Answer with a question! (Part 4)

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Isn't philosophy old and melting?
Like our beloved Hilary Clinton?
Perhaps he was being sarcastic?
Is the reality that you are familiar with altered from ours?
What does it take to actually alter this reality?
Would psychedelic drugs create a psychedelic fish reality?

I have a question.

Everyone thought in a question, didn't you?

Do the drugs make the flying fish a reality?
Are we talking about our shared Objective Reality or or shared subjective reality?
Is objectivity the shared subjective collective conclusion of a group?
If we apply quantum principle to the question, would we get an answer of both yes and no?
I like that. What is the fabric of time made of?
Can you wash it?
Wouldn't washing the fabric of time make it fade away?
What if you use a non-fade detergent?
Couldn't you wash them in the corryvreckan whirlpool like the creatrix mother goddess The Cailleach?

Won't that just get the Fall out?
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