Answer with a question! (Part 4)

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Aren't they both?
Are you questioning that it is?
Is someone ever going to give us the real definition of what is "is"?
Are we going existential?
Possibly but is it ok to say I have been wondering ever since Bill Clinton tried to have it defined?
Can we agree on what "down" is?
Since we are talking about it, should we ask Monica Lewinsky?
which is the bigger crime, inserting one non military member into the potential danger illegally or inserting 255,000 military members into harms way illegally?
Which is worse? The Potential Danger or Harms Way?
Wouldn't it be worse if it were illegal and the illegality be based on whether there is consent, either way?
Did the Iraqis kneel?
Was it ever about the Iraqis in the first place?
Is anything ever about what it appears on the surface?
What about a mirror?
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