Answer with a question! (Part 4)

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Wouldn't the Secret Service nix this because it would be difficult to protect the President in the deep dark forest?
Is the problem in the forest, or in the music?
Or in the President?
Who does the president work for?
Who does the president work for?

Is it this guy?
Is that the next executive order hes handing over?
Is false advertising legal?
Is it illegal legal?
Wasn't it Grandmaster Awesome the One?
Isn't he just one in a long line of subjective decision makers claiming clear objectivity?
Is objectivity ever really clear?
I thought we now saw through a glass, dimly; right?
If I don't understand your question does that mean that I am dim-witted?
Does it mean the question is dimly lighted?
could it be both?
Are you saying that it is dimly 'lighted' and I am dim-witted?
are you fishing for a compliment?
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