I don't think that minorities or women who love their jobs would agree that things were better in the 1950s... repression doesn't equal legitimate social cohesion.
I'm not saying that things were better or worse
What i am saying is that the lives of vast amounts of people are being influenced in many ways largely without their knowledge or consent
And if you agree with the cabal on some points, exactly which of the organizations on that list do you find so objectionable?
That would be quite a challenge to go through the whole list! Would it be ok for me just to explain where i agree with the cabal and where i disagree with the cabal?
The key difference is that i believe people should have a choice. If change occurs it shoudl come from informed conscious choice. The cabal want to do everything by stealth
I also believe that society had to change. For example as you pointed out minorities and women were not on an equal footing with white men. That needed to change and that is a work in progress
But what the cabal want is not equality. They want the mass of society to be controlled by them. So the masses would be equal in their status as slaves
I would roll the equality thing out ALL THE WAY.
So their system is about control coming down from above....from an elite. What i would like to see is everyone having an equal say and then that democratic consensus then being exercised by everyone. This would be power being exercised from the bottom of society up
For example with the war in syria situation. In the US polls have shown that over half of US americans are against military intervention in Syria. But because we live in a system where the elite control it from the top down they will ignore the will of the people and just attack Syria anyway
If we lived in a power from the bottom up system the people would vote on the issue; then they would have delegates which they would choose to represent their community who would then take that mandate forward to a more regional level. Under the current system if a politician tells people befoe they are elected that they are going to do something, a lot of the time, when they are elected into office they then don't do what they said they are going to do. Having been hoodwinked by their deception the people then need to wait years for the next election cycle before they can get rid of the lying candidate
In a power from the bottom up system the delegates office would be instantly revocable if they did not carry out the mandate of their community. This method of organising society is called 'anarchism'
Most people when they hear that word get images in their head of burning cars, looting, the joker villain from batman and just general mayhem because they have been conditioned everytime they watch the corporate news or hollywood films to think that way as whenever there is a chaotic situation it is referred to as 'anarchy' but really that is an abuse of language designed to hide from people what the true meaning of anarchy is
Here let me give you an example of how they use NLP to attach negative associations to the word 'anarchy' when anarchy is actually a noble idea where people are all given a say in the running of their community. This clip is from one of the batman films....this is subtle brainwashing of the masses in action. That film is created to unconsciously and consciously make people think that if people challenge wallstreet and the current power structure of society that terrible things will happen:
Thats what the power elite want you to think an anarchist looks like: crazy hair, painted face and psychologically a homicidal maniac
Lets look for a moment at what a real anarchist looks and sounds like by listening for a minute to the well known professor Chomsky:
Is he a crazy maniac?
So again the cabal wants to see change and so do i but i don't want to see things change into an even more centrally controlled, even more dominating system and that is what we are already seeing emerge with the creation of the police state and the growing government surveillance and endless imperialistic wars etc
So to put it in its simplest terms the difference is that the cabal would like to see power concentrated more and more in their hands and i would like to see power decentralised more and more into the hands of the many so that everyone has a say and everyone has a stake in their community
And you haven`t responded to Soros`support of the anti-Israel group... is that just to throw everyone off?
Which anti-israel group?
I have already discussed however the way these guys fund both ends against the middle. they will fund extremists one both sides for example they will fund socialists and they will also fund right wingers
For example they are funding islamic extremism for example al quaeda in syria at the moment
What they want is chaos because as everyone else is in a confused state of chaos they are the only ones who know which way to go. You know the saying ''in the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king''?
Imagine a crowd of people are in a dark room and no one knows where the exit is. if one person has night vision goggles they would be the first person to the exit. If the lights went out suddenly a strong suspect for who turned the lights out would also reasonably be the person with the night vision goggles
These guys create chaos and then they create new order from the chaos. Its like shaking a kaleidoscope and then a new pattern forms. So for them the middle east is a giant kaleidoscope and they are shaking it at the moment to see of they can get a new pattern to form that they like
Many of the families that make up the central bankers originated from germany. For example the rothschilds were 'court jews' which means they were part of the royal court. They were bankers to the royalty and aristocracy. But anyway...they came from germany and in germany was a philospoher called Hegel. The sons of the bankers went to the big universities in germany for example in berlin. hegel lectured at these universities and the bankers learned hegel's principle of: ''thesis, antithesis and synthesis''.
This involves taking two opposites which create a tension and from the tension a synthesis emerges. So lets say you and i are both tied to a rope. If i pull the rope and you do nothing you will just get pulled towards me. But if you pull back on the rope then we might both move off the spots we are standing on. I would be the thesis, you would be the antithesis and where we ended up would be the synthesis (a new situation that had emerged from the chaos of you and me pulling on the rope)
So you see if you want a situation to emerge. You just need to create a polarity; then you need to amke sure that you feed both sides of that polarity just enough that the synthesis ends up where you want it
An example of this would be how the central bankers supplied saddam husseins iraq with weapons and then encouraged it to attack Iran. The situation that the bankers wanted to synthesis was to weaken Iran but at the same time they did not want a strong and triumphant iraq that could stand up for itself in the future which could for example demand high prices for its oil. What they wanted was for both iran and iraq to be weakened and then in such a poor state that they would desperately need money and would sell their oil at any price to the cabal in order to feed their people
So thats what the cabal did...they supplied support to both sides but never enough to allow a clear winner to emerge...they just let both countries fight it out until they were ruined like two boxers fighting until they both collapse in a heap
In the same vein as hegels theory is what david ike has called the method of ''problem, reaction, solution''
This method is where the cabal want to achieve something...a synthesis. lets say they want to attack a country so that they can steal its oil. maybe they do this because the leader of that country is refusing to sell his oil cheaply. So they create a problem. Lets say they blow up a train in one of their own countries. This then causes a reaction in the public.
The public are shocked and terrified and angry. They are all asking each other:
''who did this to us?''
''why would anyone do this to us?''
''We need to do something about this! We need to find out who did this to us and we need to get them back!''
The cabal then use the mainstream media that they own to start talking on the Tv and airwaves about the explosion. They tell the people through their news channels that the people whose oil they want to go in and steal are behind the bombings. ''Its them!'' they say. The public then have someone to blame....they now have a hate figure
So then comes the final part of the plan. The cabal then offer their solution to the public which they had planned all along. They get the politicans whose careers they had bankrolled to go on the TV news channels they control and they get them to say to the people: ''We are a peaceful people and a peace loving country. But these people have attacked us. We simply cannot stand by and let them get away with this. So it is with great reluctance that we are going to go to war agaisnt these evil men who have done this to us. The military is preparing as we speak''
And the public relax again. They accept this solution offered by the cabal because it seems fair and just that the people they think have attacked them should be brought to justice
That's basically how it works
Incidentally if you ever need to negotiate in order to get something...this method works extremely well
How about this one:
•Urban Institute: This research organization favors socialized medicine, expansion of the federal welfare bureaucracy, and tax hikes for higher income-earners.
Why is Soros, the evil mastermind bent on oppression and world domination, funding groups that seek to tax the rich and give that money to the sick and the poor? Maybe he wants sick people and poor people to be so happy and healthy that they don`t see that their happiness and health only makes them more his slaves?
The rich are not safe from the cabal. The middle classes for example are currently having their savings wiped out becuase the cabal are keeping interest rates artificially low through printing lots of money. this increases the amount of money in circulation which drives down the value of anyones money in the bank
The rich won't be spared by the cabal. The cabal will come for them once they have destroyed the middle class. Only the high priests will be allowed to control things. Rich people could be a threat to that order so they will have to go. i the meantime though the cabal will use the rich to achieve what they want to achieve...but when the time is right they will sell them out
And one more:
•Peace Development Fund: In PDF's calculus, the United States needs a massive overhaul of its social and economic institutions. "Recently," explains PDF, "we have witnessed the negative effects of neo-liberalism and the globalization of capitalism, the de-industrialization of the U.S. and the growing gap between the rich and poor ..."
Yeah there is no problem with banking reforms to happen now because the cabal have already pulled off the heist....they already got the government to bail out the banks and get the public in everlasting debt servitude
Changing the banking system now would be like closing the stable door after the horse has bolted
B-b-b-but Soros MUST support neoliberalism, because he is part of the cabal!! Why is he giving money to people like this? Bring back the manufacturing industry? But that would mean putting millions of sweatshops out of business and bankrupting the people who exploit cheap labour and dodge unions! Is the plan to bankrupt the corporations and destroy America by forcing it to hire enough workers to manufacture its own sneakers and computers?
Neoliberalism is just a tool to achieve their end game. the wealth transfer is well under way
The restructuring will create manufacturing where they want it
The plan is outlined in UN ''Agenda 21''
The global population numbers will be reduced. People will be moved out of the countryside and into urban zones which will be connected by high speed railways. The remaining land will be carved up into zones for different usages for example agriculture, forestry, mining or whatever
Everyone will have a smart meter in their home monitoring their energy usage. Everyone will have a microchip under their skin that their electronic money will be stored on. Their movements will be strictly regulated and restricted and their where abouts known to the central authorities at all times
Peace will be kept by a global police force and a global army which both answer to the cabal
But to acheive this things will need to be reshuffled around. people will need to be moved and manufacturing will need to be moved as well
Africa has already been earmarked to be agricultural land. The problem with that is of course that it is currently populated with africans. this means that they must ofm course get rid of the africans. They are doing this through a number of means. One method has been to use their agent Bill Gates to launch a vaccination drive to inject as many people as possbile with shots that will destroy the immune systems of people...this will over tim achieve a massive kill off of the population
Bill Gate's father was a member of the eugencist group ''Planned parenthood''. The main foundtion of planned parenthood was the encouragement of black women to have abortions.
The cabal met in the villa of the rockefeller family outside Rome and set up a think tank called ''the Club of Rome''. this group then published a paper in 1972 called ''the Limits to growth''. this paper outlines various apocalyptic scenarios that they say will occur if the worlds population is not reduced. you should be able to find this paper online if you are interested in it. Just remember it is designed to be frightening and to be a jutification for their actions
Seriously, muir-- you posted all of these descriptions and told everyone that these were evil organizations funded by an evil man... you are obligated to explain why you think that. If your whole thing is ANYONE WHO HAS MONEY OR POWER IS EVIL, then AT LEAST try to be consistent with your targets and maybe downplay the existence of people who give to causes like the ones you named.
I am not syaing anyone who has money is evil. i am talking about the top 1% of the top 1%
I hope i have managed with what i've said above shown at least to some extent how the situation is not always how it at first appears and that what might look confusingly random to you actually masks a plan that these guys are carrying out over generations.
There is method to their madness
I`m starting to think that you`re a shill for Natural News, spreading alarm so people will be too afraid not to buy things that otherwise you wouldn`t be able to sell... using the image of a counterculture revolutionary with a genuine interest in the people to push forward your propaganda. How much is he paying you? Is it a lot?
I am making no money out of my posts. Although it would be rather nice to be paid to do this it would corrupt it at the same time