Answer with a question! (Part 4)

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It seems that the american (US) people are now tiring of war...doesn't it?

What is this topic even about anymore...?
Doesn't it exhaust you reading people?
Do we use reading books as an escape from the real world?
Do not some use books to learn of the world?
Can a book compete with real-world experience?
Would it depend on how well it was written?
are there too many well written pieces of trash in this world?
Can you give an example of a well written piece of trash?
Wouldn't one need to start looking in the trash?
do all pieces of trash end up in the trash?
How many pieces of paper get shredded and burned?
Is burning garbage good or bad?
Is there plastic in the garbage?
Does that matter?
Doesnt it if you burn it?
Will it cause air polution?
Yes, wouldnt that be a reason it would in fact matter?
is this now "Answer with a question you know the answer to!"?
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