Am I an INFJ or INTP?

This is not people-related really, but merely don't like being in control, feeling as if the universe (or just a selected few) is against you. This isn't behaviour. What I meant was a certain kind of behaviour.
When people do something idiotic and when they are just boring and when people just want to have enough to live with and want to do nothing with there lives it's idiotic and pointless to me. (Sorry went a bit off topic and a bit to far)
Only this behaviour is more generalised and isn't directed at you.
Only this behaviour is more generalised and isn't directed at you.
Yet it's the thing that really annoys me only thing that comes to mind is when people judge me for someone I'm not (I feel like I already said that) it's the closest thing I can think of
Let me give you a list then. Choose but one. Then we may see further.
  • Discussing topics of bad state of health, talk on non-esthetic things
  • Discussing matters of logical contradictions, reproaching with misunderstanding, showing one’s erudition
  • Arguments about relationships, manifesting disrespect, dishonourableness
  • Reproaching with inaccuracy and being late, urging, postponing
  • Discussing modest means, orders, power pressure
  • Discussing inexpedient actions, obtrusion of errands, didacticism
  • Bursts of emotions, offences, obtrusion of one’s emotional experience
  • Superfluous information, vague perspectives, “what if?”"
Let me give you a list then. Choose but one. Then we may see further.
  • Discussing topics of bad state of health, talk on non-esthetic things
  • Discussing matters of logical contradictions, reproaching with misunderstanding, showing one’s erudition
  • Arguments about relationships, manifesting disrespect, dishonourableness
  • Reproaching with inaccuracy and being late, urging, postponing
  • Discussing modest means, orders, power pressure
  • Discussing inexpedient actions, obtrusion of errands, didacticism
  • Bursts of emotions, offences, obtrusion of one’s emotional experience
  • Superfluous information, vague perspectives, “what if?”"
I'd say this one
  • Discussing matters of logical contradictions, reproaching with misunderstanding, showing one’s erudition
This narrows it down to two. Or it should. Does one of the two descriptions apply to you?
  1. Tend to have a difficult time describing a concept or system in a manner in which the essential facts are all that is needed to understand or describe it. They focus in describing a concept or system is in how they themselves came to understand and see what they are describing. If asked to describe or explain something, their natural tendency is to describe the pieces of the concept, system or idea that are related to the subject as a foundation before explaining the actual concept itself. They will often describe details or aspects of a system that are unnecessary to the understanding of the system's properties, but they view these details as essential functions of a sequential system (as opposed to describing the concept or system and only the concept or system as an independent entity). In other words, even if a detail is deemed outside of them as extraneous, the one that is describing it will see it as a vital and significant part of a chain in order to paint the full, "proper" picture of the system they want to describe. Will tend to start off explanations with a tremendous amount of detail, energy and patience and will move towards a more general explanation as they tire out (if they tire out). If something in their chain is broken or questioned, the description (in their mind) halts or falls apart.

    When they understand a logical concept or system, they are much better at describing anecdotal experiences with the concept or system that help to illustrate the concept or system. They would prefer to do this rather than describing the concept or system as described in the previous paragraph -- describe the essential facts of a concept or system.

    Will demonstrate inconsistent behavioral patterns to the objective, outside world. But to them, these behavioral patterns are as a result of a relativist view of how they make their decisions. For example, they might be steadfastly against going to a particular branch of a bank to deposit a check that is easily accessible and only 2 miles away, but is perfectly content going to a different branch of the same bank that is 25 miles away and requires a roundabout route to get there. To the outside world this would not make sense; why not just go to the branch that is easier to access that can handle the same function? But to them, this does not matter. Something at the closer branch bothers them enough to justify going to the further one. Maybe a particular person works there that they want to avoid, maybe one time theyE did something embarrassing while at the closer branch and they are embarrassed to show their face again. Regardless of the reason, they will justify circumstances to dictate the decisions they make in their behavioral patterns.

    Is keenly aware of societal structures and affiliations that they belong to. These structures can be small entities such as "family" and large entities such as "political affiliation". As such, they will naturally speculate about how these societal structures they belong to would interact if they mingled. With a propensity to be involved in a diverse number of interests, they find themselves in a position where they would deem that members of certain societal structures would clash if they met. This will, at times, cause them to hide their affiliations to parties that they feel might cause scrutiny or criticism of their affiliations. They would rather not be judged by others based on their affiliations. Also, if cast into an "incorrect" category, this can cause deep wounds in them especially if they believe that the person doing the casting will not change their position about the their affiliation, and as a result of that, believes it to be a negatively connoted statement of their own character.

  2. Generally exhibit chaotic and uncontrolled lifestyles. They are motivated by their impulses and momentary feelings, and may have difficulty carrying themselves to fulfill day-to-day obligations and responsibilities. To the extent that their external obligations permit it, they tend to be habitually unstructured and vagarious. They do not engage in systematic decision-making and may instead base their behaviors on whimsical desires. They avoid restricting or regimenting their lifestyles based on rational or "common sense" behaviors and can resist attempts to bring order and stability to their lives.

    They may have difficulty following externally imposed rules on their behavior, and may automatically resist being told what to do in matters pertaining to their lifestyle. They may have difficulty adapting their naturally impetuous lifestyle to some situations. Convincing them to change their ways is a gradual, tiresome and often thankless process, best accomplished by persons whose judgment they trust fully.

    They are often inclined to disregard what they see as petty rules and procedures, especially if those require a high investment of time and concentration in order to be understood and implemented, while blocking them from achieving their goals. If they are suddenly stopped in their tracks by external forces because of a previous disregard for such rules, they can lash out in frustration and impatience, while feeling helpless and angry at having been so sidetracked.
This narrows it down to two. Or it should. Does one of the two descriptions apply to you?
  1. Tend to have a difficult time describing a concept or system in a manner in which the essential facts are all that is needed to understand or describe it. They focus in describing a concept or system is in how they themselves came to understand and see what they are describing. If asked to describe or explain something, their natural tendency is to describe the pieces of the concept, system or idea that are related to the subject as a foundation before explaining the actual concept itself. They will often describe details or aspects of a system that are unnecessary to the understanding of the system's properties, but they view these details as essential functions of a sequential system (as opposed to describing the concept or system and only the concept or system as an independent entity). In other words, even if a detail is deemed outside of them as extraneous, the one that is describing it will see it as a vital and significant part of a chain in order to paint the full, "proper" picture of the system they want to describe. Will tend to start off explanations with a tremendous amount of detail, energy and patience and will move towards a more general explanation as they tire out (if they tire out). If something in their chain is broken or questioned, the description (in their mind) halts or falls apart.

    When they understand a logical concept or system, they are much better at describing anecdotal experiences with the concept or system that help to illustrate the concept or system. They would prefer to do this rather than describing the concept or system as described in the previous paragraph -- describe the essential facts of a concept or system.

    Will demonstrate inconsistent behavioral patterns to the objective, outside world. But to them, these behavioral patterns are as a result of a relativist view of how they make their decisions. For example, they might be steadfastly against going to a particular branch of a bank to deposit a check that is easily accessible and only 2 miles away, but is perfectly content going to a different branch of the same bank that is 25 miles away and requires a roundabout route to get there. To the outside world this would not make sense; why not just go to the branch that is easier to access that can handle the same function? But to them, this does not matter. Something at the closer branch bothers them enough to justify going to the further one. Maybe a particular person works there that they want to avoid, maybe one time theyE did something embarrassing while at the closer branch and they are embarrassed to show their face again. Regardless of the reason, they will justify circumstances to dictate the decisions they make in their behavioral patterns.

    Is keenly aware of societal structures and affiliations that they belong to. These structures can be small entities such as "family" and large entities such as "political affiliation". As such, they will naturally speculate about how these societal structures they belong to would interact if they mingled. With a propensity to be involved in a diverse number of interests, they find themselves in a position where they would deem that members of certain societal structures would clash if they met. This will, at times, cause them to hide their affiliations to parties that they feel might cause scrutiny or criticism of their affiliations. They would rather not be judged by others based on their affiliations. Also, if cast into an "incorrect" category, this can cause deep wounds in them especially if they believe that the person doing the casting will not change their position about the their affiliation, and as a result of that, believes it to be a negatively connoted statement of their own character.

  2. Generally exhibit chaotic and uncontrolled lifestyles. They are motivated by their impulses and momentary feelings, and may have difficulty carrying themselves to fulfill day-to-day obligations and responsibilities. To the extent that their external obligations permit it, they tend to be habitually unstructured and vagarious. They do not engage in systematic decision-making and may instead base their behaviors on whimsical desires. They avoid restricting or regimenting their lifestyles based on rational or "common sense" behaviors and can resist attempts to bring order and stability to their lives.

    They may have difficulty following externally imposed rules on their behavior, and may automatically resist being told what to do in matters pertaining to their lifestyle. They may have difficulty adapting their naturally impetuous lifestyle to some situations. Convincing them to change their ways is a gradual, tiresome and often thankless process, best accomplished by persons whose judgment they trust fully.

    They are often inclined to disregard what they see as petty rules and procedures, especially if those require a high investment of time and concentration in order to be understood and implemented, while blocking them from achieving their goals. If they are suddenly stopped in their tracks by external forces because of a previous disregard for such rules, they can lash out in frustration and impatience, while feeling helpless and angry at having been so sidetracked.
Both are really close bot 1. felt natural and I can remember experiences like that 2. feels like me but just I don't get the same vibe my life is a complete mess but it's not that broken in a sense so 1.
Both are really close bot 1. felt natural and I can remember experiences like that 2. feels like me but just I don't get the same vibe my life is a complete mess but it's not that broken in a sense so 1.

Then I suggest you read this. Don't be alarmed or anything by the title, ignore it if you have to.
Well, that's your type. The description is the same, only the type's name is slightly different. You may check with other MBTI sites whether you really are an ENFP.

What that means remains up to you. You may want to get acquainted with yourself or not. But in my experience, knowing what you are can help you become the best version of yourself. And that is you, who you were meant to be.
Well, that's your type. The description is the same, only the type's name is slightly different. You may check with other MBTI sites whether you really are an ENFP.

What that means remains up to you. You may want to get acquainted with yourself or not. But in my experience, knowing what you are can help you become the best version of yourself. And that is you, who you were meant to be.
Well thanks it feels eh awkward I suppose just a feeling that bothers me and it's extrovert that's the only thing but thank you for helping me out.
I feel like if they get and answer they would probably say it in the thread overall so we can end this fast I feel like an INFJ yet some things just feel off

You can do research on the cognitive function stacks for each type to see which seems more accurate for you.

INFJ (Ni-Fe-Ti-Se) and INTP (Ti-Ne-Si-Fe) are both intuitive types (though it manifests differently), and they do share functions (though lower in their respective stacks). However, if you are under stress when taking the test, your inferior functions may influence your answers.
You can do research on the cognitive function stacks for each type to see which seems more accurate for you.

INFJ (Ni-Fe-Ti-Se) and INTP (Ti-Ne-Si-Fe) are both intuitive types (though it manifests differently), and they do share functions (though lower in their respective stacks). However, if you are under stress when taking the test, your inferior functions may influence your answers.
I'm not right now I was the first time I took it 6 months ago. I sadly still feel like it's wrong but I'm probably wrong idk I really don't but I should stop annoying the chat.
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I thought about this all day and the only thing that bothers me is the fact that I am not an extrovert.
Well, that's your type. The description is the same, only the type's name is slightly different. You may check with other MBTI sites whether you really are an ENFP.

What that means remains up to you. You may want to get acquainted with yourself or not. But in my experience, knowing what you are can help you become the best version of yourself. And that is you, who you were meant to be.
But you do not have to help out you already got to a solution thank you.
Why do you believe you can't be an extrovert?

You seem quite pushy, demanding and talkative. These are all extroverted traits. :)
Why do you believe you can't be an extrovert?

You seem quite pushy, demanding and talkative. These are all extroverted traits. :)
I'm talkative online. I only talk to people if they approach me because it takes 15 min for them to turn around when I utterly feel dumb when I keep tapping there shoulder.