Answer with a question! (Part 4)

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Does it make a difference if YOU know?
What if I tell you I require proof to believe?
what if the difference between proof and belief was not a requirement?
What is a requirement for belief?
submission to transcendence?
Could we just say submission of reason?
Isn't the submission of reason to the irrational the crux of humanity?
Is this because humans are deeply flawed irrational beings?
why is irrationality considered on par with deeply flawed?
Is it because humans are not rational creatures but rather creatures capable of rational thought?
Is it not a flaw to be capable or rationality but to behave irrationally?
isn't the repression of irrational emotions the key to constipation?
isn't the repression of irrational emotions the key to constipation?

could it not arguably be the cause of the opposite effect also as repressed emotions affect the gut?
The key or the cause?
We suppress with our flaws.
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is constipation really a flaw or are the constipated an evolutionary improvement?
Are you telling us that you are constipated?
Why constipate when one can regulate?
To regulate, or not to regulate?
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