Answer with a question! (Part 4)

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Because shoes in a traditional Japanese home would be considered an offense.
So the island was in a traditional Japanese home?
Where was Gilligan's Island located?
Wasn't he supposed to ask a question?
Why are you always picking on him?
Are you trying to cause trouble?
Do you feel troubled? (if not do you think you should?)
If I were to feel troubled, shouldn't it be over something other than not really skipping over a non-question in an 'answer with a question' game?
Are not the biggest things reflected in the smallest things?
As in 'objects in mirror are closer than they appear'?
Don't you mean they "feel" bigger?
Do you 'feel' with your eyes?
Didn't somebody say the eyes are the gateway to the soul?
Do your eyes dance like this?elle-05-december-illustrated-books-soul-train-village-people-p-88-89-xln.webp
Is that deflection I detect?
Isn't that your forte?
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