Answer with a question! (Part 4)

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Is knowing, believing or is there always room for doubt?
Isn't doubt the beginning of wisdom?
Like Doubtfire is the end of comedy?
Do you not find a man dressed in drag funny?
have you read this thread?
That "aint" doesn't need an apostrophe because it isn't a word?
Does not the bell toll for thee?
Don't you get english by striking below the equator?
Didn't you learn that would just cover bottom english, if it were centered?
I know what a top is, and a bottom, but what is a centered?
There is bottom right and bottom left bottom English. Isn't centered considered the point on a sphere where the angle of incidence causes no refraction to speak of?
Wait. Anywhere on a sphere could produce no english at all. What is that called?

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Too much information?
Can I second that?
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