Are there any body language/visual/speech patterns that are very INFJ? What do you think they are?

So my question is whether you people noticed some pattern in the presentation of INFJs in their speech, tone, facial expressions, even the way they dress and their eyes and so on.

Why need such identification? You will never know, coz we are just the same as other people, and yes we socialize, not that anti social.

You will know only when the person open up to you and when you are being yourself and he or she like you.

Good luck in finding us :wink:
There is a current theory being tested out by cognitive type ( regarding embodied cognition, in that there are particular movements, mannerisms, expressions, eye movements, smiles, way of speaking, ways of sitting, way of standing, etc. that are congruent with someone's preferred cognitive function usage. The site has a codifier where you can visualize each cognitive function movement and how they correlate with the theory. I find it very interesting as they are finding it to be completely consistent within the theory and in the testing phases. If it proves correct, this means that there should be commonalities within types not only in appearance, but in movements.

Ni: narrow, hypnotic eyes that stare intensely and purposefully
-Purposeful movement, intentional
Fe: warm smile that widens and swells then lessens, head nods in listening to show understanding, hand movements that pull the other forward and to demonstrate openness
Ti: long pauses in speech, eyes shift to purposeful spots within the room (the same spots over and over again) and back to the subject, can glaze over on one spot for a long period or staring into the other's eyes as they are drawn inward thinking in 'another dimension/space'.
Se: laid back, hands coming together/folded, distracted by sensory in the room (noticing it, then going back to the subject), highly aware of body within the space, of how they are fitting in the space, where their spot is in proximity to the other, more hunched or making self smaller (with Se in inferior slot).
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I'd say.. we're pensive like a Japanese citizen being asked a question on the street, making sure we say the right thing, short but sweet, if we're in our flow state.

It depends on the depth of the person asking the question and whether or not we care to give them a strong enough answer.
Me when a kid:

My brother had his eyes closed.

All I mostly need, though cannot explain my look to show it.

What I have become. People rarely even see me while in the woods. Maybe close to the way I feel when I know what is coming: nobody there to listen.

Very rare picture of myself with my friends.

OK, you have my complete attention, so hurry up.
by the time i can form a sentence... we're on the next subject of the conversation. I often get accused of being quiet even in subjects i know about...

i just explain; through text... "i know the language of music better than any spoken language."

or (when frustrated.)

"read my body language..." (followed by a relative statement to their saying i don't partake in conversations...

-_- i pay attention better than most people, and you checked your phone when you weren't talking.

(sorry, i had to get into that headspace.)

but this explains it all... 5548E1F7-FFF0-4D2E-BAE5-9D87AA0831ED.jpeg
by the time i can form a sentence... we're on the next subject of the conversation. I often get accused of being quiet even in subjects i know about...

i just explain; through text... "i know the language of music better than any spoken language."

or (when frustrated.)

"read my body language..." (followed by a relative statement to their saying i don't partake in conversations...

-_- i pay attention better than most people, and you checked your phone when you weren't talking.

(sorry, i had to get into that headspace.)

but this explains it all... View attachment 81680

Feels more like this where bits and pieces just dies only to spontaneously come back later after a long period of time.
Such a classic scene!

I-1 B-1 M-1
I also pause when I speak. Often halfway through a sentence. Essentially the grammatically appropriate opportunities to pause, do not tend to synchronise with the moments in which I feel the need to extract further information my mind. I periodically run out of mind juice to fuel the words and must withdraw to resupply.

I don't always think in words so there tends to be some process of translation between the thought and the verbalisation. It can feel like forcing the wrong shape through the wrong hole. I imagine this is why we tend to use hand gestures a lot, as it feels like a more natural and immediate way to convey something abstract.