Answer with a question! (Part 4)

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Arent most mirrors a conglomeration of atoms?
but aren't conglomerates shallow?
Are mirrors not also shallow?
wouldn't they be even more shallow since they are conglomerates?
How do we rate my shallowness potential, is there an online quiz?
so shallow means dishonest?
Whose definition would have shallows meaning as being that of dishonesty?
Would it be dishonest to falsify quiz results?
would it be shallow to assume the quiz results were in anyway indicative of the takers character?
Is harmless amusement shallow?
If you are shallow, can you tell if it is?
If you were shallow would you care?
Would it be VERY shallow to skip over someone else's shallow comment?
Are we back at that again?
shall we play "answer with a dis to [MENTION=8603]Eventhorizon[/MENTION]"?
Why would anyone want to change a perfectly good exercise? Do I sense an attention deficit?
Can you actually sense such a thing?
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