La Sagna I did it! I'm a butterfly! MBTI INFJ Enneagram 9 May 22, 2014 #2,262 Don't you know that not all science experiments use test tubes?
La Sagna I did it! I'm a butterfly! MBTI INFJ Enneagram 9 May 22, 2014 #2,264 May I suggest perhaps I know how to play better than you do?
A Average Infraction Bin MBTI INFJ May 22, 2014 #2,265 May i suggest that i can teach you play better?
Stu Town Drunkard Donor MBTI . Enneagram . May 22, 2014 #2,266 are some of the rats meaner than other?
La Sagna I did it! I'm a butterfly! MBTI INFJ Enneagram 9 May 22, 2014 #2,268 Can't he be a rat of the West or the South?
A Average Infraction Bin MBTI INFJ May 22, 2014 #2,269 I was just seeing how rat he is....should we make him take a test?
Stu Town Drunkard Donor MBTI . Enneagram . May 22, 2014 #2,272 Isn't there a closeness test on hello cupid?
La Sagna I did it! I'm a butterfly! MBTI INFJ Enneagram 9 May 22, 2014 #2,273 Are we talking about a test to know how close we are to being a rat?
Stu Town Drunkard Donor MBTI . Enneagram . May 23, 2014 #2,277 Are rats genetically closer to bats then we are?
just me Well-known member MBTI infj May 23, 2014 #2,279 You dirty rat. Your brother did it to my brother, and my brother did it to your brother?