Answer With A Question! (Part 7)

I think our best guess to 'Bess' is a nonstop hop to the top here, there, and everywhere.
**hold up, you ate a good dinner right? This here hoping may take us all night! Best we hold tight as we slip through to new questions alright? :D
In what dimension are these questions? or is it just easier to find that out when we get there?
*spits out bubblegum* ok ready! :smile:
Are you confident enough of your grammar to go about eating shoots and leaves?
Should we consider hydroponically grown shoots as organic?
Is organic hydroponics a growing trend or just a shot in the dark?
Is it a deep dark forest?
If you find a warm spring in the deep dark forest, should you sip or lap from it?
If you find a warm spring in the deep dark forest, should you sip or lap from it?
if you find a "warm" spring you should wash in it, wouldn't cool spring water be more palatable?
How about a dirty martini?
What exactly is a dirty martini? It has gin right? And an olive?
Does gin make you smarter?
Gin streets, and mothers ruin can you imagine the madness?
Gin Street


That woman drops her baby while her leg is being gnawed on by a dog.
Is this why some people eschew birthing?
Is that just an assumption?