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psychological identification, maybe?
idk what that is, but it sounds legit.
psychological identification, maybe?
idk what that is, but it sounds legit.
INFJs do tend to think of themselves as special snowflakes, even before they hear anything about MBTI
I'm just drawn to iNtuitives, especially infjs and enfps. I theorize that because I'm so drawn to these two types, I am more likely to have them in my life than somebody who isn't drawn to a specific type
For me you guys aren't too rare!
don't put stock in a term because it sounds good.
Disclaimer: I am in no way qualified on the matter:
It's essentially the opposite of projection. Projection is putting thoughts, insecurities, etc. that originate from yourself onto others. E.g. - you're in a bad mood, and say to your friend "Why are you always so pissy?"
Identification is essentially the opposite. It's the desire and/or action to identify with a certain group, trait(s), or characteristic(s) in an attempt to feel validated, normal, to fit in, or what have you.
Basically, what I mean to say is this. *Some* INFJs seem to have the special snowflake syndrome - they think they're so special and different than everyone else. Yeah. Well so is everyone else. We're all human. I think it's a result of being in one's head and analyzing too much, one begins to feel alienated, aloof, and/or alone and as a result of that feels different, unique, or special. That goes on for some time, and begins to affect and mold personal identification, thought(s/ patterns), perceptions, etc. making them feel special and unique.
This is all conjecture though. I have no idea. I seriously doubt the 1% number that's thrown around and the sample size, statistics, and identification of types & personalities gathered at the time that number was thrown around is shoddy, or at least inconclusive at best.
If you want to read more on this an related topics:
- Identification | Wikipedia -
- Projection | Wikipedia -
- INFJ rarity (recommended) | -
ESTJs, ENTJs, INTJs, ISTJs and even ISTPs are some of the rarest type I've seen from my experience. Its really really hard to find a ESTJ, and when you find one, you hit a wall of steel.
How do you know the people you meet are a certain personality type? I suggest the people you know are of a certain type are the ones you are looking for online and are more likely to be online looking for answers.
Let's just say I have a good "eye" for identifying people. I can identify with 95% accuracy almost all people's psychological type I came in contact with. Like Socionics found INFJs to:
"adept at noticing people's characteristics, idiosyncrasies, abilities and potential, and is drawn towards capable individuals (sometimes for his own purposes)."
I know each type's idiosyncrasies and characteristics. If a person is a "of the book" ENTJ or ESTP (let's say), I instantly know they are that specific type as soon as I talk with them, or even saw them...types are very very predictable.
The only difference would be if the person is not "of the book"...then its a bit harder to know what type is it. But usualy people stay in their natural prefferences.
That’s just your overinflated INFJ sense of being smarter and more intuitive than everyone else (according to you anyhow).Let's just say I have a good "eye" for identifying people. I can identify with 95% accuracy almost all people's psychological type I came in contact with. Like Socionics found INFJs to:
"adept at noticing people's characteristics, idiosyncrasies, abilities and potential, and is drawn towards capable individuals (sometimes for his own purposes)."
I know each type's idiosyncrasies and characteristics. If a person is a "of the book" ENTJ or ESTP (let's say), I instantly know they are that specific type as soon as I talk with them, or even saw them...types are very very predictable.
The only difference would be if the person is not "of the book"...then its a bit harder to know what type is it. But usualy people stay in their natural prefferences.
No, of course I don't do that. It would be very weird.How do you know your conclusions are correct? Do you identify them and then ask them to take an MBTI test?
Many of them, but not all of themHow many people have you identified that have then taken an MBTI test and reported the results back to you?
No, of course I don't do that. It would be very weird.
I also think MBTI tests give wrong results because are very simplistic.
Many of them, but not all of them
Even if they wouldn't take the MBTI test, I "verify" my calculations in time, I look at how people act, and based on my knowledge of how types act, they most of the time act very predictable, as they are expected to act conform to their type. Sooner or later, I find out they actually are the type I was thinking at.
For example, when I first saw JF Kennedy in speeches, I recognised him as INFJ. The problem is, everybody (typologists) thought he is something else...I read about him, about his irrational shyness, his high intelligence, his naivety with regard to practical matters, his personable and charming manner (which is the mark of INFJ Fe subtype), his original humor, his silliness (he was 'accused' to be a eternal child, which many many INFJs can be said to be so) and his egotism or narcissism (which also many INFJs are a bit narcissistic). So yep...INFJ all the way. In fact, all four Kennedy brothers are INFJs.
That’s just your overinflated INFJ sense of being smarter and more intuitive than everyone else (according to you anyhow).
Sorry…but I don’t buy into Socionics and here is why - it was developed to suppress certain groups by Communist Russia.
According to Socionics anyone who is introverted and creative is looked upon in a negative light…so, I know you can find all kinds of negative connotations about INFJs when digging through the Socionic archives…but I disagree.
I am not saying that INFJs are special snowflakes either…because we aren’t…we are all just the same when it comes down to it…we are all talented and hindered in certain arenas.
Perhaps you agree more with Socionics because you were raised with the Eastern European machismo that exists there? I know that both Socionics and Eastern Europe both tend to look down upon a man who is highly sensitive for example.
I don’t find it a fault within myself…it is a cultural stereotype.
Probably you are right.That’s just your overinflated INFJ sense of being smarter and more intuitive than everyone else (according to you anyhow).
That is true.Sorry…but I don’t buy into Socionics and here is why - it was developed to suppress certain groups by Communist Russia.
I think its correct that Socionics is biased toward more practicaly minded individuals, but it cetainly has many straight points about INFJs. I think the Socionics description of INFJs is much more correct than MBTI description. You can think whatever you want.According to Socionics anyone who is introverted and creative is looked upon in a negative light…so, I know you can find all kinds of negative connotations about INFJs when digging through the Socionic archives…but I disagree.
Perhaps you are right.I am not saying that INFJs are special snowflakes either…because we aren’t…we are all just the same when it comes down to it…we are all talented and hindered in certain arenas.
Perhaps you agree more with Socionics because you were raised with the Eastern European machismo that exists there? I know that both Socionics and Eastern Europe both tend to look down upon a man who is highly sensitive for example.
I don’t find it a fault within myself…it is a cultural stereotype.
So you are mostly using your own mind to determined that it is right in the way it is thinking concerning other peoples personalities. Well, I have to suppose then you are not often disappointed in being wrong.