Are INFJs useful to society? | Page 4 | INFJ Forum

Are INFJs useful to society?

Did you know that some volcanic eruption from "some" time ago has thrown clouds of smog bigger than whole production of CO2 by factories? It's true. I was never a "green" guy, ecology is just hidden corporatism for me. If you think it's not I tell you it will, all good ideas will become evil sources once (George Orwell's Year 1984 is an iconic example)
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It...depends on each character, belief, worldview of the INFJs themselves.

All in all, I agreed with some point people are saying here. INFJs work best as catalyst; they work best as moral compasses; they mostly work by advising.

But if what we're focusing is characteristics of the INFJs and how they would be useful to society, I would say too much of INFJs in the top places would be awful. (Idealism doesn't go one way. Remember that INFJs are an idealist first, but people-focused second. WHICH group of people?)

However, those in the top places should have at least one INFJ as an advisor of a moral sort. That'd do good....mostly.
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if an infj dances in the woods and nobody is around to see it, is it still dancing?

Quantum mechanics says that he/she is both dancing and not dancing at the same time. I personally believe that they're not dancing but SINGING!

INFJs are useless without other people.
An INFJ-only world would probably be a hell of lot better than what we have now. It would be interesting for me to see what would happen in a country where everyone is INFJ ....
We need to have Ni doms to have those revolutionary ideas that look absolutely impossible.
Then we need everyone else to whine how it's impossible and how they should be more realistic.

This made me laugh. :pound:

That's a problem I've had with expressing ideals to people. Yeah, they need to be realistic and practicle.

And unfortunatley, they all originate from my fantasy world inside of my head. :loco:

I have wondered how it would be to have Ne instead of Ni- just being completley outside of the box instead of subtracting from the box.

So all of my ideals have in some ways involved people changing, and of course, many don't like that.

"You can't tell me what to do!"

"What makes you so special?"

"You're shoving your views down my throat!"

I suppose, with people who think this way, it is impossible to change anything.

Actually, change of any kind is difficult. Someone could compliment me on some advice, and then they still might not do anything.

So let me just say that I have nothing against being more down-to-earth. I don't seem to get much excitment from the way things are, but I am going to try to live with it. If anyone asks for my opinion, I will give it. :eek:hwell:
of course they aren't

silly, silly
Not as society currently stands no. What good is an INFJ or any Idealist? If no one will listen to reason and has little empathy for their fellow man.
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Being a given type doesn't make someone special. All types are needed for the world to work; one's role can be determined more through individual capacity than an umbrella.

Anyone can be useful, given necessary motivation.

Are INFJs useful to society?

You really shouldn't tempt me this way. ;)
Of course, they make good stew <double entendre>
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It...depends on each character, belief, worldview of the INFJs themselves.
So true....we are not at all the same, even though we may share the same MBTI type. That said, it probably depends on what some would consider "useful." We may not be useful, but we are essential, I think.
i heard infjs make great plumbers.

also porn stars.

and aerosol cans.
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Being a given type doesn't make someone special. All types are needed for the world to work; one's role can be determined more through individual capacity than an umbrella.

You're missing the point. No one's saying INFJs are special.

You say all types are necessary... But the point is, there a HUGE imbalance in the proportion of types. That's what I'm getting at.

The world would be a better place if there were significantly more NF's. Simples.

Anyone disagree? Let's talk :smile:
Orion, please explain to us why you're not useful to society.
Not as society currently stands no. What good is an INFJ or any Idealist? If no one will listen to reason and has little empathy for their fellow man.


What good is an INFJ if there is no struggle?

No moral mountain to be climbed!?

What good is an INFJ when the seizure of injustice and bureaucratic inadequacy is not ripe for slaying!?

There is too much to do. We can't sit around while there are ESTJ's to slay.
What an ironic thread.

I'm playing devils advocate and trying to incite discussion. That's what most of my threads are about.

But you can't see that, because you're just looking to insult me. That's okay though, let it out.
I'm playing devils advocate and trying to incite discussion. That's what most of my threads are about.

But you can't see that, because you're just looking to insult me. That's okay though, let it out.

I'm not sure how seeing the irony here is insulting you.

But you can't see that I am not looking to insult you because
you're just looking to be offended. That's okay though, go
right ahead.
I'm not sure how seeing the irony here is insulting you.

But you can't see that I am not looking to insult you because
you're just looking to be offended. That's okay though, go
right ahead.

Ha, fair enough.


It's not the first time an Fi user (ENFP, INFP and INTJ's in particular) has completely misinterpreted what I said and certainly won't be the last time, so in the grand scheme of things I don't take much offense. Type has actually given me an understanding of why I would be misinterpreted by other types. I'm talking about things I've written in the past. I mean, an INFJ with a strong opinion and something to say is going to attract danger no matter what, but it helps me to rationalise not get personally affected by it.

If an INFJ wants to take centre stage and propose their ideas and make a difference, It's really important that they understand why people would reject/misinterpret what they say, in order to not be destroyed by hopelessness. At least, that's what I've found, dunno if that rings true for others.
Ha, fair enough.


It's not the first time an Fi user (ENFP, INFP and INTJ's in particular) has completely misinterpreted what I said and certainly won't be the last time, so in the grand scheme of things I don't take much offense. Type has actually given me an understanding of why I would be misinterpreted by other types. I'm talking about things I've written in the past. I mean, an INFJ with a strong opinion and something to say is going to attract danger no matter what, but it helps me to rationalise not get personally affected by it.

If an INFJ wants to take centre stage and propose their ideas and make a difference, It's really important that they understand why people would reject/misinterpret what they say, in order to not be destroyed by hopelessness. At least, that's what I've found, dunno if that rings true for others.

I've reread the thread and I'm still unsure of where I said I disagree with you on this matter.
Which leads me to wonder how I've misinterpreted you. In fact, I haven't stated my opinion
at all. I've only asked questions to make sure I understand fully what you are implying/stating.
I guess this means I'm not the Fi user you're referring to (;