Are MBTI types genetically inherited?

I believe so, yes. But I think it can also be affected by how we grew up. It's probably half and half (maybe 3/4ths and a quarter, to be more accurate).
From what I have seen in my own family (family of ten) yes.

These are the personalities of my siblings that I am currently sharing my household with, note that all of us come from the same parents;

ENFJ (mother) + INTP (father)
Both my father and mother are around 50/50 with sensing.

ISTJ (older brother)
INTJ (older sister, she visits from time to time but I got her to sit down and do the test)
ENTP (me)
INFP (younger brother, he has low functioning autism so its hard to tell)
ISTP (younger brother)
INFP (younger sister)
ENFP (younger brother)
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ENTP here and I have been trying to figure out the genetic correlations in mbti with family. I believe that personality is something you achieve at birth. I used to consider my self an introvert and a judger when I was really little but looking back on it I actually never was. I took the mbti test for the first time at age 14 and got INTJ but that was never what I was. I have always been an ENTP! Anyways here is some data I have compiled based on what I have typed my family as. I have gotten very good at typing and can type anyone with about 80% accuracy now. Sensors are easier to type than intuitives.

Grandfather(Dad side): INTJ
Grandmother(Dad side): ENFP

Grandfather( Mom side): ISFP
Grandmother (Mom side): ISFJ

Father: ESTJ
Mother: ESFJ
Aunt( Mother's sister): ESFP
2 Uncles (Father's brothers): Died at Birth XXXX XXXX

Brother: ISFP

I believe that Sensors tend to birth sensors and intuitives tend to birth intuitives. Intuitive grandparents increase the chance of sensors having intuitives.