Am I INFJ or am I mistyped?


Hi, I'm new here, I made a little presentation in the presentation section but I need your help so please bear with me. Sorry if this thread don't belong here!

This past summer I got into the mbti-typing thing after a co-worker brought it up at a lunch break. We all took a test(16personalities) and I came out as an ISFJ. I read the description and felt it was somewhat accurate, especially the good memory part and wanting to help people. However I didnt feel that it was mind-blowing accurate and I felt that it was a description of a person way better than me. I took the test again and got INFJ this time but again, they were describing a better person than me. I called the mbti out as bullshit and forgot about it til a close friend of mine told me I had to do it again. This time I got all weird results that wasnt accurate at all but repeatedly got INFJ between other types, at this point I had learnt that a person I didn't want to be compared to was typed as INFJ (at least according to herself) and I was telling myself I'm not INFJ so I didnt read any further than i had done initially. I didnt think I was a ”special snowflake” either so I probably wasnt a infj, only weird in my own way. I thought about this for two weeks straight to that point I sat down with several tests for hours upon hours, writing down scenarios to help me getting the right answer and I got INFJ on all those except one (INFP). I started to truly read up on this type and some things really made sense, I felt so relieved I could cry. Some things I didn't or don't really recognize in me though so I still, many weeks after this, I am afraid that I'm mistyped and none of the 16 types are my type.

So, who am I? As a kid I was this super shy, perfectionist dreamer who could rage if the shoe on the princess I painted didn't come out right. I was super into stories and I was often told I had a wild imagination. I'm an atheist and has always been but I went to bible school only to listen to the ”stories” (sorry if I offend someone, I don't mean to) I cared a lot about people and their feelings, I let them win in games so they would be happy and I would feel the pain they felt. I cried for weeks when my friends parents got a divorce. I was an outsider in daycare, even my own relatives would bully me for being weird. I can't remember how I was weird, but I couldnt really socialize and I felt really lonely and had anxiety every morning. My best friend was an 80 year lady who told me every day I would grew up to become a world leader and help the world become a better place, lol. I loved listening to her stories about how life was back when she was young.

Later as an older kid, the people in my class and my ”friends” started saying things like ”I love you” and hug each other. I couldn't. I couldnt stand being touched and I would never lie about loving someone. H*ck I have a hard time telling my parents I love them! All the other girls had boyfriends too, I off course didn't.

I never told my one best friend about any of my crushes and I never told or showed my crushes either. I remember once I was at a party with my crush at that point and he was polite and tried to talk to me but I looked all weird and blurted out ”are you talking to me” (yeah of course you idiot he is lookin straight at you!) and some other nonsense and I'm still thinking about that embarrasing moment today 15 years later.

I'm totally sure i'm an introvert, no questions about it. I do think I have Ni. I'm fairly new to this so I'm not sure what all these mean though, sorry if I'm saying anything wrong. I do feel other peoples emotions, especially people i'm close to, but also others. Once I had to leave a room with a patient because I was feeling a panic attack coming for no reason (I never panic) until I got back and my patient told me she had to leave because she was panicking. I also have a strong intuition or gut feeling. Sometimes I've been dreaming things that were true but I didn't know about. I dont believe in psycics but I tend to see patterns that tell me that something have to be a certain way which often shows later to be true. I can't tell how though.

I'm a perfectionist. I stopped being creative altogether for fear of failure. This is my biggest concern in life beacuse creativity is something I need to be happy.

I try to reason my way into decisions but I can never ignore my gut feeling or my hearts desire. If I do, I later come back changing my mind or thinking about it forever (still ruminating about things from when I was 5 years old… Im soon 30).

I'm constantly thinking about the future. I never really think about the past if it is not overthinking any decision I made. I'm not even that sentimental, only nostalgic. I dont care much about traditions, hence why I dont think Im ISFJ. Im constantly planning, and often get stuck in planning and making lists, I wish I could get into the to-do part but it takes another doer to make me do things…. :( I am good at writing in my own language at least (english is not my native language) but often I can't seem to form a sentence when I talk. I can see a picture of putting the dishes in the dishwasher and then tell my boyfriend to put the books in the freezer or something weird like that. I'm extremely clumsy and can't keep the food on the plate. I heard infjs are clumsy.

I hate mess but I hate cleaning up mess more. I'm a minimalist and only own the things I want. I rather save up for something for two years and living without an item rather that buying a cheaper but not perfect option. I get stuck in my head a lot. And it feels like my head is about to explode from all the thinking. I'm also extremely private, too private to even show myself who I am it seems and I really want to write about stuff I care about on social media but I am afraid to do so of fear for saying something stupid.

So, why am I doubting that I am INFJ?

First of: I don't care about people that much. I am not really interested in peoples stories unless these people mean a lot to me. I am a good listener though, that is at least what other people keep telling me. I seem to know what to say to make them feel better or to help them. I work at a hospital (not a nurse, I'm not telling you what my title is, I don't want people to figure out who I am even how small that possibility might be). I have cared about people before, but I am too tired now and just shut my feelings for them down. I don't feel like I am understanding or trying to understand people.

I do not stare. I avoid eye contact at all costs. I can stare at people at the bus, but only til they notice me. In fact I can't gather any information about people by looking at them, they distract me. Other possible INFJ I know stare. I don't.

I'm also quite good at being social in groups I'm familiar with. For example at work. I Like talking, I don't mind saying weirds stuff and I can be quite funny. I took me like two years to get to this point though and I'm still apologizing for my presence in other groups at work, even if they told me to come. I'm not really sad about not having friends either (or maybe, two weeks ago I cried because I didnt know who I would ask to be my maid of honor at my future wedding) which seems to be an infj thing.

I have never door slammed anybody. I have never really been really hurt either I think (still together with my first boyfriend), but there are some cases I could have door slammed someone. I mean, I avoid them If I can, but I dont act like they are nothing if we somehow cross paths. I am really afraid of this door slam thing. What if I'm infj and unconsiously door slam my boyfriend when we are having an argument and never can reverse these feelings? My biggest fear is to stop loving the only person I really love. Which leads me to next reason for doubting being an infj: I have a short temper with the people I love. I can snap at every criticism towards me if it comes from my mom or boyfriend. I cry at my chamber if it comes from anybody else but I can get really mad if those closest to me ctitcize me for some reason. I take it really hard and I cant deal with it, and fight back. In other situations I never show emotions or anger. My co-worker told me last week that she was happy to see me mad for the first time ever after a patient nearly died because a stupid surgeon told him to do things without asking me first. I never show signs of stress even if I am exploding on the inside. But I can yell for hours at the people I love:( This seems to be an ISFJ-thing?

And the last point for now.. I dont feel so special. Other infj I know of are special and people are drawn to them. People say they are special. People remember them and can never get them out of their head. Me? Noone remembers me ever. That infj-girl I didnt want to be compared to I told you about earlier, she is so special people from other parts of the country from other social groups start talking about her for no particular reason without knowing I know her. Not in a good way special they say, but special enough to never forget her. I'm just weird and not special enough to be drawn to or remembered.

Sorry for my very long ramble. I could go on forever. I understand if you don't want to read all this. I just want to belong somewhere and I want to know myself and my feelings. I hope you can help me type me if you don't think I belong here.
Learn the cognitive functions and read about type deeply, and/or pay to take the official test. You can watch videos on cognitive function on Youtube. DaveSuperPowers is a good place to start.

The description of your personality does not sound INFJ, no. If you are not an INFJ you can still sit with us, and you are welcome here, and welcome to stay and explore who you are.

Stat here:

MBTI stacks:


Here is a description of the functions:

Extroverted Intuition (Ne):

Extroverted intuition generates new possibilities, synthesizes abstract ideas and picks up on connections in the external environment. Extroverted intuition is capable of entertaining multiple contradictory ideas simultaneously as it sees almost every side to every situation. It is predominantly a future-oriented function that examines all the possibilities of what could happen next.

People who lead with extroverted intuition are usually excitable, entrepreneurial and highly creative. They intrinsically enjoy debating ideas, exploring various interests and they view almost everything in life as a challenge. They are constantly thinking about what to do or experience next, but have a difficult time sticking with just one idea or plan long-term.

Introverted Intuition (Ni):

Introverted intuition forms a framework of how the world works based on thorough, abstract analysis of past and current events. It aims to identify the ‘essence’ of ideas, theories, people and situations in order to fit them into a larger schema. Introverted intuition is a forward-thinking function that seeks to identify the optimal or most likely outcome of future events.

People who lead with introverted intuition are usually intense, focused and highly perceptive of inconsistencies that arise in their external environment. They enjoy riddles, puzzles and wordplay. They often experience ‘hunches’ or ‘aha’ moments that they may identify as epiphanies. Their intense foresight is a product of their future-oriented introverted intuition subtly pairing with their inferior extroverted sensing.

Extroverted Sensing (Se):

Extroverted sensing is focused on taking in the world as it exists in the present moment. It is highly in tune with the sights, smells, sounds and general physical stimulus that surrounds it. Extroverted sensing lives and thrives in the moment, more so than any other function.

People who lead with extroverted sensing are often naturally athletic, highly impulsive and enjoy ever-changing stimuli. They place a high value on aesthetics and lust after the ‘finer things in life.’ Extroverted sensors usually aren’t interested in over-analyzing a situation – they simply see what they want and they go for it. These types tend to exude a natural sense of confidence, as they are usually quite sure of who they are and what they want.

Introverted Sensing (Si):

Introverted sensing is a detail-oriented, information storage function. It takes note of facts, events and occurrences exactly as they happen and categorizes them, somewhat like an internal filing system. This is a past-oriented function that dwells predominantly on what has been and it often gives way to nostalgia.

People who lead with introverted sensing are organized and structured, as they believe in being prepared for any potential mishap. They hold tradition in high esteem and believe that the tried and true method is always the best way of getting things done. Introverted sensors believe that the future will repeat the past, more so than any other type.

Judging/Decision-Making Functions:

Introverted Feeling (Fi):

Introverted feeling is the in-depth analysis of emotional processes and morality. It seeks to break down emotions to their core and understand them as wholly as possible. It also develops a strong internal system of right and wrong, which the Fi user employs to make decisions. Introverted feeling searches for the deeper meaning behind absolutely everything. Introverted feelers are highly aware of and in touch with their own emotions, and when they put themselves in the shoes of others, they can often feel their pain or joy on a personal level.

People who lead with introverted feeling are compassionate, analytical and often highly concerned with moral issues. They are usually highly creative or artistic, and may feel as though nobody else truly understands who they are deep down. Because their feelings are introverted, Fi-dominant types aren’t always comfortable expressing how they feel outwardly. They have a rich inner world that they want to guard and yet they often secretly wish that others were capable of tapping into it.

Extroverted Feeling (Fe):

Extroverted feeling is highly concerned with maintaining social norms and keeping the peace. It is a decision-making function that strives to do what is best for the group and picks up naturally on the emotions of others. It is a mirroring function that may cause the user to have trouble deciphering their own feelings without the input of others. Extroverted feeling requires social interaction to stay fulfilled, more so than any other function.

People who lead with extroverted feeling are highly reactive to the feelings of others. They seek out social interaction relentlessly, as they feel the happiest and most alive when they are in the company of loved ones. They seek to maintain harmony and keep the peace at all costs – they cannot fully enjoy themselves unless the people around them are healthy, happy and comfortable.

Extroverted Thinking (Te):

Extroverted thinking seeks to impose order on the external environment as efficiently and logically as possible. It values productivity above all else and is a results-based, action-oriented function. Extroverted thinking naturally implements concrete plans for accomplishing goals and is quick to make decisions.

People who lead with extroverted thinking are frank, decisive and highly productive in every capacity. They are natural leaders in the workplace as they are quick to take charge and impose order. Dominant extroverted thinkers may come across as bossy or opinionated to those who lack the function, but in reality they are simply pointing out what they believe to be the most efficient course of action for everyone involved.

Introverted Thinking (Ti):

Introverted thinking is an information-gathering function that seeks to form a framework for how the world works on a concrete, tangible level. It is adept at understanding systems and naturally notices inconsistencies within them. Introverted thinking seeks a thorough understanding of how things work – it wants to deconstruct things to look at the individual parts and see how things function as a whole.

People who lead with introverted thinking are logical, systematic and objective to a fault. They enjoy finding ‘short-cuts’ that increase efficiency within a given system. Ti-dominants are often heavily introverted, as they take a great deal of time to understand how things work before they feel comfortable sharing or acting on their knowledge.

Which type uses which functions?
It is important to note that you cannot pick and choose cognitive functions: They work in specific groups, some of which are mutually exclusive. For example, you cannot have extroverted feeling AND introverted feeling: You have one or the other.

Also, the order in which you use each function is incredibly important. While looking at the types, think of which functions you use all the time, which you use some of the time, and which you rarely use. You may not even notice yourself using your third and fourth functions on a regular basis, so it’s best to identify which two functions you use most regularly.

How do I know what order I use my functions in?

It can be confusing trying to figure this out. We’re often more aware of our second function than our first, as we are somewhat removed from our second function and can see it more objectively.

Think of it like this: You are in a swimming pool and your first (or “dominant”) function is the water. It’s everywhere. It’s what you do without thinking about it. It’s your natural first impulse to every situation – it comes to you so naturally that you may not even notice yourself using it.

Your second function (known as your auxiliary function) is like the ladder, or the waterslide. To an extent, you can choose to use it or not use it. You are very aware of its presence. You can’t make it go away, but you can temporarily ignore it. You have to swim through the water to get there.

Your third and fourth functions (Or your “tertiary” and “inferior” functions) are less accessible to you, as you may not fully develop them until you are nearing middle age.

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Don't worry about the base descriptions. They're meant to make every type as good as they can look. Once you really start looking into your alledged type, you'll see more on the nature of that type, and eventually you'll be able to determine if it's really accurate or not. That aside, nobody really fits perfectly into the types.

When I first took the test, I got ISFP, but consistently typed as INFP after that. I learned more, and realized that I'm an INFJ. I've had people type me as several different things. Eventually, a good friend suggested that I might be ENFJ. I looked into that, and found that I go to and from INFJ and ENFJ.

My point is, I think you're INFJ enough for now.


What Asa said.
Hi, I'm new here, I made a little presentation in the presentation section but I need your help so please bear with me. Sorry if this thread don't belong here!

This past summer I got into the mbti-typing thing after a co-worker brought it up at a lunch break. We all took a test(16personalities) and I came out as an ISFJ. I read the description and felt it was somewhat accurate, especially the good memory part and wanting to help people. However I didnt feel that it was mind-blowing accurate and I felt that it was a description of a person way better than me. I took the test again and got INFJ this time but again, they were describing a better person than me. I called the mbti out as bullshit and forgot about it til a close friend of mine told me I had to do it again. This time I got all weird results that wasnt accurate at all but repeatedly got INFJ between other types, at this point I had learnt that a person I didn't want to be compared to was typed as INFJ (at least according to herself) and I was telling myself I'm not INFJ so I didnt read any further than i had done initially. I didnt think I was a ”special snowflake” either so I probably wasnt a infj, only weird in my own way. I thought about this for two weeks straight to that point I sat down with several tests for hours upon hours, writing down scenarios to help me getting the right answer and I got INFJ on all those except one (INFP). I started to truly read up on this type and some things really made sense, I felt so relieved I could cry. Some things I didn't or don't really recognize in me though so I still, many weeks after this, I am afraid that I'm mistyped and none of the 16 types are my type.

So, who am I? As a kid I was this super shy, perfectionist dreamer who could rage if the shoe on the princess I painted didn't come out right. I was super into stories and I was often told I had a wild imagination. I'm an atheist and has always been but I went to bible school only to listen to the ”stories” (sorry if I offend someone, I don't mean to) I cared a lot about people and their feelings, I let them win in games so they would be happy and I would feel the pain they felt. I cried for weeks when my friends parents got a divorce. I was an outsider in daycare, even my own relatives would bully me for being weird. I can't remember how I was weird, but I couldnt really socialize and I felt really lonely and had anxiety every morning. My best friend was an 80 year lady who told me every day I would grew up to become a world leader and help the world become a better place, lol. I loved listening to her stories about how life was back when she was young.

Later as an older kid, the people in my class and my ”friends” started saying things like ”I love you” and hug each other. I couldn't. I couldnt stand being touched and I would never lie about loving someone. H*ck I have a hard time telling my parents I love them! All the other girls had boyfriends too, I off course didn't.

I never told my one best friend about any of my crushes and I never told or showed my crushes either. I remember once I was at a party with my crush at that point and he was polite and tried to talk to me but I looked all weird and blurted out ”are you talking to me” (yeah of course you idiot he is lookin straight at you!) and some other nonsense and I'm still thinking about that embarrasing moment today 15 years later.

I'm totally sure i'm an introvert, no questions about it. I do think I have Ni. I'm fairly new to this so I'm not sure what all these mean though, sorry if I'm saying anything wrong. I do feel other peoples emotions, especially people i'm close to, but also others. Once I had to leave a room with a patient because I was feeling a panic attack coming for no reason (I never panic) until I got back and my patient told me she had to leave because she was panicking. I also have a strong intuition or gut feeling. Sometimes I've been dreaming things that were true but I didn't know about. I dont believe in psycics but I tend to see patterns that tell me that something have to be a certain way which often shows later to be true. I can't tell how though.

I'm a perfectionist. I stopped being creative altogether for fear of failure. This is my biggest concern in life beacuse creativity is something I need to be happy.

I try to reason my way into decisions but I can never ignore my gut feeling or my hearts desire. If I do, I later come back changing my mind or thinking about it forever (still ruminating about things from when I was 5 years old… Im soon 30).

I'm constantly thinking about the future. I never really think about the past if it is not overthinking any decision I made. I'm not even that sentimental, only nostalgic. I dont care much about traditions, hence why I dont think Im ISFJ. Im constantly planning, and often get stuck in planning and making lists, I wish I could get into the to-do part but it takes another doer to make me do things…. :( I am good at writing in my own language at least (english is not my native language) but often I can't seem to form a sentence when I talk. I can see a picture of putting the dishes in the dishwasher and then tell my boyfriend to put the books in the freezer or something weird like that. I'm extremely clumsy and can't keep the food on the plate. I heard infjs are clumsy.

I hate mess but I hate cleaning up mess more. I'm a minimalist and only own the things I want. I rather save up for something for two years and living without an item rather that buying a cheaper but not perfect option. I get stuck in my head a lot. And it feels like my head is about to explode from all the thinking. I'm also extremely private, too private to even show myself who I am it seems and I really want to write about stuff I care about on social media but I am afraid to do so of fear for saying something stupid.

So, why am I doubting that I am INFJ?

First of: I don't care about people that much. I am not really interested in peoples stories unless these people mean a lot to me. I am a good listener though, that is at least what other people keep telling me. I seem to know what to say to make them feel better or to help them. I work at a hospital (not a nurse, I'm not telling you what my title is, I don't want people to figure out who I am even how small that possibility might be). I have cared about people before, but I am too tired now and just shut my feelings for them down. I don't feel like I am understanding or trying to understand people.

I do not stare. I avoid eye contact at all costs. I can stare at people at the bus, but only til they notice me. In fact I can't gather any information about people by looking at them, they distract me. Other possible INFJ I know stare. I don't.

I'm also quite good at being social in groups I'm familiar with. For example at work. I Like talking, I don't mind saying weirds stuff and I can be quite funny. I took me like two years to get to this point though and I'm still apologizing for my presence in other groups at work, even if they told me to come. I'm not really sad about not having friends either (or maybe, two weeks ago I cried because I didnt know who I would ask to be my maid of honor at my future wedding) which seems to be an infj thing.

I have never door slammed anybody. I have never really been really hurt either I think (still together with my first boyfriend), but there are some cases I could have door slammed someone. I mean, I avoid them If I can, but I dont act like they are nothing if we somehow cross paths. I am really afraid of this door slam thing. What if I'm infj and unconsiously door slam my boyfriend when we are having an argument and never can reverse these feelings? My biggest fear is to stop loving the only person I really love. Which leads me to next reason for doubting being an infj: I have a short temper with the people I love. I can snap at every criticism towards me if it comes from my mom or boyfriend. I cry at my chamber if it comes from anybody else but I can get really mad if those closest to me ctitcize me for some reason. I take it really hard and I cant deal with it, and fight back. In other situations I never show emotions or anger. My co-worker told me last week that she was happy to see me mad for the first time ever after a patient nearly died because a stupid surgeon told him to do things without asking me first. I never show signs of stress even if I am exploding on the inside. But I can yell for hours at the people I love:( This seems to be an ISFJ-thing?

And the last point for now.. I dont feel so special. Other infj I know of are special and people are drawn to them. People say they are special. People remember them and can never get them out of their head. Me? Noone remembers me ever. That infj-girl I didnt want to be compared to I told you about earlier, she is so special people from other parts of the country from other social groups start talking about her for no particular reason without knowing I know her. Not in a good way special they say, but special enough to never forget her. I'm just weird and not special enough to be drawn to or remembered.

Sorry for my very long ramble. I could go on forever. I understand if you don't want to read all this. I just want to belong somewhere and I want to know myself and my feelings. I hope you can help me type me if you don't think I belong here.
I don't doubt people's types unless they clearly show signs of being not the type they claim to be (at all). But I can only recommend to look at the cognitive functions and stacking (the system descriptions vary between sources though).
You know, when I first read the descriptions, I also was very unsure, but I had a feeling of rightness - not because of the snowflake stuff or because of how angelically they were described to be, but because of their flaws. If you are honest with your flaws, and you seem to be, then I have no doubt that you can find it.

All types are welcome here, so even if you turn out not to be an INFJ you are free to stay :)
I don't doubt people's types unless they clearly show signs of being not the type they claim to be (at all). But I can only recommend to look at the cognitive functions and stacking (the system descriptions vary between sources though).
You know, when I first read the descriptions, I also was very unsure, but I had a feeling of rightness - not because of the snowflake stuff or because of how angelically they were described to be, but because of their flaws. If you are honest with your flaws, and you seem to be, then I have no doubt that you can find it.

All types are welcome here, so even if you turn out not to be an INFJ you are free to stay :)
I'm with Ginny on this: if you really would like to find out more about 'your type', then only you can decide. You know yourself better than anyone else, so don't let others try to tell you that you're this or that type if it doesn't feel right. Having said that, though, others will undoubtedly know more about MBTI than you, so don't be afraid to listen to what they say; just make sure that you remain the final judge.

Also bear in mind that MBTI is not science, it's just a speculative model of personality that a lot of people seem to benefit from in terms of self-knowledge. Don't take it too seriously. I say this because I used to test as INFJ and the descriptions were revelatory to me; I felt a great sense of relief and acceptance that I could be my 'true self'. However, this was doubted, and now I have to say that I'm INTJ - I'm not 'just saying' that I'm INTJ, but I think I probably am, its just that I do not want to be this type. Being this type feels bad if I think about it too much - it's like my true self is hidden once again, and not because I'm not INTJ, but because of the limitations inherent in the system. So yeah, just be careful.

I like INFJs, and the people here are great, but INFJs are not special. They're just people like everybody else, and no cognitive function implies 'good' or 'bad'.

So as to your description of yourself, do I think you sound like an INFJ? Yes, but that's because I don't think there's anything particularly 'special' about INFJs. You fit a lot of the criteria. You will (or may) find that the 'bar' for 'being INFJ' is set a lot higher than for other types, simply because people seem to think that it's the rarest type and so they err on the side of caution. For your sake, though, I would investigate Ni first, and see if you can relate.
I like INFJs, and the people here are great, but INFJs are not special. They're just people like everybody else, and no cognitive function implies 'good' or 'bad'.

I absolutely agree with this. I don't think feeling special is a sign that a person is an INFJ (or isn't), either.
A warning -- there is no 'one' definition of the cognitive functions. The original idea of Jung was that there are 4 functions and they lead to different types in introverts and extraverts. Isabel Myers controversially seemed to diverge from Jung in emphasizing the attitude of the auxiliary differs from that of the dominant. Socionists have still yet another idea. The gist is that I'd be VERY cautious about someone retyping you on grounds that 'you'd get it if you *just* understand the functions' -- there's no one notion of functions, so you'll have to ask each individual to spell out his/her theoretical commitments directly.

Another warning -- the idea that the test results of the official MBTI map onto cogintive functions is extraordinarily challenged and probably false. The official MBTI correlates fairly closely to the Big 5, and I'd say the functions are relatively more philosophical ideas than the Big 5 covers.

This is the sort of thing I wasn't aware of as a newcomer, and it was very disruptive to my learning.
Oh yeah, corollary of the Big 5 correlate is that the MBTI test should be interpreted as 4 continuous dimensions, not genuine dichotomies. It is common even in continuous dimension theory to call the two directions by some title like Neurotic/Calm, but the presence of those opposites is conceptual, not empirical: that is, it's not to say you are EITHER Neurotic or Calm, but rather that there needs to be an either/or conceptual/logical distinction.

It does become basically random bullshit if you treat it as empirical dichotomies.
Oh yeah, corollary of the Big 5 correlate is that the MBTI test should be interpreted as 4 continuous dimensions, not genuine dichotomies. It is common even in continuous dimension theory to call the two directions by some title like Neurotic/Calm, but the presence of those opposites is conceptual, not empirical: that is, it's not to say you are EITHER Neurotic or Calm, but rather that there needs to be an either/or conceptual/logical distinction.

It does become basically random bullshit if you treat it as empirical dichotomies.
The problem is that MBTI must treat these properties as true dichotomies for the whole thing to make any sense, which for me is one of its many major failings, as I'm sure you agree.
Deleted member 16771 said:
The problem is that MBTI must treat these properties as true dichotomies for the whole thing to make any sense, which for me is one of its many major failings, as I'm sure you agree.

So I'm pretty sure you'll find 'officially trained' (e.g. MBTI-certified) people be pretty adamant about the dichotomies being actual ones... and it's probably central to various castles of cards built by some of them. If that's what you mean, sure definitely!

The basic thing though is it's almost hilariously irrelevant to what the test is -- the test's construction is not unlike that of Big 5 inventories or other psychometric instruments, i.e. I don't get the sense the test construction itself suggests dichotomies at all.
Just to add a bit, the test construction might be (haven't found resources on this, but plausibly) suggestive of the 'official' foundation's bias to dichotomies, in that unlike, say many Big 5 inventories, the answer choices aren't implemented in Likert scale form with a range from "strongly agree" to "strongly disagree" or similarly.

But even so, if we're focused not on what the official policy may or may not be, and what the test "ought" to be empirically interpreted as getting at, there's still stuff like the capacity for marking *more* introvert best-fit items than extravert ones, and this is the sort of thing that should correlate with degree. (After all, even the Big 5 often implements the dimensions with facets, consisting of different subvarieties of a dimension, and being high in several of them is usually correlated with being high in the overall dimension).

The premise of virtually all these instruments is that they have items (the questions) and subjects' responses to those, and they measure which responses tend to cluster together (in other words, the questions corresponding to a given scale).
The idea is that a variety of items reasonably approximates one's placement in the overall dimension (akin to how getting a variety of questions right on an intelligence test may correlate with general intelligence, vs just getting a few random ones).

Also the test content -- the questions on an E/I version of MBTI seem like they could literally appear on the corresponding Big 5 inventory.

Anyway hope that helps iron out the various angles a bit...
Thank you for your replies! so sorry for not responding sooner.. I've been reading all the comments and deep into the cognitive functions as well as invited those near me to give their input.

At first I read up briefly on the functions, even extended my reading to the extraverted functions as I learnt I could possibly be an EXXX but still consider myself introverted. I learnt I couldnt type myself using only the letters which I thought in the beginning. At first I read the descriptions thinking I used Introverted intuition, Introverted thinking, introverted feeling and Introverted thinking only to learn that was impossible. Since I seem rather concerned with doing things that make me feel good I believed I was an Introverted feeler who felt good making other people happy therefore seeming like I used extraverted feeling. The Intuition function felt way too abstract for me to really understand so I couldnt really tell if I used Ni or Ne. I thought I therefore might be INFP (wouldnt consider myself spontaneous at all though) which interestingly is quite the opposite to an INFJ. Once again, couldnt really recognize myself in the description. I asked my boyfriend who had a lot of interesting thoughts to share (He is INTP we think). He said that he didn't think I was INFP at all. He was dead sure I was an extroverted feeler as one of the main functions. He tested me as ISFJ (again 16 personalities with 52% towards S). He agreed that the description doesn't at all sound like me though and I myself are quite sure that I'm not using introverted sensing as it is described (However I DO like discussing practical matters as well as theories). After reading Psychology junkies ”10 signs you might be...” I once again leaned towards Ni. However as someone stated here it seems to be hard to determine the main function. I thought it was quite obvious to connect meanings and patterns to things. I mean, doesn't everybody do that? I guess not but how does ones mind work without that?

So back to the conversation with my boyfriend (he has known me for a decade). I told him I initially had suspected I was INFJ but that I couldnt Identify with some things (those I wrote in my first post). I told him about the stare and he responded with ”well you stare at me all the time. I know more intense starers than you for sure but you stare at people as long as they don't look directly at you”. Then I told him about the doorslam and he responded ”LOL sorry if I sound unsensitive but dear you have never been hurt for real” and that is true, what else can I say? I also said that INFJs supposedly are patient and not hot tempered like I am and to that he said ”what? Should you be hot-tempered? When you sense an argument is coming you run away hiding in bed or lock yourself into the bathroom, I find it frustrating as I HAVE to talk about the issue so I wont let you hide. You can't handle being critized though so you run away crying and that is why we fight when we fight because I honestly find your response so childish. Then when you finally respond to me (in an argument) you can't keep your cool and you literally tear me apart to the point I'm crying like a little baby. Then you cry everybody cry and you forgive me and I forgive you". (This is interesting for me to hear because we rarely talk about our fights unless we fight. It was a good talk for sure (and so you all know, it IS really childish of me to respond that way to the critique he is giving me, he is always right about what he is saying and I know it deep down, he can be quite unsensitive though, maybe an INTP thing?))

The one about me not being sad about being lonely all the time, to that he said ”You are basically never alone though, I'm always here and you have a lot of coworkers to entertain all day, back in the day when we didn't live together you had a very hard time being alone for an extended amount of time”. Which, again, is true. I guess I don't know myself so well.

So back to the cognitive functions.. I'm probably an extroverted feeler given my unability to figure out my own feelings and because I seem to check every box. I just think I am too self absorbed to be one but my friends and family doesn't seem to agree. I am defintiely using Ti over Te. The S is harder for me to know since I have a good memory for faces and people to the point I have to hide it to not seem creepy, but I'm a rule breaker, a hater of mundane tasks and easily get bored with routine and structure, I'm quite chaotic in my way of doing things despite being a planner and I'm not that traditional. I like to go my own way and find new ways. I do feel like the Ni is quite obvious but I don't check every box there either (Like I don't theorize over the world THAT much I already have my mind set on what I believe and as I said I like both theoretical and practical discussions as long as it is something I'm interested in). So since I could have either Si or Ni as main function I have to look further. The least developed function might be Se or Ne depending on which one I might be (INFJ or ISFJ) and I get confused by this as well. It seems like I should look at how I react in times of stress and I do worry a lot about worst case scenarios while gaining a lot of weight and start using tobacco again. When I was younger I could drink myself unconcious but I don't really drink these days. Once again it seem like I could fit both (I'm using this site /infj). However on there I lean more towards the Ni description over Si as the main function and I did actually think that the brain worked like the description of Ni, so maybe thats it

So with everything I have learned the last week and based on the cognitive functions I still think I might be INFJ. Looking at the descriptions I'm INFJ. Due to the rarity of the type I am still wondering if I fit though as I don't have something like the doorslam to prove it. I feel like I take this very seriously. If I should use this as a tool to understand myself I need to do it right, right?

And yes I have considered being an ENFJ as well based on the extroverted feeling. I don't think I am.

Just one last thought.. When I was younger, before experiencing two major burnouts which left me depressed, tired, fat, sick and numb each time (recovered after both) I felt everything more. I could think better and enjoyed thorough discussions about theory of life and the meaning with life and I could empathize more, and I was a lot more interested in people. Nowadays my brain shut down too easily and I don't really have the capacity to empathize with everyone or trying to figure people out. Its like a thick fog is numbing my brain so I can't feel, see or think. This is quite hard for me to look past as this makes me feel like a bad person or a lesser version of me and it can of course affect how I'm typing myself. Ugh why is this so hard?
At first I read the descriptions thinking I used Introverted intuition, Introverted thinking, introverted feeling and Introverted thinking only to learn that was impossible.
Not impossible. Most good typology says (and I endorse this opinion) that we use all functions. Just not to equal preference, development and control.

You can't handle being critized though so you run away crying and that is why we fight when we fight because I honestly find your response so childish. Then when you finally respond to me (in an argument) you can't keep your cool and you literally tear me apart to the point I'm crying like a little baby.
It is said that Te in 7th can handle criticism the least. I tend to agree that we don't like certain kinds of criticism, but yeah, I guess there is too little information to make a definite statement.

he is always right about what he is saying and I know it deep down, he can be quite unsensitive though, maybe an INTP thing?
Yup :D :P But they can also be the sweetest.

The S is harder for me to know since I have a good memory for faces and people to the point I have to hide it to not seem creepy, but I'm a rule breaker, a hater of mundane tasks and easily get bored with routine and structure, I'm quite chaotic in my way of doing things despite being a planner and I'm not that traditional. I like to go my own way and find new ways
Huh, sounds more like Ne or Se to me. Something low Si, for sure.

I do feel like the Ni is quite obvious but I don't check every box there either (Like I don't theorize over the world THAT much I already have my mind set on what I believe and as I said I like both theoretical and practical discussions as long as it is something I'm interested in).
I thought that too. Then I learned what Ni was. And I still can't describe it properly.

It seems like I should look at how I react in times of stress and I do worry a lot about worst case scenarios while gaining a lot of weight and start using tobacco again. When I was younger I could drink myself unconcious but I don't really drink these days.
I heard Si-inferiors are prone to drug abuse. Can't tell for sure if that is true, but most of us INFJs are rather unlikely to go for drugs. You may want to look at that thread, or I can link it if you're interested and can't find it. Maybe you find something you relate to.

And yes I have considered being an ENFJ as well based on the extroverted feeling. I don't think I am.
I believe your Ti is considerably good, better than the average ENFJs.

When I was younger, before experiencing two major burnouts which left me depressed, tired, fat, sick and numb each time (recovered after both) I felt everything more. I could think better and enjoyed thorough discussions about theory of life and the meaning with life and I could empathize more, and I was a lot more interested in people. Nowadays my brain shut down too easily and I don't really have the capacity to empathize with everyone or trying to figure people out. Its like a thick fog is numbing my brain so I can't feel, see or think. This is quite hard for me to look past as this makes me feel like a bad person or a lesser version of me and it can of course affect how I'm typing myself.
It may indicate that those functions are in your shadow, if they are very draining. Which they are I'm not yet sure.

Okay, now I have a few questions which may help you.
  • Do you switch around a lot or are you more focussed on one thing?
  • How do you fare with coming up with ideas? What kind of ideas are they and how do you use them?
  • Do you remember your dreams? If so, what are they about?
Thank you for your replies! so sorry for not responding sooner.. I've been reading all the comments and deep into the cognitive functions as well as invited those near me to give their input.

At first I read up briefly on the functions, even extended my reading to the extraverted functions as I learnt I could possibly be an EXXX but still consider myself introverted. I learnt I couldnt type myself using only the letters which I thought in the beginning. At first I read the descriptions thinking I used Introverted intuition, Introverted thinking, introverted feeling and Introverted thinking only to learn that was impossible. Since I seem rather concerned with doing things that make me feel good I believed I was an Introverted feeler who felt good making other people happy therefore seeming like I used extraverted feeling. The Intuition function felt way too abstract for me to really understand so I couldnt really tell if I used Ni or Ne. I thought I therefore might be INFP (wouldnt consider myself spontaneous at all though) which interestingly is quite the opposite to an INFJ. Once again, couldnt really recognize myself in the description. I asked my boyfriend who had a lot of interesting thoughts to share (He is INTP we think). He said that he didn't think I was INFP at all. He was dead sure I was an extroverted feeler as one of the main functions. He tested me as ISFJ (again 16 personalities with 52% towards S). He agreed that the description doesn't at all sound like me though and I myself are quite sure that I'm not using introverted sensing as it is described (However I DO like discussing practical matters as well as theories). After reading Psychology junkies ”10 signs you might be...” I once again leaned towards Ni. However as someone stated here it seems to be hard to determine the main function. I thought it was quite obvious to connect meanings and patterns to things. I mean, doesn't everybody do that? I guess not but how does ones mind work without that?

So back to the conversation with my boyfriend (he has known me for a decade). I told him I initially had suspected I was INFJ but that I couldnt Identify with some things (those I wrote in my first post). I told him about the stare and he responded with ”well you stare at me all the time. I know more intense starers than you for sure but you stare at people as long as they don't look directly at you”. Then I told him about the doorslam and he responded ”LOL sorry if I sound unsensitive but dear you have never been hurt for real” and that is true, what else can I say? I also said that INFJs supposedly are patient and not hot tempered like I am and to that he said ”what? Should you be hot-tempered? When you sense an argument is coming you run away hiding in bed or lock yourself into the bathroom, I find it frustrating as I HAVE to talk about the issue so I wont let you hide. You can't handle being critized though so you run away crying and that is why we fight when we fight because I honestly find your response so childish. Then when you finally respond to me (in an argument) you can't keep your cool and you literally tear me apart to the point I'm crying like a little baby. Then you cry everybody cry and you forgive me and I forgive you". (This is interesting for me to hear because we rarely talk about our fights unless we fight. It was a good talk for sure (and so you all know, it IS really childish of me to respond that way to the critique he is giving me, he is always right about what he is saying and I know it deep down, he can be quite unsensitive though, maybe an INTP thing?))

The one about me not being sad about being lonely all the time, to that he said ”You are basically never alone though, I'm always here and you have a lot of coworkers to entertain all day, back in the day when we didn't live together you had a very hard time being alone for an extended amount of time”. Which, again, is true. I guess I don't know myself so well.

So back to the cognitive functions.. I'm probably an extroverted feeler given my unability to figure out my own feelings and because I seem to check every box. I just think I am too self absorbed to be one but my friends and family doesn't seem to agree. I am defintiely using Ti over Te. The S is harder for me to know since I have a good memory for faces and people to the point I have to hide it to not seem creepy, but I'm a rule breaker, a hater of mundane tasks and easily get bored with routine and structure, I'm quite chaotic in my way of doing things despite being a planner and I'm not that traditional. I like to go my own way and find new ways. I do feel like the Ni is quite obvious but I don't check every box there either (Like I don't theorize over the world THAT much I already have my mind set on what I believe and as I said I like both theoretical and practical discussions as long as it is something I'm interested in). So since I could have either Si or Ni as main function I have to look further. The least developed function might be Se or Ne depending on which one I might be (INFJ or ISFJ) and I get confused by this as well. It seems like I should look at how I react in times of stress and I do worry a lot about worst case scenarios while gaining a lot of weight and start using tobacco again. When I was younger I could drink myself unconcious but I don't really drink these days. Once again it seem like I could fit both (I'm using this site /infj). However on there I lean more towards the Ni description over Si as the main function and I did actually think that the brain worked like the description of Ni, so maybe thats it

So with everything I have learned the last week and based on the cognitive functions I still think I might be INFJ. Looking at the descriptions I'm INFJ. Due to the rarity of the type I am still wondering if I fit though as I don't have something like the doorslam to prove it. I feel like I take this very seriously. If I should use this as a tool to understand myself I need to do it right, right?

And yes I have considered being an ENFJ as well based on the extroverted feeling. I don't think I am.

Just one last thought.. When I was younger, before experiencing two major burnouts which left me depressed, tired, fat, sick and numb each time (recovered after both) I felt everything more. I could think better and enjoyed thorough discussions about theory of life and the meaning with life and I could empathize more, and I was a lot more interested in people. Nowadays my brain shut down too easily and I don't really have the capacity to empathize with everyone or trying to figure people out. Its like a thick fog is numbing my brain so I can't feel, see or think. This is quite hard for me to look past as this makes me feel like a bad person or a lesser version of me and it can of course affect how I'm typing myself. Ugh why is this so hard?
Following your journey is really interesting, and I wish you the best of luck, but I don't have much to add at this point because...

Again, I agree with what Ginny says (I may as well just hot key that sentence today).

However, a weird thing struck me, and that's the fact that I don't think I've come across an INFJ that was entirely content, so some of what you said seemed uncharacteristic. They all seem to be angsty in at least some sense, which I recognise myself as INTJ. They mostly seem to have gone through spiritual struggles and will have felt loneliness at some point in their lives.
However, a weird thing struck me, and that's the fact that I don't think I've come across an INFJ that was entirely content, so some of what you said seemed uncharacteristic. They all seem to be angsty in at least some sense, which I recognise myself as INTJ. They mostly seem to have gone through spiritual struggles and will have felt loneliness at some point in their lives.

Harmoniously discordant
I don't seem to know how to quote and I'm in a hurry right now so excuse the structure! (I've been typing answers in my phone notebook all day)

Ok so the questions:
1.With interests I'm focused on one thing at a time, sometimes for years. I do a lot better if I can focus on one thing at a time. When I have a test coming up I cant read a book or see a movie, I just study or procrastinate by watching youtube or other easily digested media.

At work I cant really work like this, i have to be flexible, I need to see at least 4 patients daily, call a few others, read and answer emails and read articles and people disturb me all the time with new things to deal with. I feel like my brain is about to explode. I have come up with a system where I clump together tasks like meeting 4 patients in a row, then write their journals then make my phonecalls. I shouldnt do it like this but I find it hard to switch back and forth between tasks. When I have time I get so bored so I dont tend to focus very well on the task Im doing anyway but find myself thinking about other things Im interested in instead.

I feel overwhelmed when I have to do many things at the same time.

However inside the one thing I focus on I can be rather chaotic in my approach, reading here, writing there, searching and thinking about many things at the same time, I have a journal to help me separate my thoughts and feelings and I write almost everything down.

Also.. I said I hate mundane tasks, I do but I like when I can combine it with listening to podcasts or music and I sometimes prefer those to the tasks where I have to think, like writing patients journals (I write basically the same everyday but I have to be present while I do it).

2. When it comes to my own original ideas they come either when I take my walks or are in bed ready to sleep. The ideas off course vary, they can be about what to mealprep for lunch, photography plans, things to experience or try or buy, what I should do with my life or things I can offer to others through my side business. I often feel like the internet block this function though, many ideas come from others when it comes to how to decorate at home or wear. I do however feel like I am early with trends, like I really want something and it is impossible to find, I have sometimes sewn my own clothes only to find the stores flooded with similar items a year or two later. I got interested in a certain building technique and interior decoration style ten years ago, people thought I was crazy, I bought a house and still work on that in the same style and technique today but this has been a major trend the last couple of years, big magazines write about it and people are suddenly jealous of me despite laughing me in the face five years ago. I also got very into both minimalism and meditation long before it was trendy. This is frustrating as I sort of want to be original, haha.

I don't really understand what you mean by how I use the ideas? I mean some times I follow them, sometimes i decide they are not worth the effort, sometimes I spend two years researching them deeper, it depends:)

3.I rarely remember my dreams to be honest. Sometimes they are so weird they are hard to explain, sometimes I just dream about what I've been thinking about all day. I know three dreams that come back regularly though, in one I travel by using a big slingback, in one I am stressed to death because I have to go to a flight but forgot to pack in time and in the third i revisit a place I've been to (often abroad) but I see the place from above almost like a map and it is always destroyed in some way, like lava running down the streets or everything is flooded or burning.

This night though I dreamt I missed the train and had to stay over at some guy who wasnt home. His place was neatly organized and then there was a party and there was living toys on the table (plastic dinosaurs and snakes and talking Lego figures) an old friend was there and I lived in the apartment upstairs all of a sudden.

When it come to spirituality I'm not sure what counts and not. I'm raised in a secular home, we went to church for weddings, that was it. I was an alternative teenager interested in wicca, paganism and occultism, however I later come to term with believing everything in this world is connected physically and I also find it beautiful that we die and our bodies nurture the soil to grow new life. I sometimes believe everything may be connected spiritually in a physical way I cant explain. Maybe agnostic is the right word, however I do think it one day can be scientifically explained, no hocus pocus. I dont follow any belief systems or religions and I dont believe in one almighty power or purpose for everything. However I do struggle with life and decisions because I'm truly worried about the future of this planet. I dont know If I should get kids because I'm worried about what life they or their children will get on this planet but if I dont get kids I feel like I have no purpose and that kills me as well. Saying I'm content would be a lie, but my country is very secular and I only know three people who are actually believing christians.

When I was nine I saw a tv program about universe and this planet, they said one day in a thousand years or so this planet wont be livable and human will likely not exist and I got really depressed even though they said this was thousands of years in the future. I still think about this.

Once again, thank you all for helping me! this is fun, but hard!
I don't seem to know how to quote and I'm in a hurry right now so excuse the structure! (I've been typing answers in my phone notebook all day)

Ok so the questions:
1.With interests I'm focused on one thing at a time, sometimes for years. I do a lot better if I can focus on one thing at a time. When I have a test coming up I cant read a book or see a movie, I just study or procrastinate by watching youtube or other easily digested media.

At work I cant really work like this, i have to be flexible, I need to see at least 4 patients daily, call a few others, read and answer emails and read articles and people disturb me all the time with new things to deal with. I feel like my brain is about to explode. I have come up with a system where I clump together tasks like meeting 4 patients in a row, then write their journals then make my phonecalls. I shouldnt do it like this but I find it hard to switch back and forth between tasks. When I have time I get so bored so I dont tend to focus very well on the task Im doing anyway but find myself thinking about other things Im interested in instead.

I feel overwhelmed when I have to do many things at the same time.

However inside the one thing I focus on I can be rather chaotic in my approach, reading here, writing there, searching and thinking about many things at the same time, I have a journal to help me separate my thoughts and feelings and I write almost everything down.

Also.. I said I hate mundane tasks, I do but I like when I can combine it with listening to podcasts or music and I sometimes prefer those to the tasks where I have to think, like writing patients journals (I write basically the same everyday but I have to be present while I do it).

2. When it comes to my own original ideas they come either when I take my walks or are in bed ready to sleep. The ideas off course vary, they can be about what to mealprep for lunch, photography plans, things to experience or try or buy, what I should do with my life or things I can offer to others through my side business. I often feel like the internet block this function though, many ideas come from others when it comes to how to decorate at home or wear. I do however feel like I am early with trends, like I really want something and it is impossible to find, I have sometimes sewn my own clothes only to find the stores flooded with similar items a year or two later. I got interested in a certain building technique and interior decoration style ten years ago, people thought I was crazy, I bought a house and still work on that in the same style and technique today but this has been a major trend the last couple of years, big magazines write about it and people are suddenly jealous of me despite laughing me in the face five years ago. I also got very into both minimalism and meditation long before it was trendy. This is frustrating as I sort of want to be original, haha.

I don't really understand what you mean by how I use the ideas? I mean some times I follow them, sometimes i decide they are not worth the effort, sometimes I spend two years researching them deeper, it depends:)

3.I rarely remember my dreams to be honest. Sometimes they are so weird they are hard to explain, sometimes I just dream about what I've been thinking about all day. I know three dreams that come back regularly though, in one I travel by using a big slingback, in one I am stressed to death because I have to go to a flight but forgot to pack in time and in the third i revisit a place I've been to (often abroad) but I see the place from above almost like a map and it is always destroyed in some way, like lava running down the streets or everything is flooded or burning.

This night though I dreamt I missed the train and had to stay over at some guy who wasnt home. His place was neatly organized and then there was a party and there was living toys on the table (plastic dinosaurs and snakes and talking Lego figures) an old friend was there and I lived in the apartment upstairs all of a sudden.

When it come to spirituality I'm not sure what counts and not. I'm raised in a secular home, we went to church for weddings, that was it. I was an alternative teenager interested in wicca, paganism and occultism, however I later come to term with believing everything in this world is connected physically and I also find it beautiful that we die and our bodies nurture the soil to grow new life. I sometimes believe everything may be connected spiritually in a physical way I cant explain. Maybe agnostic is the right word, however I do think it one day can be scientifically explained, no hocus pocus. I dont follow any belief systems or religions and I dont believe in one almighty power or purpose for everything. However I do struggle with life and decisions because I'm truly worried about the future of this planet. I dont know If I should get kids because I'm worried about what life they or their children will get on this planet but if I dont get kids I feel like I have no purpose and that kills me as well. Saying I'm content would be a lie, but my country is very secular and I only know three people who are actually believing christians.

When I was nine I saw a tv program about universe and this planet, they said one day in a thousand years or so this planet wont be livable and human will likely not exist and I got really depressed even though they said this was thousands of years in the future. I still think about this.

Once again, thank you all for helping me! this is fun, but hard!
I had asked these questions because there were some indicators that you might be an ENTP, if not INFJ. Your late disinterest in people could be an indicator for 7th slot Fi, although it could also mean that your Fi is in 6th and you are likely to use Fe without accessing Fi. You seem very stable in your use of Si, even if it is low in the stack. I theorised either 4th or 8th slot. The questions were meant to ascertain how you use the perceiving functions especially (although the third is rather at a theoretical stage).

To be honest, your answers seem still somewhat ambiguous regarding which functions you use, but the spiritual angle you refered to at the end, and the ideational process in point 2, look fairly like front stack Ni-Se to me. Also the planning and writing things down is more of a habit used by INFJs because they often don't trust their memory in mundane everyday life experiences. That's why I think we need lists for everything :tearsofjoy:. An ENTP is somehow (idk how they do it) always aware of these short/mid-term memory things, although they are equally reluctant to perform them. The way you use it is less a matter of balance than a matter of utility, which has me believe that it's in 8th rather than 4th. What you do seem to use in order to balance is Se, as your description of going for walks and performing chores seems very familiar to me. You need the Se-focussed distraction sometimes to destress and/or to relax your mind enough to regain access to your intuition or alternately to not mind mundane tasks as much as you would otherwise.