- InFU
I don't mean to be so friggin angry, but I am seriously getting tired of other "believers" out in this world spreading so many lies and so much hatred. Okay I know that homosexuality, murder, rape, and such are sins, but they are just other sins. They are not any worse than lying, backbiting, jealousy, adultery etc. etc. God views all sin the same. It is disobediance to His commandments pure and simple. It all leads to the same thing... death! not physical of course but spiritual. Although some sin could lead to physical death just not necessarily meted out by our Father. I try really hard to let His love flow, they just make it so hard. I would rather be tortured for my faith than deal with these types of so called "Christians" who wear the title more as a social badge of sorts and possibly an ego boost. It is wrong to tell someone that they are going to hell most assuredly for such and such sins when you are sinning just as much as them by the very act of telling them so with a judgemental heart. I apologize if this comes off as judgemental towards anyone in anyway I don't mean for it to be so. I am just fed up with people not following our two most simple commandments. Love the Lord God with all your heart, mind, and strength and love your neighbor as yourself. By the way the quotation thing is not to denote that they are not true followers of Christ. Only God knows their hearts. We are not to judge others hearts. He doesn't tell us not to judge their fruit though. I personally think if another follower is bearing rotten fruit they should be made aware of it and offered prayer and help with it. Anyways am I the only one to feel this way, and also what are your thoughts if any on this matter?
First of all I would like to say is sorry. I am sorry that you have found yourself in this situation. I have been exactly where you are. In some ways I still am. I have had good friends reject me after they became Christian. I have seen and been a part of bad behavior. Takes one to know one is what I found out.
Don't focus on them focus on Him. The Him that is in you. You cannot change their actions until it is time for them to do so. This balance between good and evil was created by God. If it was not then one must assume that it was created by another. Who must be as smart as God himself. Or it is God himself. We have to know sin. Their is no way around it. To what degree depends on us our surroundings and our up bringing. Unlike the animals Humans can change our stripes. We can become something different in the world we live in. These Christians your around have the wrong intent going on. They are not on the path of self awareness. Self awareness is a step in all this. Get to know Buddha get to know meditation. Apply the methods to Christ. Catch your thoughts. Stop your own judgement and you free yourself and the rest of the world from it. We must all be very careful what we believe to be true. We must be mindful of where our thoughts are leading us. And we must be helpful to those who we do not understand. Most of the time they themselves need understanding. Grace is a gift we all can give. The Love created by grace is pure love...