What a lovely way to burn...
- Intui
- Enneagram
- Thinking
I did not state that
That sounds like a veiled dig at INFJ's there to me which gives insight to support my supposition that you are in fact denying INFJ's their rarity due to your ego rather than hard facts (because your veiled insult shows your true colours)
For someone who seems to have a low opinion of INFJ's you sure spend a lot of time on a forum dedicated to them
I'm not offended just well informed
I have a low opinion of infjs? Oh, I see. You want to continue with inaccurate information. I get it. Yes, Muir, everyone hates infjs and we are out to ruin every last one of you. It's a big conspiracy. You are onto us non-infjs!
I think it's funny that as soon as someone questions anything you say, you want to accuse them of not liking infjs, being a Freemason, the illuminati...take your pick from that long list of yours. If I see REAL proof, as in hard facts, that infjs are a rarity, then I will agree with you. But you have nothing but your inaccurate stats and anecdotes.
I like infjs. I think they are pretty great. What I don't like is this brand of crazy that you are acting like right now. And this is specific to you; it has nothing to do with your MBTI type.