Answer with a question! (Part 4)

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Would that depend on whether you are a sensor?
How do sensors and censors differ?
One is a "C" word?
The obvious question here is, isnt that obvious?
Isn't everything obvious in hindsight?
How much Hind does obvious require?
What type of hind are we talking about?
Ham, anyone?
was that one of those disses we talked about?
Am I a wuss for correcting an accidental diss?
Are there truly any accidents?
Is hindsight showing us her disfavor or you?
Does disfavor seem harsh but accurate in this instance?
Is disfavor in the eye of the beholder?
Doesnt there seem to be a lot of things in the eye of the beholder?
To whom is that eye beholden to?
Would it be safe to say that eye probably needs some visine?
Are you saying that it needs lubrication?

R U Sayin what I think ur Sayin?
Is Uranus blue?
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