Answer with a question! (Part 4)

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Is that prudent?
Are you afraid they'll chop you down?
So exercising prudence is showing fear?
Did Prudence need exercise?
Is that why she did not come out to play?
Do you think she never did answer the call to come out to play?
Would you have answered that call?
Can I come out to play now?
Are you a house?
Are we playing "guess what I am"?
So, can you guess?
If I guess Dr. Seuss would I have been right?
Isn't it more fun to not know and project than to know and be dissapointed?
Isnt disappointment dependent only on the eye of the beholder?
If you have a dependency beholder disorder would you be better off on medication?
Can we say that most people in the world wouldn't be better off medicated to some extent?
If we say it, will you take your medication?
Can medication help stave off disappointment?
Cant medication help stave off everything to include but not limited to life itself?
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