Answer With A Question! (Part 7)

can you imagine the ringing in my ears?
Can I make sure you dont imagine it?
Can we keep it clean in here?
On a scale of one to Danny Tanner how clean do you want it?
I think it may depend on if they're married ......also (not to mention, fanciable, likable kind etc.?!)
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Can I get Danny Tanner for 30?
Is this a Daily Double?
I thought it was Planes Trains and Automobiles...when they get stuck, miss a flight or something and have to get cross country for Christmas. Might be yourn though?
Can I get Danny Tanner for 30?
I don't know what a Danny Tanner is, but from what you say 30 might be a bit cheap?
Can we be clear about what we mean by "cheap"?