jimtaylor , I generally agree with your thoughts and glad to see another person on the boards who read Marx, Descartes and other philosophers.. Good job
I do, however, have a couple of remarks.. Even though money is a powerful force and it shaped our modern state of existence I don't think it's accurate to say that we wouldn't have science / teachers / universities without money. For example druids and shamans of the old rarely made a bank pursuing their professions.. How many writers / painters became acclaimed only sometime after their death? Ultimately, the creative force within a human drives the being. When there's a clear monetary reward for engaging in some sort of activity it could be a driving force (that would result in MTV

) but in reality shouldn't make that much of a difference.
It is hard to tell how things would be if this and that wouldn't happen. . According to our beloved Marx, any utopian (or close to it) society should be built on the per-existing well working infrastructure and can't be done from scratch.. Just look at the October Revolution in Russia and the consequences. Moneys on their own as symbols or wealth are theoretically indeed a very convenient commodity. However, it happens that Money becomes a symbol so important that people are willing to wage wars and kill each other in order to get a hold of more of these abstract embodiments of power. I think that this is wrong..
Plus, it's not always Moneys that drive progressive research towards the betterment of all. Just looking at how much is spent over a year to find cures / treatments for male boldness and erectile dysfunction. If these kinds of resources are instead put to fight hunger or malaria, supply medications to the struggling countries there would be so much more benefit done in general..
Another problem with money I see vs. trading / crafting is that in order to be able to create an item for a trade certain skills need to be in place. Time and efforts spent. . In Capitalism the sums of earned money by the middle-class society are very rarely can be seen the actual parallels to the efforts people spent earning them. Most of the people are employed by corporations, governmental or not, and like any corporation the accumulation of wealth happens at the top by "milking" everything that is bellow. In Capitalism the whole point is to utilize cheaper labor, pay as little as possible to get buy for the growth of the elite to continue. Mind you, modern Scandinavian Socialism I can tolerate much more than the U.S. pseudo-capitalistic democracy. But the historical background, size of the population, religious background et cetera make it clear why the U.S. is not a Socialistic state. Even though it may seem that I am quite negative towards the U.S. System, I am also quite negative towards the Russian System, the state of affairs in the Middle East. . and a whole lot of other issues in the world.
In terms of the society lead by hunters and gatherers. . Just a fact, before Agriculture became the main source of calories people were more slender, stronger, taller and had better teeth. Just because most of the agricultural calories are carbohydrates that we as human beings are still not quite used to, thus diabetes, obesity and other ills that go hand in had with cheaper food. . Perhaps, we as a Human Race could be happier, healthier on average people, maintaining a sustainable existence not unlike the Northern Native Americans before the colonial period. Perhaps, as hunters and gatherers we wouldn't have microprocessors and atomic energy. But that would not necessary make this branch of social and cultural evolution worse in comparison. We would still be able to develop arts, music, languages and philosophy, literature - don't forget long winter days when all a person could do was to keep the fire and share the stories, groom the young, paint the walls, engage in crafts.. At least in the Northern Regions of the world. Southern Regions had their own unique ways to develop as well..
We could be closer with the nature, leading nomadic lifestyles that wouldn't allow genocides and warfare happen on the same scale as what happened during the 20th Century. It is likely that we wouldn't live as long of a life. A long life, though, does not necessary mean a better life, these days it is all about being able to be in control of the material possessions for longer. If we wouldn't develop hard sciences we, probably, wouldn't be able to leave the planet when the Sun gets too cold or a random Black Hole could pass by. Having the beginning and the end of human civilization is nothing wrong in my opinion. Otherwise, the mankind could turn into a Celestial Virus..
Happier / more quality / more in tune with the nature existence could be as valuable on the grand scheme of things and maybe even less torturous and disillusioned than the world we are building now. A quick example, the String Theory, which is supposedly a modern day concept has its roots in Hindu believes and Viking Mythology.. Even though the people of that age couldn't describe what they felt and saw with the precision that is available for us know, it doesn't mean that they lacked any understanding if they lacked ability to express concepts mathematically.
Heh, took me some time before I could attempt to put my thoughts on the subjects above in some more or less connected way.. I probably did fail but at least, I hope, that you are able to see my point of view a little tiny bit better