Are infj's likeable?

We'll have to agree to disagree on that.

Feeler fight, Feeler fight!!

Okay, I just had to say that. Anywho, as to the question. I agree with semi-mass hordes, you like or dislike people, not types. In general, INFJ's are silly, crazy adorable and they come with monkeys.

See, you made me use a monkey...
Everyone loves me (:

Lol, hahahaha.

Sorry, it just felt like I had to say that... :m169:
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didn't we have a thread somewhere that was entitled something like "when Fe goes wrong?" it is scary. i have problems with Fe users when i perceive them as being too stringent and not accommodating enough. if you ever read a post of mine where i am judgmental and stringent, i most definitely sound like a bitch. i'm really not most of the time. i just have strong opinions. if i hate your opinions i might challenge them, but i still respect that you have an opinion. if i feel very close to you, i will fight you to the death about your "wrong" opinions. gloves are off.

I'm somewhat of the same way. But over hear on my end I end up becoming an as*hole because I'm a male. Most of the time I find myself trying to get people to view it the same way I do, it's not that I clash with everyone, but there are those who are really stubborn and don't argue from a logical standpoint, and instead try to use strategies to "win arguements", I occasionally use some myself, but I'd much argue based on facts. At times it could be difficult to do especially when one has radical beliefs. And if the norm disagrees with it, the arguer who doesn't care about the facts will use this against you to win the argument and not even consider looking at it another way.

Once you get to know an INFJ well, they are likeable, but it may take a while before you get to know them. ^_^
I took an online quiz and have an inkling I'm an infj. The part that confuses me is the feel part, which I find myself to be split. I'm focused on feelings and emotions, but at the same time I have a definite thinking part. Yet, I was reading an analysis about infj's and it was spot on. Honesty, detail oriented, caring, always strive to be better, and have a strong intuition, have somewhat of a "smell" what's going on and have a great bs detector. Also arguementive, which I believe to be induced by strong beliefs, and a great feeling of what's right and wrong. Whenever I see something that's wrong, and don't do something about it, it picks at me, and I feel the majority of people are a lot more likely to let things like that go. I try to pick and chose my battles, weighing the benefits, etc. But in the long run I don't have a high tolerance towards disrespect, and just flat out meanness when it's undeserved. I'm off on a bit of tangent, but anyway, anyone have experience with infj's? Do you like them, hate them? Definitely interested. I think infj's are the dreamers and philosophers, and make a lot of sense, and don't go off and accept the norm since we are focused on the well being of pretty much everything, not just the certain group we pertain to. It's probably a positive and negative at the same time.

There's nothing wrong with being argumentative in favor of your strong beliefs. In fact, strong beliefs are what revolutionize the way we as a collective live. The extreme reverse results in apathy, indifference and a cognitive and spiritual malaise.

As for whether I like INFJs; yes I do, if they are in real life as they are on these forums. They are often the catalysts of change.
Nope, I have their type descriptions right here. It says right in the description "unlikeable". Liked by no one. A bitter, unlikeable loner whose passing shall not be mourned. "Shall not be mourned." That's exactly what it says. Very formal. Very official.
I am not likeable. This is from observing how people interact with me, especially in college classes. I don't believe that they strongly dislike me, because usually I am quiet and accommodating. It's when I start expressing myself and being a genuine person that I can tell people really do not like me at all. My parents and sister do, but outside of that I can't really express myself anymore. Even if a person doesn't overtly express that they dislike what I have stated, I will pick up on what they're thinking and know their feelings.

I find my mother likeable and she's an INFJ, but I don't really count. She doesn't really have friends outside of immediate family, pretty much like me. She is well-respected and liked at her job, though. She is also very respected among her large family because she took care of her mother for many years. She has 5 other siblings, so they are thankful she did such a good job.

Being likeable as an INFJ is all about putting everyone else first and doing everything for them, no matter your feelings on the subject. My problem is my Ti gets hung-up on doing things correctly, rather than focusing on excessive generosity.
Well... if you get me outside of a professional environment people like me I guess.

I just had this class where I was in a work group, and one of the key objectives of the course was to work well in a group. My teamates scored me, and I received the lowest score in the class and the professor sent me an email to let me know how low I had scored. The score was largely based on how much they liked me. It wasn't one of those where the slacker in the group gets a low score. The slacker of our group received a higher score than me because he got along better with everyone by joking around. I really worked hard to do a good job in that class and tried to be respectful to everyone. It really just dissuaded me from my career path in accounting. If I work hard and try to do a good job, will the people I work with dislike me in a work environment too? If my current job is any indication, they will.

I know it's just one class and school is gay and all that... ah well, I'll quit complaining. It's all I do anymore.

I find this to be rather true in my experience.

Yeah, I agree with most of those. The strengths I feel to be pretty accurate. Most of the weaknesses I agree with too, with the exceptions of "Not good with money or practical day-to-day life necessities" and "Extreme dislike of conflict and criticism". There's nothing I like better than being greedy with my money and being criticized (especially in a negative way).

[MENTION=2571]Razare[/MENTION], question. Did you like the people in your group? I heard an interesting study as far as likeablity is concerned. All it is, is the person feels you like them, they will like you back. If the person feels disliked, they will dislike you. Very simplistic, but in a lot of cases I find to be accurate.
Most of the weaknesses I agree with too, with the exceptions of "Not good with money or practical day-to-day life necessities" and "Extreme dislike of conflict and criticism". There's nothing I like better than being greedy with my money and being criticized (especially in a negative way).

There's no way you're an F type, least of all an INFJ. This is the one solitary thing I've found true for every single supposed INFJ I've met, RL or through the internet.
Yeah, I agree, I've been torn with the thinking/feeling, I think I'm more of a hybrid in that regard. Though, if I'm split, and tests are calling me an f, that's the tie breaker, so infj it is. Btw, I was being just a little sarcastic with that sentence, but money and criticisms are def a strength for me.
Ti is the most (constructively) critical function. It would not surprise me for an INFJ with a strong tertiary function to prefer honest criticism over sugarcoating.