Answer with a question! (Part 4)

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isn't that called earth?

Yes, for us simpletons. But some get a high from these oxygen bars. Could bacon flavored oxygen even be healthy??
If it's not pink on the inside, did someone cook your pig? yummie
What internal temperature does pork need to reach to be safe to eat?
Will a good porking raise the pink's temperature?
Doesn't hot coals raise the temperature of the thickest part of the meat to 170-176 degrees? Would that count as a good porking?
Am I blushing?
I don't know. Is your pink showing?

Is pink only for girls?
You mean like "men" with a "wo" in front of it?
We're not supposed to show our pink, now are we?
Can you not make a lot of money showing your pink?
I can think?
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