Answer with a question! (Part 4)

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Maybe, but why doesn't he look into your eyes instead of at your tail??
Can you do that from behind?
Do I look like a dog?
I step out for a minuet and you are all playing in the gutter?
Is that what you call IT?
You stepped out for a minuet? is that a hobby of yours?
don't you think my hobbies would be more interesting than that?
Is one of your combined hobbies ignoring other peoples posts?
Are you talking about IT?
don't you mean "it"?
Is that the one about the clown?
The one that was a great story but horrible movie?
Is there ever a movie that is even close to as good as the book?
You mean a movie with nothing but words?
Wouldn't we have to read or look at "it" with our eyes, as in front?
Are we back to that?
Whose exactly is "we?"
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