Answer with a question! (Part 4)

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Have you ever listened to Cher?
Do I have to admit it?
Can I somehow insert something into my brain to remove the last 3 or 4 posts from memory?

Can I somehow insert something into my brain to remove the last 3 or 4 posts from memory?


Eventhorizon, I have just one question for you: Do you believe in life after love?
Eventhorizon, I have just one question for you: Do you believe in life after love? And NEVER another one? Wow, I am getting off easy.

Oh wait, did you just trick me?
Did some dude with a vixen avatar just snooker @eventhorazine?
Does anyone actually ask themselves why or why not today?
Is today more important than tomorrow?
Do you ever stop and wonder what is important?
Do you ever stop?
Do you?
Is there ever a reason to?
If so can you share it with me?
If this is a double question does that mean that you are very serious about this?
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