely think people should find someone to settle down with but that's my personal opinion, some girls settle down with multiple partners and some guys the same which I guess could work it depends on the psychologies involved. Women aren't as defenceless as some girls think they are, they really aren't, they have men over a barrel in a lot of social situations and socially smart women pretty much own men lol but I think the typical Christian outlook on how women should behave takes quite a bit of that away.
Oh I figured you'd disagree, they were only testing statements, I wanted to see how you'd reply to them, I was curious after reading the sex and self esteem thread