Variable Hybrid
- NFJedi
I've seen as much evidence for it, as I've seen against it.
In order to prove it, you'd have to do a very exhaustive study on adopted families and their biological parents, and as a control group biological families, then see if there is any lean one way or another.
With only 16 personality types, there is going to be a lot of 'randomness' in types among families.
Narrow it down to essentially only 8 distinct groups (NFJ, NFP, NTJ, NTP, SFJ, SFP, STP, and STJ), and there might be a lot more commonality.
Distill it down to 4 distinct temperaments (NF, NT, SJ, SP), and how couldn't a pattern appear?
In order to prove it, you'd have to do a very exhaustive study on adopted families and their biological parents, and as a control group biological families, then see if there is any lean one way or another.
With only 16 personality types, there is going to be a lot of 'randomness' in types among families.
Narrow it down to essentially only 8 distinct groups (NFJ, NFP, NTJ, NTP, SFJ, SFP, STP, and STJ), and there might be a lot more commonality.
Distill it down to 4 distinct temperaments (NF, NT, SJ, SP), and how couldn't a pattern appear?