Whether you like criticism and conflict is going to depend on the INFJ you are. I would say that inherently, our emotional side rejects these behaviors. Yet here's the thing, Fe and Ti do not always agree.
We can learn to cope with criticism and conflict to the point of appreciating it I think. My emotional side always hates conflict, but I don't listen to my emotional side that often. I tend to favor Ti a lot of the time. So when someone is wrong, they're wrong, and I usually point it out to them if I have any vested-interest in what they're doing.
I hate it when I'm wrong, but I expect people to point it out to me as well. If they're right, I usually concede in the end.
I wouldn't say conflict makes me feel all giddy inside, but I may create conflict in order to improve how things are being done. Doing this causes problems for me, as I think I don't show enough initial appreciation for the person before I begin my critical remarks. Stuff like this is why I went around thinking I was an INTP for so many years.
INFJ's are so varied it's difficult to say we are this or that because as soon as you do, there's one of us in some gray area of the personality. This is possible because of Ni being what it is, with it there are infinite possibilities for our personality. Even more so considering it is followed by Fe, rather than a restrictive function like Te.