Answer with a question! (Part 4)

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Isn't that a judgement call?
Can a judgemental judge have judicial objectivity?
Wouldn't she have to consider her subjective influence on her perception when considering the objective reality?
Can I tell you that I liked your use of 'she' instead of 'he' in your question?
Is that because you're a man hater?
Would it make me more of a woman hater if I were to admit that I probably would have used 'he' if I had written that question?
Is that like a sentence without capitalization?
Isn't self hatred the basis of self love?
Isn't loneliness the basis for self love? ;)
What does a wink usually mean?
Like a log?
What do winks and logs have in common?
If you are ignoring the log in your own eye might it not cause you to wink?
Don't lumberjacks wink from the sawdust that gets in their eye after cutting a tree down and turning it into a log?
Aren't they crying over the arborage?
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