I took an online quiz and have an inkling I'm an infj. The part that confuses me is the feel part, which I find myself to be split. I'm focused on feelings and emotions, but at the same time I have a definite thinking part. Yet, I was reading an analysis about infj's and it was spot on. Honesty, detail oriented, caring, always strive to be better, and have a strong intuition, have somewhat of a "smell" what's going on and have a great bs detector. Also arguementive, which I believe to be induced by strong beliefs, and a great feeling of what's right and wrong. Whenever I see something that's wrong, and don't do something about it, it picks at me, and I feel the majority of people are a lot more likely to let things like that go. I try to pick and chose my battles, weighing the benefits, etc. But in the long run I don't have a high tolerance towards disrespect, and just flat out meanness when it's undeserved. I'm off on a bit of tangent, but anyway, anyone have experience with infj's? Do you like them, hate them? Definitely interested. I think infj's are the dreamers and philosophers, and make a lot of sense, and don't go off and accept the norm since we are focused on the well being of pretty much everything, not just the certain group we pertain to. It's probably a positive and negative at the same time.