I didn't mean it like that. I meant that you are being honest with yourself. You did say that you have issues with coming off as arrogant.
It is hard to say, but I think I can rule out some types, even if I cannot precisely pin it down. Your test results are inconclusive, and this is optimistic. I'd say they're not representative of you but of your self-image, which is not quite the same.
You did see my results for that test, right

These last posts lead me to believe that I was right in some sense, namely that you definitely have Fi (vs Fe) in your stack. The test was right about that. Logically then you have Te in your stack. This in itself rules out INFJ
and INTP. Of course, I won't rule it out completely for now, but it is impossible for me to stress in writing how small the probability+feeling is. Perceiving functions aside, there is still something bugging me, and this is the unusually high Ti. And this is what made me ask again if you really think you answered the questions correctly.
Ignoring Ti, your results speak in favour of INTJ, but you are way too self-involved to come off as an Ni-Te dom. If you had as high a Ti as your results say, it would speak for INTP, but as I stated before, this is very unlikely, not just because of the low Fe vs Fi (which could be explained), but because of the low Ne (compared to Ni).
These are just two examples, but I think you can see now how impossible your results are, leading me to no other conclusion than either you being dishonest with yourself, which you stated you were not, or you being incredibly unhealthy and confused. The latter would lead to the former, you needn't even notice.
Analysis aside, or not, how would you classify "darker" and how would you say you were influenced by your "depression", as you said before?