There is a current theory being tested out by cognitive type ( regarding
embodied cognition, in that there are particular movements, mannerisms, expressions, eye movements, smiles, way of speaking, ways of sitting, way of standing, etc. that are congruent with someone's preferred cognitive function usage. The site has a codifier where you can visualize each cognitive function movement and how they correlate with the theory. I find it very interesting as they are finding it to be completely consistent within the theory and in the testing phases. If it proves correct, this means that there should be commonalities within types not only in appearance, but in movements.
Ni: narrow, hypnotic eyes that stare intensely and purposefully
-Purposeful movement, intentional
Fe: warm smile that widens and swells then lessens, head nods in listening to show understanding, hand movements that pull the other forward and to demonstrate openness
Ti: long pauses in speech, eyes shift to purposeful spots within the room (the same spots over and over again) and back to the subject, can glaze over on one spot for a long period or staring into the other's eyes as they are drawn inward thinking in 'another dimension/space'.
Se: laid back, hands coming together/folded, distracted by sensory in the room (noticing it, then going back to the subject), highly aware of body within the space, of how they are fitting in the space, where their spot is in proximity to the other, more hunched or making self smaller (with Se in inferior slot).