Answer with a question! (Part 4)

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Is that a new dance?

Can you dance like that?
Would you do it for a Klondike bar?
What would you do for a Klondike bar?129009816826744554.webp
Why does it have to be me?
Dont you like Klondike bars?
Who doesn't like Klondike bars?
If I said I would eat them but am not overly fond of them, would that be bad?
Do you believe you will be judged because you would eat it even though you don't like it or simply because you don't really like them?
Does "believing" define reality?
are we getting all philosophical now?

excuse me while i go puke
Is the puking because of the philosophy or the Klondike bar?
Would you believe that this was the first time I used "Klondike Bar" and "philosophy" in the same sentence?
Do you not consider them one and the same?
In what altered universe would they be considered the same?
maybe a world where philosophy tastes like a Klondike bar?
So philosophy is cold and sweet? frabz-its-not-what-i-would-do-for-a-klondike-bar-its-how-many-times-ca-230cdd.webp
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