Answer with a question! (Part 4)

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what do you normally do to get a man to flirt with you?
Would you believe me if I told you that all I have to do is smile?
even with your berka on?
Isn't it all about the eyes?
are you rhyming or questioning magnitude?
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Should I rhyme out a platitude?
don't you want to say things here you don't say in real life?
Things that would have people look at me in disbelief as to what just came out of my mouth?
things that you have no idea where they have been?
Do you know how many totally innapropriate things pop into my head all the time and people have no idea, thinking that I'm this prim and proper lady?
You mean you're a slut wanna be?
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Or a lady in the street and a freak in the bed?
A bed on the street with a lady in it?
That's a little too public for an introvert don't you think?
Doesnt that depend on where the street is?
Are you aware of a street with walls and a roof?
Do you need to be aware of something in order for it to exist?
How would you know if it exists then?
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