Are we as a society being kept from discussing the big issues?


Do you even read what I write? I know that they lied. Don't you know what a claim is?

You truly baffle me some times. It's like you just bowl over me and say whatever you want.
No it is not my favourite site....stop behaving in such a dishonest way. Go and watch the NLP clips i posted at the start of this thread to see how you are behaving in a manipulative way

Are you an alien? Seriously... were you hatched from some sort of space egg or like found in a farmer's field with the smouldering remnants of your spacecraft scattered all around you?

Sites like natural news are not trying to hide their agenda....they are very open and honest about what they are about

You will understand pretty quickly when you read their stuff what they are about

Move On pretends to be something it is not.....but what it is really doing is acting as a liberal gate keeper to make dupes of people by gently ushering wellmeaning liberal types towards behaving the way the cabal wants them to behave

It is not honest about its true agenda which is to help the cabal

You are being utterly ridiculous. I haven't even HEARD of Move On but if their big mission was to remove George Bush from power then how is that in any way a bad thing??? SO MANY people wanted him gone... to the point where they were praying for his assassination/impeachment. I can't believe that you would seriously come onto a thread, condemn the Iraq War, and then condemn a movement that wanted to impeach the man who was directly responsible for that war. Is it only really justice if Alex Jones personally picks up a gun and shoots the president? Cue: the president doesn`t matter, it`s the cabal, you are naïve, WAKE UP, take the red pill, etc., etc.

And Natural News is NOT honest!!! Countless sources describe them as anti-scientific fear mongers who spread outright lies in order to sell their `natural` products to people like you. Not only are they manipulating people for profit, they`re also spreading destructive fear and paranoia that is KILLING people who are now afraid of getting proper medical treatment for their children because they believe that all vaccines are toxic... even while life spans are increasing, health care is better, people are living well into their 80s and babies born today are expected to live to be 123 years old.

THIS is something that you are willing to defend or quote in order to `prove` your ridiculous theories to be true, and yet the real danger to society is the website that wanted the most unpopular and yes, EVIL president of our time to step down... all because they were supported by a man that you claim is connected to a cabal. I guess that it should be illegal for wealthy, influential people to talk to each other.
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Do you even read what I write? I know that they lied. Don't you know what a claim is?

You truly baffle me some times. It's like you just bowl over me and say whatever you want.

I have been trying to answer each of your points
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Are you an alien? Seriously... were you hatched from some sort of space egg or like found in a farmer's field with the smouldering remnants of your spacecraft scattered all around you?


You are being utterly ridiculous. I haven't even HEARD of Move On but if their big mission was to remove George Bush from power then how is that in any way a bad thing??? SO MANY people wanted him gone... to the point where they were praying for his assassination/impeachment. I can't believe that you would seriously come onto a thread, condemn the Iraq War, and then condemn a movement that wanted to impeach the man who was directly responsible for that war. Is it only really justice if Alex Jones personally picks up a gun and shoots the president?

To really understand this situation you just need to look into it a bit deeper

Have you heard of the term 'astro turfing'? Here's some info about it from wikipedia:

Astroturfing is the practice of masking the sponsors of a message (e.g. political, advertising, or public relations) to give the appearance of it coming from a disinterested, grassroots participant. Astroturfing is intended to give the statements the credibility of an independent entity by withholding information about the source's financial connection. The term astroturfing is a derivation of AstroTurf, a brand of synthetic carpeting designed to look like natural grass.
On the Internet, astroturfers use software to mask their identity. Sometimes one individual operates over many personas to give the impression of widespread support for their client's agenda.[SUP][1][/SUP][SUP][2][/SUP] Some studies suggest astroturfing can alter public viewpoints and create enough doubt to inhibit action.

Some have accused the tea party of being a political front for the koch brothers

George Soros sets up many organisations which he uses to manipulate public opinion. He trains political activists that are then sent out to create pressure groups. he was behind the 'colour revolutions' in Europe

Remember they want to 'manufacture the consent' of the public

In an open dictatorship a leader does not bother to manufacture the consent of the public. he just tells them at gun point to do something or else. But our system in the west is supposedly a 'democracy'. Now to uphold the illusion that we are in a democracy the elite will try not to threaten the public at gun point (though that is on the way)....instead they will through a variety of methods seek to manufacture the consent of the public

One way they do this is to take control of the mainstream media. the other way is to create pressure groups. Sometimes they are even manipulative enough to fund both sides of a conflict (for example funding both democrats and republicans) in order to synthesise the result that they want out of the two opposing polarities

They might give you the impression that you have had a say but in the end the outcome will be what they had always planned it to be

They want to keep the public divided and polarised so that they are easy to control

The cabal fund groups they want use to manipulate the public often paying through foundations. George Soros often acts for them in this capacity

Here is a list of the groups he has funded:

Organizations Funded Directly by George Soros and his Open Society Institute

By Discover The Networks

Organizations that, in recent years, have received direct funding and assistance from George Soros and his Open Society Institute (OSI) include the following. (Comprehensive profiles of each are available in the "Groups" section of

  • Advancement Project: This organization works to organize "communities of color" into politically cohesive units while disseminating its leftist worldviews and values as broadly as possible by way of a sophisticated communications department.
  • Air America Radio: Now defunct, this was a self-identified "liberal" radio network.
  • All of Us or None: This organization seeks to change voting laws -- which vary from state to state -- so as to allow ex-inmates, parolees, and even current inmates to cast their ballots in political elections.
  • Alliance for Justice: Best known for its activism vis a vis the appointment of federal judges, this group consistently depicts Republican judicial nominees as "extremists."
  • America Coming Together: Soros played a major role in creating this group, whose purpose was to coordinate and organize pro-Democrat voter-mobilization programs.
  • America Votes: Soros also played a major role in creating this group, whose get-out-the-vote campaigns targeted likely Democratic voters.
  • America's Voice: This open-borders group seeks to promote “comprehensive” immigration reform that includes a robust agenda in favor of amnesty for illegal aliens.
  • American Bar Association Commission on Immigration Policy: This organization "opposes laws that require employers and persons providing education, health care, or other social services to verify citizenship or immigration status."
  • American Bridge 21st Century: This Super PAC conducts opposition research designed to help Democratic political candidates defeat their Republican foes.
  • American Civil Liberties Union: This group opposes virtually all post-9/11 national security measures enacted by the U.S. government. It supports open borders, has rushed to the defense of suspected terrorists and their abettors, and appointed former New Left terrorist Bernardine Dohrn to its Advisory Board.
  • American Constitution Society for Law and Policy: This Washington, DC-based think tank seeks to move American jurisprudence to the left by recruiting, indoctrinating, and mobilizing young law students, helping them acquire positions of power. It also provides leftist Democrats with a bully pulpit from which to denounce their political adversaries.
  • American Family Voices: This group creates and coordinates media campaigns charging Republicans with wrongdoing.
  • American Federation of Teachers: After longtime AFT President Albert Shanker died in in 1997, he was succeeded by Sandra Feldman, who slowly “re-branded” the union, allying it with some of the most powerful left-wing elements of the New Labor Movement. When Feldman died in 2004, Edward McElroy took her place, followed by Randi Weingarten in 2008. All of them kept the union on the leftward course it had adopted in its post-Shanker period.
  • American Friends Service Committee: This group views the United States as the principal cause of human suffering around the world. As such, it favors America's unilateral disarmament, the dissolution of American borders, amnesty for illegal aliens, the abolition of the death penalty, and the repeal of the Patriot Act.
  • American Immigration Council: This non-profit organization is a prominent member of the open-borders lobby. It advocates expanded rights and amnesty for illegal aliens residing in the U.S.
  • American Immigration Law Foundation: This group supports amnesty for illegal aliens, on whose behalf it litigates against the U.S. government.
  • American Institute for Social Justice: AISJ's goal is to produce skilled community organizers who can “transform poor communities” by agitating for increased government spending on city services, drug interdiction, crime prevention, housing, public-sector jobs, access to healthcare, and public schools.
  • American Library Association: This group has been an outspoken critic of the Bush administration's War on Terror -- most particularly, Section 215 of the USA Patriot Act, which it calls "a present danger to the constitutional rights and privacy rights of library users."
  • The American Prospect, Inc.: This corporation trains and mentors young leftwing journalists, and organizes strategy meetings for leftist leaders.
  • Amnesty International: This organization directs a grossly disproportionate share of its criticism for human rights violations at the United States and Israel.
  • Applied Research Center: Viewing the United States as a nation where “structural racism” is deeply “embedded in the fabric of society,” ARC seeks to "build a fair and equal society" by demanding “concrete change from our most powerful institutions."
  • Arab American Institute Foundation: The Arab American Institute denounces the purportedly widespread civil liberties violations directed against Arab Americans in the post-9/11 period, and characterizes Israel as a brutal oppressor of the Palestinian people.
  • Aspen Institute: This organization promotes radical environmentalism and views America as a nation plagued by deep-seated “structural racism.”
  • Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now: This group conducts voter mobilization drives on behalf of leftist Democrats. These initiatives have been notoriously marred by fraud and corruption.
  • Ballot Initiative Strategy Center: This organization seeks to advance “a national progressive strategy” by means of ballot measures–state-level legislative proposals that pass successfully through a petition (“initiative”) process and are then voted upon by the public.
  • Bill of Rights Defense Committee: This group provides a detailed blueprint for activists interested in getting their local towns, cities, and even college campuses to publicly declare their opposition to the Patriot Act, and to designate themselves "Civil Liberties Safe Zones." The organization also came to the defense of self-described radical attorney Lynne Stewart, who was convicted in 2005 of providing material support for terrorism.
  • Black Alliance for Just Immigration: This organization seeks to create a unified movement for “social and economic justice” centered on black racial identity.
  • Blueprint North Carolina: This group seeks to “influence state policy in North Carolina so that residents of the state benefit from more progressive policies such as better access to health care, higher wages, more affordable housing, a safer, cleaner environment, and access to reproductive health services.”
  • Brennan Center for Justice: This think tank/legal activist group generates scholarly studies, mounts media campaigns, files amicus briefs, gives pro bono support to activists, and litigates test cases in pursuit of radical "change."
  • Brookings Institution: This organization has been involved with a variety of internationalist and state-sponsored programs, including one that aspires to facilitate the establishment of a U.N.-dominated world government. Brookings Fellows have also called for additional global collaboration on trade and banking; the expansion of the Kyoto Protocol; and nationalized health insurance for children. Nine Brookings economists signed a petitionopposing President Bush's tax cuts in 2003.
  • Campaign for America's Future: This group supports tax hikes, socialized medicine, and a dramatic expansion of social welfare programs.
  • Campaign for Better Health Care: This organization favors a single-payer, government-run, universal health care system.
  • Campaign for Youth Justice: This organization contends that “transferring juveniles to the adult criminal-justice system leads to higher rates of recidivism, puts incarcerated and detained youth at unnecessary risk, has little deterrence value, and does not increase public safety.”
  • Campus Progress: A project of the Soros-bankrolled Center for American Progress, this group seeks to "strengthen progressive voices on college and university campuses, counter the growing influence of right-wing groups on campus, and empower new generations of progressive leaders."
  • Casa de Maryland: This organization aggressively lobbies legislators to vote in favor of policies that promote expanded rights, including amnesty, for illegal aliens currently residing in the United States.
  • Catalist: This is a for-profit political consultancy that seeks "to help progressive organizations realize measurable increases in civic participation and electoral success by building and operating a robust national voter database of every voting-age American."
  • Catholics for Choice: This nominally Catholic organization supports women's right to abortion-on-demand.
  • Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good: This political nonprofit group is dedicated to generating support from the Catholic community for leftwing candidates, causes, and legislation.
  • Center for American Progress: This leftist think tank is headed by former Clinton chief of staff John Podesta, works closely with Hillary Clinton, and employs numerous former Clinton administration staffers. It is committed to "developing a long-term vision of a progressive America" and "providing a forum to generate new progressive ideas and policy proposals."
  • Center for Community Change: This group recruits and trains activists to spearhead leftist "political issue campaigns." Promoting increased funding for social welfare programs by bringing "attention to major national issues related to poverty," the Center bases its training programs on the techniques taught by the famed radical organizer Saul Alinsky.
  • Center for Constitutional Rights: This pro-Castro organization is a core member of the open borders lobby, has opposed virtually all post-9/11 anti-terrorism measures by the U.S. government, and alleges that American injustice provokes acts of international terrorism.
  • Center for Economic and Policy Research: This group opposed welfare reform, supports "living wage" laws, rejects tax cuts, and consistently lauds the professed achievements of socialist regimes, most notably Venezuela.
  • Center for Reproductive Rights: CRR's mission is to guarantee safe, affordable contraception and abortion-on-demand for all women, including adolescents. The organization has filed state and federal lawsuits demanding access to taxpayer-funded abortions (through Medicaid) for low-income women.
  • Center for Responsible Lending: This organization was a major player in the subprime mortgage crisis. According to Phil Kerpen (vice president for policy at Americans for Prosperity), CRL “sh[ook] down and harass[ed] banks into making bad loans to unqualified borrowers.” Moreover, CRL negotiated a contract enabling it to operate as a conduit of high-risk loans to Fannie Mae.
  • Center on Budget and Policy Priorities: Reasoning from the premise that tax cuts generally help only the wealthy, this organization advocates greater tax expenditures on social welfare programs for low earners.
  • Center on Wisconsin Strategy (COWS): Aiming to redistribute wealth by way of higher taxes imposed on those whose incomes are above average, COWS contends that "it is important that state government be able to harness fair contribution from all parts of society — including corporations and the wealthy."
  • Change America Now: Formed in December 2006, Change America Now describes itself as "an independent political organization created to educate citizens on the failed policies of the Republican Congress and to contrast that record of failure with the promise offered by a Democratic agenda."
  • Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington: This group litigates and brings ethics charges against "government officials who sacrifice the common good to special interests" and "betray the public trust." Almost all of its targets are Republicans.
  • Coalition for an International Criminal Court: This group seeks to subordinate American criminal-justice procedures to those of an international court.
  • Common Cause: This organization aims to bring about campaign-finance reform, pursue media reform resembling the Fairness Doctrine, and cut military budgets in favor of increased social-welfare and environmental spending.
  • Constitution Project: This organization seeks to challenge the legality of military commissions; end the detainment of "enemy combatants”; condemn government surveillance of terrorists; and limit the President's executive privileges.
  • Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund: Defenders of Wildlife opposes oil exploration in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. It condemns logging, ranching, mining, and even the use of recreational motorized vehicles as activities that are destructive to the environment.
  • Democracy Alliance: This self-described "liberal organization" aims to raise $200 million to develop a funding clearinghouse for leftist groups. Soros is a major donor to this group.
  • Democracy 21: This group is a staunch supporter of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002, also known as the McCain-Feingold Act.
  • Democracy Now!: Democracy Now! was created in 1996 by WBAI radio news director Amy Goodman and four partners to provide "perspectives rarely heard in the U.S. corporate-sponsored media," i.e., the views of radical and foreign journalists, left and labor activists, and ideological foes of capitalism.
  • Democratic Justice Fund: DJF opposes the Patriot Act and most efforts to restrict or regulate immigration into the United States -- particularly from countries designated by the State Department as "terrorist nations."
  • Democratic Party: Soros' funding activities are devoted largely to helping the Democratic Party solidify its power base. In a November 2003 interview, Soros stated that defeating President Bush in 2004 "is the central focus of my life" ... "a matter of life and death." He pledged to raise $75 million to defeat Bush, and personally donated nearly a third of that amount to anti-Bush organizations. "America under Bush," he said, "is a danger to the world, and I'm willing to put my money where my mouth is."
  • Demos: This organization lobbies federal and state policymakers to “addres the economic insecurity and inequality that characterize American society today”; promotes “ideas for reducing gaps in wealth, income and political influence”; and favors tax hikes for the wealthy.
    [*]Drum Major Institute: This group describes itself as “a non-partisan, non-profit think tank generating the ideas that fuel the progressive movement,” with the ultimate aim of persuading “policymakers and opinion-leaders” to take steps that advance its vision of “social and economic justice.”
    [*]Earthjustice: This group seeks to place severe restrictions on how U.S. land and waterways may be used. It opposes most mining and logging initiatives, commercial fishing businesses, and the use of motorized vehicles in undeveloped areas.
    [*]Economic Policy Institute: This organization believes that “government must play an active role in protecting the economically vulnerable, ensuring equal opportunity, and improving the well-being of all Americans.”
    [*]Electronic Privacy Information Center: This organization has been a harsh critic of the USA PATRIOT Act and has joined the American Civil Liberties Union in litigating two cases calling for the FBI "to publicly release or account for thousands of pages of information about the government's use of PATRIOT Act powers."
    [*]Ella Baker Center for Human Rights: Co-founded by the revolutionary communist Van Jones, this anti-poverty organization claims that “decades of disinvestment in our cities” -- compounded by “excessive, racist policing and over-incarceration” -- have “led to despair and homelessness.”
    [*]EMILY's List: This political network raises money for Democratic female political candidates who support unrestricted access to taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand.
    [*]Energy Action Coalition: Founded in 2004, this group describes itself as “a coalition of 50 youth-led environmental and social justice groups working together to build the youth clean energy and climate movement.” For EAC, this means “dismantling oppression” according to its principles of environmental justice.
    [*]Fair Immigration Reform Movement: This is the open-borders arm of the Center for Community Change.
    [*]Faithful America: This organization promotes the redistribution of wealth, an end to enhanced interrogation procedures vis a vis prisoners-of-war, the enactment of policies to combat global warming, and the creation of a government-run heath care system.
    [*]Feminist Majority: Characterizing the United States as an inherently sexist nation, this group focuses on "advancing the legal, social and political equality of women with men, countering the backlash to women's advancement, and recruiting and training young feminists to encourage future leadership for the feminist movement in the United States."
    [*]Four Freedoms Fund: This organization was designed to serve as a conduit through which large foundations could fund state-based open-borders organizations more flexibly and quickly.
    [*]Free Exchange on Campus: This organization was created solely to oppose the efforts of one individual, David Horowitz, and his campaign to have universities adopt an "Academic Bill of Rights," as well as todenounce Horowitz's 2006 book The Professors. Member organizations of FEC include Campus Progress (a project of the Center for American Progress); the American Association of University Professors; theAmerican Civil Liberties Union; People For the American Way; the United States Student Association; theCenter for Campus Free Speech; the American Library Association; Free Press; and the National Association of State Public Interest Research Groups.
    [*]Free Press: This "media reform" organization has worked closely with many notable leftists and such organizations as Media Matters for America, Air America Radio, Global Exchange, Code Pink, Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, the Revolutionary Communist Party, Mother Jones magazine, and Pacifica Radio.
    [*]Funding Exchange: Dedicated to the concept of philanthropy as a vehicle for social change, this organization pairs leftist donors and foundations with likeminded groups and activists who are dedicated to bringing about their own version of "progressive" change and social justice. Many of these grantees assume that American society is rife with racism, discrimination, exploitation, and inequity and needs to be overhauled via sustained education, activism, and social agitation.
    [*]Gamaliel Foundation: Modeling its tactics on those of the radical Sixties activist Saul Alinsky, this group takes a strong stand against current homeland security measures and immigration restrictions.
    [*]Gisha: Center for the Legal Protection of Freedom of Movement: This anti-Israel organization seeks to help Palestinians "exercise their right to freedom of movement."
    [*]Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect: This group contends that when a state proves either unable or unwilling to protect civilians from mass atrocities occurring within its borders, it is the responsibility of the international community to intervene -- peacefully if possible, but with military force if necessary.
    [*]Global Exchange: Established in 1988 by pro-Castro radical Medea Benjamin, this group consistently condemns America's foreign policy, business practices, and domestic life. Following the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Global Exchange advised Americans to examine "the root causes of resentment against the United States in the Arab world -- from our dependence on Middle Eastern oil to our biased policy towards Israel."
    [*]Grantmakers Without Borders: GWB tends to be very supportive of leftist environmental, anti-war, and civil rights groups. It is also generally hostile to capitalism, which it deems one of the chief "political, economic, and social systems" that give rise to a host of "social ills."
    [*]Green For All: This group was created by Van Jones to lobby for federal climate, energy, and economic policy initiatives.
    [*]Health Care for America Now: This group supports a “single payer” model where the federal government would be in charge of financing and administering the entire U.S. healthcare system.
    [*]Human Rights Campaign: The largest "lesbian-gay-bisexual-transgender" lobbying group in the United States, HRC supports political candidates and legislation that will advance the LGBT agenda. Historically, HRC has most vigorously championed HIV/AIDS-related legislation, “hate crime” laws, the abrogation of the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy, and the legalization of gay marriage.
    [*]Human Rights First: This group supports open borders and the rights of illegal aliens; charges that the Patriot Act severely erodes Americans' civil liberties; has filed amicus curiae briefs on behalf of terror suspect Jose Padilla; and deplores the Guantanamo Bay detention facilities.
    [*]Human Rights Watch: This group directs a disproportionate share of its criticism at the United States and Israel. It opposes the death penalty in all cases, and supports open borders and amnesty for illegal aliens.
    [*]I'lam: This anti-Israel NGO seeks "to develop and empower the Arab media and to give voice to Palestinian issues."
    [*]Immigrant Defense Project: To advance the cause of illegal immigrants, the IDP provides immigration law backup support and counseling to New York defense attorneys and others who represent or assist immigrants in criminal justice and immigration systems, as well as to immigrants themselves.
    [*]Immigrant Legal Resource Center: This group claims to have helped gain amnesty for some three million illegal aliens in the U.S., and in the 1980s was part of the sanctuary movement which sought to grant asylum to refugees from the failed Communist states of Central America.
    [*]Immigrant Workers Citizenship Project: This open-borders organization advocates mass immigration to the U.S.
    [*]Immigration Advocates Network: This alliance of immigrant-rights groups seeks to “increase access to justice for low-income immigrants and strengthen the capacity of organizations serving them.”
    [*]Immigration Policy Center: IPC is an advocate of open borders and contends that the massive influx of illegal immigrants into America is due to U.S. government policy, since “the broken immigration system […] spurs unauthorized immigration in the first place.”
    [*]Independent Media Center: This Internet-based, news and events bulletin board represents an invariably leftist, anti-capitalist perspective and serves as a mouthpiece for anti-globalization/anti-America themes.
    [*]Independent Media Institute: IMI administers the SPIN Project (Strategic Press Information Network), which provides leftist organizations with "accessible and affordable strategic communications consulting, training, coaching, networking opportunities and concrete tools" to help them "achieve their social justice goals."
    [*]Institute for America's Future: IAF supports socialized medicine, increased government funding for education, and the creation of an infrastructure "to ensure that the voice of the progressive majority is heard."
    [*]Institute for New Economic Thinking: Seeking to create a new worldwide "economic paradigm," this organization is staffed by numerous individuals who favor government intervention in national economies, and who view capitalism as a flawed system.
    [*]Institute for Policy Studies: This think tank has long supported Communist and anti-American causes around the world. Viewing capitalism as a breeding ground for "unrestrained greed," IPS seeks to provide a corrective to "unrestrained markets and individualism." Professing an unquestioning faith in the righteousness of the United Nations, it aims to bring American foreign policy under UN control.
    [*]Institute for Public Accuracy: This anti-American, anti-capitalist, anti-Israel organization sponsored actor Sean Penn’s celebrated visit to Baghdad in 2002. It also sponsored visits to Iraq by Democratic Congressmen Nick Rahall and former Democrat Senator James Abourezk
    [*]Institute for Women's Policy Research: This group views the U.S. as a nation rife with discrimination against women, and publishes research to draw attention to this alleged state of affairs. It also advocates unrestricted access to taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand, stating that "access to abortion is essential to the economic well-being of women and girls."
    [*]International Crisis Group: One of this organization's leading figures is its Mideast Director, Robert Malley, who was President Bill Clinton's Special Assistant for Arab-Israeli Affairs. His analysis of the Mideast conflict is markedly pro-Palestinian.
    [*]J Street: This anti-Israel group warns that Israel’s choice to take military action to stop Hamas' terrorist attacks “will prove counter-productive and only deepen the cycle of violence in the region”
    [*]Jewish Funds for Justice: This organization views government intervention and taxpayer funding as crucial components of enlightened social policy. It seeks to redistribute wealth from Jewish donors to low-income communities “to combat the root causes of domestic economic and social injustice.” By JFJ's reckoning, chief among those root causes are the inherently negative by-products of capitalism — most notably racism and “gross economic inequality.”
    [*]Joint Victory Campaign 2004: Founded by George Soros and Harold Ickes, this group was a major fundraising entity for Democrats during the 2004 election cycle. It collected contributions (including large amounts from Soros personally) and disbursed them to two other groups, America Coming Together and the Media Fund, which also worked on behalf of Democrats.
    [*]Justice at Stake: This coalition calls for judges to be appointed by nonpartisan, independent commissions in a process known as “merit selection,” rather than elected by the voting public.
    [*]LatinoJustice PRLDF: This organization supports bilingual education, the racial gerrymandering of voting districts, and expanded rights for illegal aliens.
    [*]Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law: This group views America as an unremittingly racist nation; uses the courts to mandate race-based affirmative action preferences in business and academia; has filed briefs against the Department of Homeland Security's efforts to limit the wholesale granting of green cards and to identify potential terrorists; condemns the Patriot Act; and calls on Americans to "recognize the contribution" of illegal aliens.
    [*]League of United Latin American Citizens: This group views America as a nation plagued by "an alarming increase in xenophobia and anti-Hispanic sentiment"; favors racial preferences; supports the legalization of illegal Hispanic aliens; opposes military surveillance of U.S. borders; opposes making English America's official language; favors open borders; and rejects anti-terrorism legislation like the Patriot Act.
    [*]League of Women Voters Education Fund: The League supports taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand; supports "motor-voter" registration, which allows anyone with a driver's license to become a voter, regardless of citizenship status; and supports tax hikes and socialized medicine.
    [*]League of Young Voters: This organization seeks to “empowe[r] young people nationwide” to “participate in the democratic process and create progressive political change on the local, state and national level.”
    [*]Lynne Stewart Defense Committee: IRS records indicate that Soros's Open Society Institute made a September 2002 grant of $20,000 to this organization. Stewart was the criminal-defense attorney who was later convicted for abetting her client, the "blind sheik" Omar Abdel Rahman, in terrorist activities connected with his Islamic Group.
    [*]Machsom Watch: This organization describes itself as "a movement of Israeli women, peace activists from all sectors of Israeli society, who oppose the Israeli occupation and the denial of Palestinians' rights to move freely in their land."
    [*]MADRE: This international women's organization deems Americathe world's foremost violator of human rights. As such, it seeks to "communicat[e] the real-life impact of U.S. policies on women and families confronting violence, poverty and repression around the world," and to "demand alternatives to destructive U.S. policies." It also advocates unrestricted access to taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand.
    [*]Malcolm X Grassroots Movement: This group views the U.S. as a nation replete with racism and discrimination against blacks; seeks to establish an independent black nation in the southeastern United States; and demands reparations for slavery.
    [*]Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition: This group calls for the expansion of civil rights and liberties for illegal aliens; laments that illegal aliens in America are commonly subjected to "worker exploitation"; supports tuition-assistance programs for illegal aliens attending college; and characterizes the Patriot Act as a "very troubling" assault on civil liberties.
    [*]Media Fund: Soros played a major role in creating this group, whose purpose was to conceptualize, produce, and place political ads on television, radio, print, and the Internet.
    [*]Media Matters for America: This organization is a "web-based, not-for-profit … progressive research and information center" seeking to "systematically monitor a cross-section of print, broadcast, cable, radio, and Internet media outlets for conservative misinformation." The group works closely with the Soros-backed Center for American Progress, and is heavily funded by Democracy Alliance, of which Soros is a major financier.
    [*]Mercy Corps: Vis a vis the Arab-Israeli conflict, Mercy Corps places all blame for Palestinian poverty and suffering directly on Israel.
    [*]Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund: This group advocates open borders, free college tuition for illegal aliens, lowered educational standards to accommodate Hispanics, and voting rights for criminals. In MALDEF's view, supporters of making English the official language of the United States are "motivated by racism and anti-immigrant sentiments," while advocates of sanctions against employers reliant on illegal labor seek to discriminate against "brown-skinned people."
    [*]Meyer, Suozzi, English and Klein, PC: This influential defender of Big Labor is headed by Democrat operativeHarold Ickes.
    [*]Midwest Academy: This entity trains radical activists in the tactics of direct action, targeting, confrontation, and intimidation.
    [*]Migration Policy Institute: This group seeks to create "a North America with gradually disappearing border controls ... with permanent migration remaining at moderate levels."
    [*]Military Families Speak Out: This group ascribes the U.S. invasion of Iraq to American imperialism and lust for oil.
    [*] This Web-based organization supports Democratic political candidates through fundraising, advertising, and get-out-the-vote drives.
    [*]Ms. Foundation for Women: This group laments what it views as the widespread and enduring flaws of American society: racism, sexism, homophobia, and the violation of civil rights and liberties. It focuses its philanthropy on groups that promote affirmative action for women, unfettered access to taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand, amnesty for illegal aliens, and big government generally.
    [*]NARAL Pro-Choice America: This group supports taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand, and works to elect pro-abortion Democrats.
    [*]NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund: The NAACP supports racial preferences in employment and education, as well as the racial gerrymandering of voting districts. Underpinning its support for race preferences is the fervent belief that white racism in the United States remains an intractable, largely undiminished, phenomenon.
    [*]The Nation Institute: This nonprofit entity sponsors leftist conferences, fellowships, awards for radical activists, and journalism internships.
    [*]National Abortion Federation: This group opposes any restrictions on abortion at either the state or federal levels, and champions the introduction of unrestricted abortion into developing regions of the world.
    [*]National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty: This group was established in 1976 as the first "fully staffed national organization exclusively devoted to abolishing capital punishment."
    [*]National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy: This group depicts the United States as a nation in need of dramatic structural change financed by philanthropic organizations. It overwhelmingly promotes grant-makers and grantees with leftist agendas, while criticizing their conservative counterparts.
    [*]National Committee for Voting Integrity: This group opposes "the implementation of proof of citizenship and photo identification requirements for eligible electors in American elections as the means of assuring election integrity."
    [*]National Council for Research on Women: This group supports big government, high taxes, military spending cuts, increased social welfare spending, and the unrestricted right to taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand.
    [*]National Council of La Raza: This group lobbies for racial preferences, bilingual education, stricter hate-crime laws, mass immigration, and amnesty for illegal aliens.
    [*]National Council of Women's Organizations: This group views the United States as a nation rife with injustice against girls and women. It advocates high levels of spending for social welfare programs, and supports race and gender preferences for minorities and women in business and academia.
    [*]National Immigration Forum: Opposing the enforcement of present immigration laws, this organization urges the American government to "legalize" en masse all illegal aliens currently in the United States who have no criminal records, and to dramatically increase the number of visas available for those wishing to migrate to the U.S. The Forum is particularly committed to opening the borders to unskilled, low-income workers, and immediately making them eligible for welfare and social service programs.
    [*]National Immigration Law Center: This group seeks to win unrestricted access to government-funded social welfare programs for illegal aliens.
    [*]National Lawyers Guild: This group promotes open borders; seeks to weaken America's intelligence-gathering agencies; condemns the Patriot Act as an assault on civil liberties; rejects capitalism as an unviable economic system; has rushed to the defense of convicted terrorists and their abettors; and generally opposes all U.S. foreign policy positions, just as it did during the Cold War when it sided with the Soviets.
    [*]National Organization for Women: This group advocates the unfettered right to taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand; seeks to "eradicate racism, sexism and homophobia" from American society; attacks Christianity and traditional religious values; and supports gender-based preferences for women.
    [*]National Partnership for Women and Families: This organization supports race- and sex-based preferences in employment and education. It also advocates for the universal "right" of women to undergo taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand at any stage of pregnancy and for any reason.
    [*]National Priorities Project: This group supports government-mandated redistribution of wealth -- through higher taxes and greater expenditures on social welfare programs. NPP exhorts the government to redirect a significant portion of its military funding toward public education, universal health insurance, environmentalist projects, and welfare programs.
    [*]National Public Radio: Founded in 1970 with 90 public radio stations as charter members, NPR is today a loose network of more than 750 U.S. radio stations across the country, many of which are based on college and university campuses. (source)
    [*]National Security Archive Fund: This group collects and publishes declassified documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act to a degree that compromises American national security and the safety of intelligence agents.
    [*]National Women's Law Center: This group supports taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand; lobbies against conservative judicial appointees; advocates increased welfare spending to help low-income mothers; and favors higher taxes for the purpose of generating more funds for such government programs as Medicaid, food stamps, welfare, foster care, health care, child-support enforcement, and student loans.
    [*]Natural Resources Defense Council: One of the most influential environmentalist lobbying groups in the United States, the Council claims a membership of one million people.
    [*]New America Foundation: This organization uses policy papers, media articles, books, and educational events to influence public opinion on such topics as healthcare, environmentalism, energy policy, the Mideast conflict, global governance, and much more.
    [*]New Israel Fund: This organization gives support to NGOs that regularly produce reports accusing Israel of human-rights violations and religious persecution.
    [*]NewsCorpWatch: A project of Media Matters For America, NewsCorpWatch was established with the help of a $1 million George Soros grant to Media Matters.
    [*]Pacifica Foundation: This entity owns and operates Pacifica Radio, awash from its birth with the socialist-Marxist rhetoric of class warfare and hatred for capitalism.
    [*]Peace and Security Funders Group: This is an association of more than 60 foundations that give money to leftist anti-war and environmentalist causes. Its members tend to depict America as the world's chief source of international conflict, environmental destruction, and economic inequalities.
    [*]Peace Development Fund: In PDF's calculus, the United States needs a massive overhaul of its social and economic institutions. "Recently," explains PDF, "we have witnessed the negative effects of neo-liberalism and the globalization of capitalism, the de-industrialization of the U.S. and the growing gap between the rich and poor ..."
    [*]People for the American Way: This group opposes the Patriot Act, anti-terrorism measures generally, and the allegedly growing influence of the "religious right."
    [*]Physicians for Human Rights: This group is selectively and disproportionately critical of the United States and Israel in its condemnations of human rights violations.
    [*]Physicians for Social Responsibility: This is an anti-U.S.-military organization that also embraces the tenets of radical environmentalism.
    [*]Planned Parenthood: This group is the largest abortion provider in the United States and advocates taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand.
    [*]Ploughshares Fund: This public grantmaking foundation opposes America's development of a missile defense system, and contributes to many organizations that are highly critical of U.S. foreign policies and military ventures.
    [*]Prepare New York: This group supported the proposed construction of a Muslim Community Center near Ground Zero in lower Manhattan — a project known as the Cordoba Initiative, headed by Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf.
    [*]Presidential Climate Action Project: PCAP's mission is to create a new 21st-century economy, completely carbon-free and based largely on renewable energy. A key advisor to the organization is the revolutionary communist Van Jones.
    [*]Prison Moratorium Project: This initiative was created in 1995 for the express purpose of working for the elimination of all prisons in the United States and the release of all inmates. Reasoning from the premise that incarceration is never an appropriate means of dealing with crime, it deems American society's inherent inequities the root of all criminal behavior.
    [*]Progressive Change Campaign Committee: This organization works “to elect bold progressive candidates to federal office and to help [them] and their campaigns save money, work smarter, and win more often.”
    [*]Progressive States Network: PSN's mission is to "pass progressive legislation in all fifty states by providing coordinated research and strategic advocacy tools to forward-thinking state legislators."
    [*]Project Vote: This is the voter-mobilization arm of the Soros-funded ACORN. A persistent pattern of lawlessness and corruption has followed ACORN/Project Vote activities over the years.
    [*]Pro Publica: Claiming that “investigative journalism is at risk,” this group aims to remedy this lacuna in news publishing by “expos[ing] abuses of power and betrayals of the public trust by government, business, and other institutions, using the moral force of investigative journalism to spur reform through the sustained spotlighting of wrongdoing.”
    [*]Proteus Fund: This foundation directs its philanthropy toward a number of radical leftwing organizations.
    [*]Public Citizen Foundation: Public Citizen seeks increased government intervention and litigation against corporations -- a practice founded on the notion that American corporations, like the capitalist system of which they are a part, are inherently inclined toward corruption.
    [*]Public Justice Center: Viewing America as a nation rife with injustice and discrimination, this organization engages in legislative and policy advocacy to promote "systemic change for the disenfranchised."
    [*]Rebuild and Renew America Now (a.k.a. Unity '09): Spearheaded by and overseen by longtime activist Heather Booth, this coalition was formed to facilitate the passage of President Obama’s "historic" $3.5 trillion budget for fiscal year 2010.
    [*]Res Publica: Seeking to advance far-left agendas in places all around the world, RP specializes in “E-advocacy,” or web-based movement-building.
    [*]Secretary of State Project: This project was launched in July 2006 as an independent "527" organization devoted to helping Democrats get elected to the office of Secretary of State in selected swing, or battleground, states.
    [*]Sentencing Project: Asserting that prison-sentencing patterns are racially discriminatory, this initiative advocates voting rights for felons.
    [*]Social Justice Leadership: This organization seeks to transform an allegedly inequitable America into a "just society" by means of "a renewed social-justice movement."
    [*]Shadow Democratic Party: This is an elaborate network of non-profit activist groups organized by George Soros and others to mobilize resources -- money, get-out-the-vote drives, campaign advertising, and policy iniatives -- to elect Democratic candidates and guide the Democratic Party towards the left.
    [*]Sojourners: This evangelical Christian ministry preaches radical leftwing politics. During the 1980s it championed Communist revolution in Central America and chastised U.S. policy-makers for their tendency "to assume the very worst about their Soviet counterparts." More recently, Sojourners has taken up the cause of environmental activism, opposed welfare reform as a "mean-spirited Republican agenda," and mounted a defense of affirmative action.
    [*]Southern Poverty Law Center: This organization monitors the activities of what it calls “hate groups” in the United States. It exaggerates the prevalence of white racism directed against American minorities.
    [*]State Voices: This coalition helps independent local activist groups in 22 states work collaboratively on a year-round basis, so as to maximize the impact of their efforts.
    [*]Think Progress: This Internet blog "pushes back, daily," by its own account, against its conservative targets, and seeks to transform "progressive ideas into policy through rapid response communications, legislative action, grassroots organizing and advocacy, and partnerships with other progressive leaders throughout the country and the world."
    [*]Thunder Road Group: This political consultancy, in whose creation Soros had a hand, coordinates strategy for the Media Fund, America Coming Together, and America Votes.
    [*]Tides Foundation and Tides Center: Tides is a major funder of the radical Left.
    [*]U.S. Public Interest Research Group: This is an umbrella organization of student groups that support leftist agendas.
    [*]Universal Healthcare Action Network: This organization supports a single-payer health care system controlled by the federal government.
    [*]Urban Institute: This research organization favors socialized medicine, expansion of the federal welfare bureaucracy, and tax hikes for higher income-earners.
    [*]USAction Education Fund: USAction lists its priorities as: "fighting the right wing agenda"; "building grassroots political power"; winning "social, racial and economic justice for all"; supporting a system of taxpayer-funded socialized medicine; reversing "reckless tax cuts for millionaires and corporations" which shield the "wealthy" from paying their "fair share"; advocating for "pro-consumer and environmental regulation of corporate abuse"; "strengthening progressive voices on local, state and national issues"; and working to "register, educate and get out the vote ... [to] help progressives get elected at all levels of government."
    [*]Voto Latino: This group seeks to mobilize Latin-Americans to become registered voters and political activists.
    [*]Working Families Party: An outgrowth of the socialist New Party, WFP seeks to help push the Democratic Party toward the left.
    [*]World Organization Against Torture: This coalition works closely with groups that condemn Israeli security measures against Palestinian terrorism.
    [*]YWCA World Office, Switzerland: The YWCA opposes abstinence education; supports universal access to taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand; and opposes school vouchers.

"Secondary" or "Indirect" Affiliates of the George Soros NetworkBy Discover The Networks

In addition to those organizations that are funded directly by George Soros and his Open Society Institute (OSI), there are also numerous "secondary" or "indirect" affiliates of the Soros network. These include organizations which do not receive direct funding from Soros and OSI, but which are funded by one or more organizations that do.

  • Center for Progressive Leadership: Funded by the Soros-bankrolled Democracy Alliance, this anti-capitalist organization is dedicated to training future leftist political leaders.
  • John Adams Project:This project of the American Civil Liberties Union was accused of: (a) having hired investigators to photograph CIA officers thought to have been involved in enhanced interrogations of terror suspects detained in Guantanamo, and then (b) showing the photos to the attorneys of those suspects, some of whom were senior al-Qaeda operatives.
  • Moving Ideas Network (MIN): This coalition of more than 250 leftwing activist groups is a partner organization of the Soros-backed Center for American Progress. MIN was originally a project of the Soros-backed American Prospect and, as such, received indirect funding from the Open Society Institute. In early 2006, The American Prospect relinquished control of the Moving Ideas Network.
  • New Organizing Institute: Created by the Soros-funded, this group "trains young, technology-enabled political organizers to work for progressive campaigns and organizations."
  • Think Progress: This "project" of the American Progress Action Fund, which is a "sister advocacy organization"of the Soros-funded Center for American Progress and Campus Progress, seeks to transform "progressive ideas into policy through rapid response communications, legislative action, grassroots organizing and advocacy, and partnerships with other progressive leaders throughout the country and the world."
  • Vote for Change: Coordinated by the political action committee of the Soros-funded, Vote for Change was a group of 41 musicians and bands that performed concerts in several key election "battleground"states during October 2004, to raise money in support of Democrat John Kerry's presidential bid.
  • Working Families Party: Created in 1998 to help push the Democratic Party toward the left, this front group for the Soros-funded ACORN functions as a political party that promotes ACORN-friendly candidates.

And Natural News is NOT honest!!! Countless sources describe them as anti-scientific fear mongers who spread outright lies in order to sell their `natural` products to people like you.

Do you know who their most vocal critics will be? Big corporations like Monsanto because natural news speaks out against gentically modified food, or big pharma because natural news recommends people to use natural methods to maintain the health of their natural bodies rather than the products of big pharam many of which have been proven to be harmful or adulterated with harmful things

Not only are they manipulating people for profit, they`re also spreading destructive fear and paranoia that is KILLING people who are now afraid of getting proper medical treatment for their children because they believe that all vaccines are toxic. THIS is something that you are willing to defend or requite, and yet the real danger to society is the website that wanted the most unpopular and yes, EVIL president of our time to step down.

I know what they put in you?

because if you don't know all the ingrediants that are used and yet you are telling me they are totally safe then i think that is really a bit silly

Here is a clip about the harmful mercury derivitive 'thimerosol' that was used in many vaccines and has harmed many children:

Dude, is there a conspiracy that you don't think is absolutely one hundred percent true and irrefutable?
Ah-- looks like I got the 'hey let's post so much shit it will be impossible to respond' treatment.

Have you read the way that some of those organizations you're posting are being described? And have you read what these organizations actually DO??? I hate to break it to you, but a lot of those descriptions seem to have been written by right wing Republicans who are probably in direct opposition to everything that you personally believe in, and even then they're written to appeal to other pro-military pro-big business pro-tax cuts for the rich types who hate things like equality, wealth redistribution, civil rights, poor people, minorities, immigrants, women who want careers and homosexuals.

Are you saying that you WANTED the Iraq War to happen? Do you think that national health care is a NEGATIVE thing? DO you think that taxing big business to fund programs for the poor is WRONG? Do you think that military spending cuts are OFFENSIVE? Do you LIKE the death penalty? Did you notice that they are opposed to the PATRIOT ACT?? And for that matter, ALL of the fascist bullshit that George Bush inflicted on the US after 9/11?

And here's one that I KNOW you're going to love:

•I'lam: This anti-Israel NGO seeks "to develop and empower the Arab media and to give voice to Palestinian issues.'

They're anti-Israel, muir!!!! Why aren't you out in the streets, campaigning for these people?

And here's another one:

•Funding Exchange: Dedicated to the concept of philanthropy as a vehicle for social change, this organization pairs leftist donors and foundations with likeminded groups and activists who are dedicated to bringing about their own version of "progressive" change and social justice. Many of these grantees assume that American society is rife with racism, discrimination, exploitation, and inequity and needs to be overhauled via sustained education, activism, and social agitation.

Because we all know that inequity doesn't exist anymore, any attempt to stop it MUST be a sinister plot to take over the world.

You don't even look at this stuff before you post it, do you?

This is because you're counting on the sheer volume of info to discourage people from reading it.

This is because you're not for real.
I just wanted to add:

•Human Rights Campaign: The largest "lesbian-gay-bisexual-transgender" lobbying group in the United States, HRC supports political candidates and legislation that will advance the LGBT agenda. Historically, HRC has most vigorously championed HIV/AIDS-related legislation, “hate crime” laws, the abrogation of the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy, and the legalization of gay marriage.

I have been trying to answer each of your points

I think we have come to some concession privately and hope we are currently peaceful.

I don't wish to continue this openly as I don't want to color the discussion with personal issues, or have me be used against you, or you used against me.
I think we have come to some concession privately and hope we are currently peaceful.

I don't wish to continue this openly as I don't want to color the discussion with personal issues, or have me be used against you, or you used against me.

Sorry for the delay there i had to go do something

Yeah totally man its all good...i appreciate it

Things can get a little cloudy here sometimes with the debates....the fog of war and all that!

Best wishes

I just wanted to add:

•Human Rights Campaign: The largest "lesbian-gay-bisexual-transgender" lobbying group in the United States, HRC supports political candidates and legislation that will advance the LGBT agenda. Historically, HRC has most vigorously championed HIV/AIDS-related legislation, “hate crime” laws, the abrogation of the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy, and the legalization of gay marriage.


Like i have said i don't disagree with everything the cabal are doing...i also want to see gay people have their rights protected

Whats going on in the wider picture though is that they wanted to transform the america of the 50's where society had quite a solid structure into something that had no structure....they managed to do this over the following decades as they broke down the fabric of society in order to move society towards a new system that they want to see

Society is now pretty fractured, divided and unsure of itself...families and communities have been broken up and everyone is feeling isolated. this is all part of the cabals process as a step on the path to a world government where people really have no sense of identity but are just another number in a vast beaurocratic machine
Like i have said i don't disagree with everything the cabal are doing...i also want to see gay people have their rights protected

Whats going on in the wider picture though is that they wanted to transform the america of the 50's where society had quite a solid structure into something that had no structure....they managed to do this over the following decades as they broke down the fabric of society in order to move society towards a new system that they want to see

Society is now pretty fractured, divided and unsure of itself...families and communities have been broken up and everyone is feeling isolated. this is all part of the cabals process as a step on the path to a world government where people really have no sense of identity but are just another number in a vast beaurocratic machine

I don't think that minorities or women who love their jobs would agree that things were better in the 1950s... repression doesn't equal legitimate social cohesion.

And if you agree with the cabal on some points, exactly which of the organizations on that list do you find so objectionable?

And you haven`t responded to Soros`support of the anti-Israel group... is that just to throw everyone off?

How about this one:

-Urban Institute: This research organization favors socialized medicine, expansion of the federal welfare bureaucracy, and tax hikes for higher income-earners.

Why is Soros, the evil mastermind bent on oppression and world domination, funding groups that seek to tax the rich and give that money to the sick and the poor? Maybe he wants sick people and poor people to be so happy and healthy that they don`t see that their happiness and health only makes them more his slaves?

And one more:

-Peace Development Fund: In PDF's calculus, the United States needs a massive overhaul of its social and economic institutions. "Recently," explains PDF, "we have witnessed the negative effects of neo-liberalism and the globalization of capitalism, the de-industrialization of the U.S. and the growing gap between the rich and poor ..."

B-b-b-but Soros MUST support neoliberalism, because he is part of the cabal!! Why is he giving money to people like this? Bring back the manufacturing industry? But that would mean putting millions of sweatshops out of business and bankrupting the people who exploit cheap labour and dodge unions! Is the plan to bankrupt the corporations and destroy America by forcing it to hire enough workers to manufacture its own sneakers and computers?

Seriously, muir-- you posted all of these descriptions and told everyone that these were evil organizations funded by an evil man... you are obligated to explain why you think that. If your whole thing is ANYONE WHO HAS MONEY OR POWER IS EVIL, then AT LEAST try to be consistent with your targets and maybe downplay the existence of people who give to causes like the ones you named.

I`m starting to think that you`re a shill for Natural News, spreading alarm so people will be too afraid not to buy things that otherwise you wouldn`t be able to sell... using the image of a counterculture revolutionary with a genuine interest in the people to push forward your propaganda. How much is he paying you? Is it a lot?

To really understand this situation you just need to look into it a bit deeper

Here is a clip about the harmful mercury derivitive 'thimerosol'
What is thimerosal?

Thimerosal is a mercury-based preservative that has been used for decades in the United States in multi-dose vials (vials containing more than one dose) of medicines and vaccines.
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Why is thimerosal used as a preservative in vaccines?

Thimerosal is added to vials of vaccine that contain more than one dose to prevent the growth of bacteria and fungi in the event that they get into the vaccine. This may occur when a syringe needle enters a vial as a vaccine is being prepared for administration. Contamination by germs in a vaccine could cause severe local reactions, serious illness or death. In some vaccines, preservatives are added during the manufacturing process to prevent microbial growth.
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How does thimerosal work in the body?

Thimerosal does not stay in the body a long time so it does not build up and reach harmful levels. When thimerosal enters the body, it breaks down, to ethylmercury and thiosalicylate, which are easily eliminated.
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Is thimerosal safe?

Thimerosal has a proven track record of being very safe. Data from many studies show no convincing evidence of harm caused by the low doses of thimerosal in vaccines.
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What are the possible side-effects of thimerosal?

The most common side-effects are minor reactions like redness and swelling at the injection site. Although rare, some people may be allergic to thimerosal. Research shows that most people who are allergic to thimerosal will not have a reaction when thimerosal is injected under the skin (Wattanakrai, 2007; Heidary, 2005).
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Does thimerosal cause autism?

Research does not show any link between thimerosal in vaccines and autism, a neurodevelopmental disorder. Although thimerosal was taken out of childhood vaccines in 2001, autism rates have gone up, which is the opposite of what would be expected if thimerosal caused autism.
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Do MMR vaccines contain thimerosal?

No, measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccines do not and never did contain thimerosal. Varicella (chickenpox), inactivated polio (IPV), and pneumococcal conjugate vaccines have also never contained thimerosal.
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Do all flu vaccines contain thimerosal?

No. Influenza (flu) vaccines are currently available in both thimerosal-containing and thimerosal-free versions. The total amount of flu vaccine without thimerosal as a preservative at times has been limited, but availability will increase as vaccine manufacturing capabilities are expanded. In the meantime, it is important to keep in mind that the benefits of influenza vaccination outweigh the theoretical risk, if any, of exposure to thimerosal.
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How can I find out if thimerosal is in a vaccine?

For a complete list of vaccines and their thimerosal content level, you may visit the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Additionally, you may ask your health care provider or pharmacist for a copy of the vaccine package insert. It lists ingredients in the vaccine and discusses any known adverse reactions.
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Please see References for a list of published articles on thimerosal.
[h=2]Koch-Sponsored “Hackfest”[/h] Posted on June 27, 2013 by DamnedLiberal
Several websites are reporting, in alarmist tones, about a “Liberty Hackathon hackfest” sponsored by Charles Koch (Koch Institute). They just love to use loaded words like “Liberty”. What the Kochs would really like to do is develop first-class databases and … Continue reading →

Posted in Astroturf | Leave a comment

[h=2]Study Shows Kochs And Tobacco Industry Began Working Years Ago To Establish The Teabagger Party[/h] Posted on February 13, 2013 by DamnedLiberal
A comprehensive study of historical records shows alliance between the Kochs and Big Tobacco was the beginning of the teabagger party, going back to the early 2000′s. “Grass roots”? Ha! Continue reading →

Posted in AFP: Americans For Plutocrats, Astroturf, Koch Groups, Teabaggers | Leave a comment

[h=2]Kansas Citizens March On Koch Headquarters In Protest[/h] Posted on October 30, 2011 by DamnedLiberal
A group of Kansas who are fed up with the Kochs marched on Koch Industries’ headquarters. Koch borg (5 or so teabaggers) were also on hand to sing the praises of their puppet masters. Continue reading →

Posted in Anti-Koch, Astroturf, Protests | Leave a comment

[h=2]Koch’s AFP Openly Assumes Ownership of Tea Party[/h] Posted on October 13, 2011 by DamnedLiberal
In the early days, there were hatefests comprised of teabaggers waving signs and shouting. Now that the Tea Party is withering, the Koch-created and -funded AFP (Americans For Plutocrats) is making it quite clear WHO “the Tea Party” really is: The Kochs — via their AFP group. Continue reading →

Posted in AFP: Americans For Plutocrats, Astroturf, Exposing the Kochs, Political Spending, Politics | Leave a comment

[h=2]Kochs’ Teabagger Groups: Big Money At The Top[/h] Posted on October 3, 2011 by DamnedLiberal
There’s big money in “grassroots”: $500,000 to Dick Armey (Freedom Works), $363,000 to Tim Phillips (Americans For Plutocrats), hundreds of thousands for Palin appearances, even $750 for a “Joe the plumber” appearance. Local teabagger groups don’t raise much money. But the Koch-funded groups report receiving millions. Hate pays. Continue reading →

Posted in AFP: Americans For Plutocrats, Astroturf, Koch Groups | Leave a comment

[h=2]Koch Astroturf Creation Inspires New Online Game: Tea Party Zombies Must Die[/h] Posted on September 7, 2011 by DamnedLiberal
A new online game enables you to have fun with the Tea Party! The game includes Palin, Huckabee, Gingrich and more. “Generic is pissed off old white guy zombie.” Happy gaming! Continue reading →

Posted in Astroturf, Laughter helps | Leave a comment

[h=2]Koch Says Spending Money On His Company And His Right-Wing Groups Is More Beneficial Than Paying Taxes[/h] Posted on August 20, 2011 by DamnedLiberal
Chuckie Koch responds to Warren Buffetts statement that the mega rich SHOULD pay more in taxes. What’s Chuckie say? He says he’s spending his money better than the government could. Right, Chuckie, like the government would have watered all that bile-spewing hate-filled maniacal astroturf. And that’s the difference between Warren Buffett, who thinks about society, and the Kochs. Continue reading →

Posted in AFP: Americans For Plutocrats, Astroturf, Attacking working Americans, Exposing the Kochs | Leave a comment

[h=2]Kochsters To Launch “Blame Obama” Campaign[/h] Posted on June 6, 2011 by DamnedLiberal
Kochster group plans an assault on somebody the Kochs aren’t very fond of. Continue reading →

Posted in Astroturf, Kochtopus, Promoting Hate | Leave a comment

[h=2]Kochsters To Undertake $5 Million+ Campaign In Ohio[/h] Posted on March 18, 2011 by DamnedLiberal
Kochster group undertakes $5.6 million advertising campaign to promote hate in Ohio. They really, really hate unions. Continue reading →

Posted in Astroturf, Political Spending, Promoting Hate | Leave a comment

[h=2]Koch Enablers: How The Kochsters Successfully Implanted Global Warming Denial In Right-Wing Brains[/h] Posted on March 17, 2011 by DamnedLiberal
The Kochsters have successfully implanted denial of global warming in the right-wing mind. It shows how successful a lot of money and a handful of Koch-funded groups can be. Continue reading →
[h=1]Billionaire Koch Brothers Finance Astroturf Tea Party[/h] Under the ruse of grass roots organizations, corporate propaganda has successfully duped citizens into supporting the goals of America's Invisible Hands.

Posted by Frank W. Hardy | Last updated: Mar 25, 2013

  • Koch Organizational Interface aka The Kochtopus

Following a political agenda formulated during the Reagan Administration, billionaire brothers David and Charles Koch along with like-minded oligarchs have successfully created and funded the USA’s Tea Party political movement. Masquerading as a grass roots crusade, the magnates have effectively conned many idealist Americans. Only recently have progressives begun to unravel the Kochtopus and reveal the clandestine conspiracy of the mega rich.
Free Market Capitalism (FMC)

Running as vice president on the Libertarian Ticket in 1980, the co-owner of America’s second largest privately held corporation (Koch Industries) and America’s fourth richest tycoon, David Koch, along with his industrialist brother Charles, formed and funded organizations that promote their personal ideas of free market capitalism.
These are philosophies that are extremely radical and distort the concept of market economics. They interpreted FMC to mean, the absolute personal power, masked with a corporate veil, which is devoid of all external intervention. Reporter Jane Mayer wrote, “When David Koch ran…his campaign called for the abolition [of]…any government enterprise that would either inhibit his business profits or increase his taxes.”
Propaganda Tools
Following defeat in 1980, the Kochs changed tactics and enticed other likeminded American oligarchs to join forces. The billionaires exploited their economic superiority by staffing organizations with hired guns that disseminated their propaganda. Utilizing euphemisms to misinform and nationalism to prevent dissent, their establishments became sufficiently powerful to eject any opponent contradicting their program. “The Kochs are on a whole different level….They have a pattern of law breaking, political manipulation, and obfuscation….I’ve never seen anything like it,” Mayer insisted.

  • CSE – Citizens for a Sound Economy was the first organization formed by Koch in 1984. Its stated goal was to “fight for less government, lower taxes, and less regulation.” [Oldham]

  • AFP - Americans for Prosperity arose from the restructuring of CSE in 2004 and retained David Koch as Chairman.

  • FW – FreedomWorks resulted from merging the remaining portions of CSE with Empower America in 2004. This tax free 501(c)3 organization has billionaire Steve Forbes on its board.

  • Empower America – was founded by fundamentalist Bill Bennett who championed a conservative domestic agenda while promoting hawkish foreign policy.

  • Hired Guns – Professor Fred Singer, Congressman Dick Armey, Christian Coalition Leader Ralph Reed, Americans for Tax Reform’s Grover Norquist, disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff and countless others.
The Koch brothers joined supportive billionaires; the Coors brothers (Beer), the Walton Family (WalMart), the Olin Family (Winchester ammunition), Richard Mellon Scaife (banking/publishing), Rupert Murdoch (publishing) and the corporate duo of Phillip Morris (tobacco) and ExxonMobil (oil) to create 87 organizations that became known as the Kochtopus. An entity that will develop, espouse and promote the free market agenda for the benefit of this group of oligarchs.
The Tea Party
Commentator, Rick Santelli first mentioned the tea party revolt during an on-air rant in 2009. “We’re thinking of having a Chicago Tea Party in July,” Santelli screeched from the floor of the Chicago Board of Trade. It would seem disgruntled Americans started a grass roots organization.
According to investigative journalist Taki Oldham, “The aim was to make it appear that grass roots citizens were advocating these radical ideas and not the wealthy and powerful elite. In truth…the backing came from not only billionaire ideologues [but]…from companies across a range of industries.”
The corporate propaganda mission was to enflame individuals into attacking administrations. Government became the euphemism for commercial regulations and freedom meant untethered capitalism; however, it was imperative the people remain unsuspecting. “Propaganda is all the more credible for not seeming to be propaganda….It has to seem to come from…the people themselves,” argues Professor of media studies Mark Crispin Miller of New York University. “We’re talking about deceptive ways of getting around peoples’ defenses…. These citizens groups are bogus,” Dr. Miller tells Oldham.

  • CSE’s classic attack can be seen in their denunciation of the FDA as big government intrusion. What was missing from CSE’s condemnation was information that the tobacco industry funded the campaign out of a desire to remove FDA smoking regulations.

  • The insurance and drug industries used fantasy attacks on the American lifestyle in another citizenry misinformation blitz. Healthcare reform became synonymous with soviet style socialist meddling into “individual freedom and liberties.” [AP] Here too the people became the unwitting minions of the elite.
In case after case, the propaganda machine reminded citizens they were fighting governmental boogeymen while never divulging the reality that these folks were actually defending elitist interests. Kert Davies, Greenpeace research director told Oldham, conglomerates are “…recruiting them to do the bidding of corporate America.” .
The power of organized misinformation remains a tool for American billionaires. Last summer the Kochs were illuminated. Tax records indicate they spent a quarter of a billion dollars in controlling the American people ($196 million for Koch foundations, $50 million in lobbying and $4.8 million in PAC contributions); excluding anonymous private donations. With regard to hidden donations, Frank Rich put it best: “The Kochs surely match the in-kind donations the Tea Party receives…from Murdoch’s Fox News….”

  • Mayer, Jane. August 30, 2010. “Covert Operations.” The New Yorker Magazine. 25 April 2011.

  • Oldham, Takeshi (Taki). February 2011. Documentary: The Billionaires’ Tea Party. Larrikin Films. 24 April 2011.

Santelli, Rick. 19 February 2009. “Squawk Box.” CN
February 13, 2013 10:00 AM [h=2]Study: Kochs Tried To Start 'Grassroots' Tea Party In 2002[/h] By Susie Madrak

Here's a screenshot of the archived U.S. Tea Party site, as it appeared online on Sept. 13, 2002. Send this one to your teabagger relatives and watch their heads explode:
A new academic study confirms that front groups with longstanding ties to the tobacco industry and the billionaire Koch brothers planned the formation of the Tea Party movement more than a decade before it exploded onto the U.S. political scene.
Far from a genuine grassroots uprising, this astroturf effort was curated by wealthy industrialists years in advance. Many of the anti-science operatives who defended cigarettes are currently deploying their tobacco-inspired playbook internationally to evade accountability for the fossil fuel industry's role in driving climate disruption.
The study, funded by the National Cancer Institute of the National Institute of Health, traces the roots of the Tea Party's anti-tax movement back to the early 1980s when tobacco companies began to invest in third party groups to fight excise taxes on cigarettes, as well as health studies finding a link between cancer and secondhand cigarette smoke.Published in the peer-reviewed academic journal, Tobacco Control, the study titled, 'To quarterback behind the scenes, third party efforts': the tobacco industry and the Tea Party, is not just an historical account of activities in a bygone era. As senior author, Stanton Glantz, a University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) professor of medicine, writes:
"Nonprofit organizations associated with the Tea Party have longstanding ties to tobacco companies, and continue to advocate on behalf of the tobacco industry's anti-tax, anti-regulation agenda."
The two main organizations identified in the UCSF Quarterback study are Americans for Prosperity and Freedomworks. Both groups are now "supporting the tobacco companies' political agenda by mobilizing local Tea Party opposition to tobacco taxes and smoke-free laws."
Freedomworks and Americans for Prosperity were once a single organization called Citizens for a Sound Economy (CSE). CSE was founded in 1984 by the infamous Koch Brothers, David and Charles Koch, and received over $5.3 million from tobacco companies, mainly Philip Morris, between 1991 and 2004.In 1990, Tim Hyde, RJR Tobacco's head of national field operations, in an eerily similar description of the Tea Party today, explained why groups like CSE were important to the tobacco industry's fight against government regulation. Hyde wrote:
"... coalition building should proceed along two tracks: a) a grassroots organizational and largely local track,; b) and a national, intellectual track within the DC-New York corridor. Ultimately, we are talking about a "movement," a national effort to change the way people think about government's (and big business) role in our lives. Any such effort requires an intellectual foundation - a set of theoretical and ideological arguments on its behalf."
The common public understanding of the origins of the Tea Party is that it is a popular grassroots uprising that began with anti-tax protests in 2009.However, the Quarterback study reveals that in 2002, the Kochs and tobacco-backed CSE designed and made public the first Tea Party Movement website under the web address

In Politics by Robyn PennacchiaAug 23, 2013




[h=1]Are you getting catfished by the Koch Brothers?[/h]It all starts out innocently enough. You “like” “The Constitution” on Facebook. You “like” “Being American” or “The Gas Prices Are Too Damn High!” or “Adorable Cats Wearing Mittens.” Whatever, it’s Facebook. Sometimes you just click on things. Seemingly innocuous things. Perhaps you imagine that the group behind these things that you like is a group of hip millennials like yourself. That’s what “Generation Opportunity,” the group behind some of these pages, wants to portray itself as– “A Group of Millenials Who Love Freedom” is how they describe themselves.
Maybe you fall in love. But then you start getting all this crazy Tea Party shit in your feed from them, and then you start to wonder if you’re really liking who you think you’re liking after all. So you call up Nev Schulman at MTV, and he takes you to their house, and you’re all dressed up and excited, but then it turns out to be THESE DUDES:

BLAH! No! It’s those creepy ass old dudes who control all the things! They’re the ones behind this? You should have known. It was obviously too good to be true.
Real talk, though. Apparently there is, indeed, some weird social media oriented group called “Generation Opportunity” made up of a bunch of elderly Tea Party fanatics masquerading as hip young things. They create seemingly innocuous pages– things most people will “like,” regardless of political orientation– and as soon as they get a shit ton of followers, they bombard them with conservative propaganda, like so:

Which is pretty shady. The organization, far from being the “grass roots” organization of millennials who LOVE FREEDOM, as it claims, is actually another astroturf organization funded by the Koch Brothers.
This whole thing has actually been going on for a while now, and the group has been outed by both the Center for Public Integrity and The New York Times.
What you need to know now, however, is that Generation Opportunity has come up with a new way to seduce you, the casual Millennial Facebook user.
Food Trucks.
Food trucks have been gaining in popularity recently in urban areas across the country. Not surprising, because we are a people who love food (particularly drunk food) and also convenience. The thing is, in many areas, certain kinds of food trucks not allowed, because of safety regulations. I don’t know about you, but I am a pretty big fan of safety regulations when it comes to my food. And also things that could catch on fire.
However, the group is framing this as an elaborate conspiracy on the part of restaurant owners who are afraid of losing business to said food trucks. This is obviously bullshit, since most of the food trucks are actually owned by restaurants in the first place. But no matter.
The actual purpose of all this is to get you to sign a petition– a petition that will allow the group access to ““public profile, friend list, email address, News Feed, relationships, birthday, current city, likes and your friends’ birthdays, current cities and likes” for the purpose of pushing forth their conservative agenda.
Now, I have no problem with people pushing a conservative agenda if they want to push a conservative agenda. That’s their prerogative. If that’s your agenda, go ahead and push it. But don’t hide behind ridiculous Astroturf groups, don’t try and pretend you’re something you’re not in order to do it. Be honest about what you’re doing. And hey, if your agenda is so repulsive to people that you have to Catfish them in order to reel them in, maybe you should examine why that is.
I mean, I am an unapologetic leftist. I’m cool with people knowing that. I’m not going to try and reel unsuspecting people in with a delicious recipe for eggplant parmesan or something and then start slipping in the talk about wealth redistribution or whatever. That’s dishonest, and also kind of weird. I also believe that my opinions, thoughts and ideas are valid enough on their own merit, that I don’t have to disguise them, or pretend that they belong to someone “cooler” than I am. That’s just sad

[h=1]The Tea Party movement: deluded and inspired by billionaires[/h] By funding numerous rightwing organisations, the mega-rich Koch brothers have duped millions into supporting big business

The Tea Party movement is remarkable in two respects. It is one of the biggest exercises in false consciousness the world has seen – and the biggest Astroturf operation in history. These accomplishments are closely related.
An Astroturf campaign is a fake grassroots movement: it purports to be a spontaneous uprising of concerned citizens, but in reality it is founded and funded by elite interests. Some Astroturf campaigns have no grassroots component at all. Others catalyse and direct real mobilisations. The Tea Party belongs in the second category. It is mostly composed of passionate, well-meaning people who think they are fighting elite power, unaware that they have been organised by the very interests they believe they are confronting. We now have powerful evidence that the movement was established and has been guided with the help of money from billionaires and big business. Much of this money, as well as much of the strategy and staffing, were provided by two brothers who run what they call "the biggest company you've never heard of".
Charles and David Koch own 84% of Koch Industries, the second-largest private company in the United States. It runs oil refineries, coal suppliers, chemical plants and logging firms, and turns over roughly $100bn a year; the brothers are each worth $21bn. The company has had to pay tens of millions of dollars in fines and settlements for oil and chemical spills and other industrial accidents. The Kochs want to pay less tax, keep more profits and be restrained by less regulation. Their challenge has been to persuade the people harmed by this agenda that it's good for them.
In July 2010, David Koch told New York magazine: "I've never been to a Tea Party event. No one representing the Tea Party has ever even approached me." But a fascinating new film – (Astro)Turf Wars, by Taki Oldham – tells a fuller story. Oldham infiltrated some of the movement's key organising events, including the 2009 Defending the American Dream summit, convened by a group called Americans for Prosperity (AFP). The film shows David Koch addressing the summit. "Five years ago," he explains, "my brother Charles and I provided the funds to start Americans for Prosperity. It's beyond my wildest dreams how AFP has grown into this enormous organisation."
A convener tells the crowd how AFP mobilised opposition to Barack Obama's healthcare reforms. "We hit the button and we started doing the Twittering and Facebook and the phonecalls and the emails, and you turned up!" Then a series of AFP organisers tell Mr Koch how they have set up dozens of Tea Party events in their home states. He nods and beams from the podium like a chief executive receiving rosy reports from his regional sales directors. Afterwards, the delegates crowd into AFP workshops, where they are told how to run further Tea Party events.
Americans for Prosperity is one of several groups set up by the Kochs to promote their politics. We know their foundations have given it at least $5m, but few such records are in the public domain and the total could be much higher. It has toured the country organising rallies against healthcare reform and the Democrats' attempts to tackle climate change. It provided the key organising tools that set the Tea Party running.
The movement began when CNBC's Rick Santelli called from the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange for a bankers' revolt against the undeserving poor. (He proposed that the traders should hold a tea party to dump derivative securities in Lake Michigan to prevent Obama's plan to "subsidise the losers": by which he meant people whose mortgages had fallen into arrears.) On the same day, Americans for Prosperity set up a Tea Party Facebook page and started organising Tea Party events.
Oldham's film shows how AFP crafted the movement's messages and drafted its talking points. The New Yorker magazine, in the course of a remarkable exposure of the Koch brothers' funding networks, interviewed some of their former consultants. "The Koch brothers gave the money that founded [the Tea Party]," one of them explained. "It's like they put the seeds in the ground. Then the rainstorm comes, and the frogs come out of the mud – and they're our candidates!" Another observed that the Kochs are smart. "This rightwing, redneck stuff works for them. They see this as a way to get things done without getting dirty themselves."
AFP is one of several groups established by the Koch brothers. They set up the Cato Institute, the first free-market thinktank in the United States. They also founded the Mercatus Centre at George Mason University, which now fills the role once played by the economics department at Chicago University as the originator of extreme neoliberal ideas. Fourteen of the 23 regulations that George W Bush put on his hitlist were, according to the Wall Street Journal, first suggested by academics working at the Mercatus Centre.
The Kochs have lavished money on more than 30 other advocacy groups, including the Heritage Foundation, the Manhattan Institute, the George C Marshall Institute, the Reason Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute. These bodies have been instrumental in turning politicians away from environmental laws, social spending, taxing the rich and distributing wealth. They have shaped the widespread demand for small government. The Kochs ensure that their money works for them. "If we're going to give a lot of money," David Koch explained to a libertarian journalist, "we'll make darn sure they spend it in a way that goes along with our intent. And if they make a wrong turn and start doing things we don't agree with, we withdraw funding."
Most of these bodies call themselves "free-market thinktanks", but their trick – as (Astro)Turf Wars points out – is to conflate crony capitalism with free enterprise, and free enterprise with personal liberty. Between them they have constructed the philosophy that informs the Tea Party movement: its members mobilise for freedom, unaware that the freedom they demand is freedom for corporations to trample them into the dirt. The thinktanks that the Kochs have funded devise the game and the rules by which it is played; Americans for Prosperity coaches and motivates the team.
Astroturfing is now taking off in the United Kingdom. Earlier this month Spinwatch showed how a fake grassroots group set up by health insurers helped shape the Tories' NHS reforms. Billionaires and corporations are capturing the political process everywhere; anyone with an interest in democracy should be thinking about how to resist them. Nothing is real any more. Nothing is as it seems.
• A fully referenced version of this story can be found at
I don't think that minorities or women who love their jobs would agree that things were better in the 1950s... repression doesn't equal legitimate social cohesion.

I'm not saying that things were better or worse

What i am saying is that the lives of vast amounts of people are being influenced in many ways largely without their knowledge or consent

And if you agree with the cabal on some points, exactly which of the organizations on that list do you find so objectionable?

That would be quite a challenge to go through the whole list! Would it be ok for me just to explain where i agree with the cabal and where i disagree with the cabal?

The key difference is that i believe people should have a choice. If change occurs it shoudl come from informed conscious choice. The cabal want to do everything by stealth

I also believe that society had to change. For example as you pointed out minorities and women were not on an equal footing with white men. That needed to change and that is a work in progress

But what the cabal want is not equality. They want the mass of society to be controlled by them. So the masses would be equal in their status as slaves

I would roll the equality thing out ALL THE WAY.

So their system is about control coming down from above....from an elite. What i would like to see is everyone having an equal say and then that democratic consensus then being exercised by everyone. This would be power being exercised from the bottom of society up

For example with the war in syria situation. In the US polls have shown that over half of US americans are against military intervention in Syria. But because we live in a system where the elite control it from the top down they will ignore the will of the people and just attack Syria anyway

If we lived in a power from the bottom up system the people would vote on the issue; then they would have delegates which they would choose to represent their community who would then take that mandate forward to a more regional level. Under the current system if a politician tells people befoe they are elected that they are going to do something, a lot of the time, when they are elected into office they then don't do what they said they are going to do. Having been hoodwinked by their deception the people then need to wait years for the next election cycle before they can get rid of the lying candidate

In a power from the bottom up system the delegates office would be instantly revocable if they did not carry out the mandate of their community. This method of organising society is called 'anarchism'

Most people when they hear that word get images in their head of burning cars, looting, the joker villain from batman and just general mayhem because they have been conditioned everytime they watch the corporate news or hollywood films to think that way as whenever there is a chaotic situation it is referred to as 'anarchy' but really that is an abuse of language designed to hide from people what the true meaning of anarchy is

Here let me give you an example of how they use NLP to attach negative associations to the word 'anarchy' when anarchy is actually a noble idea where people are all given a say in the running of their community. This clip is from one of the batman films....this is subtle brainwashing of the masses in action. That film is created to unconsciously and consciously make people think that if people challenge wallstreet and the current power structure of society that terrible things will happen:


Thats what the power elite want you to think an anarchist looks like: crazy hair, painted face and psychologically a homicidal maniac

Lets look for a moment at what a real anarchist looks and sounds like by listening for a minute to the well known professor Chomsky:


Is he a crazy maniac?

So again the cabal wants to see change and so do i but i don't want to see things change into an even more centrally controlled, even more dominating system and that is what we are already seeing emerge with the creation of the police state and the growing government surveillance and endless imperialistic wars etc

So to put it in its simplest terms the difference is that the cabal would like to see power concentrated more and more in their hands and i would like to see power decentralised more and more into the hands of the many so that everyone has a say and everyone has a stake in their community

And you haven`t responded to Soros`support of the anti-Israel group... is that just to throw everyone off?

Which anti-israel group?

I have already discussed however the way these guys fund both ends against the middle. they will fund extremists one both sides for example they will fund socialists and they will also fund right wingers

For example they are funding islamic extremism for example al quaeda in syria at the moment

What they want is chaos because as everyone else is in a confused state of chaos they are the only ones who know which way to go. You know the saying ''in the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king''?

Imagine a crowd of people are in a dark room and no one knows where the exit is. if one person has night vision goggles they would be the first person to the exit. If the lights went out suddenly a strong suspect for who turned the lights out would also reasonably be the person with the night vision goggles

These guys create chaos and then they create new order from the chaos. Its like shaking a kaleidoscope and then a new pattern forms. So for them the middle east is a giant kaleidoscope and they are shaking it at the moment to see of they can get a new pattern to form that they like

Many of the families that make up the central bankers originated from germany. For example the rothschilds were 'court jews' which means they were part of the royal court. They were bankers to the royalty and aristocracy. But anyway...they came from germany and in germany was a philospoher called Hegel. The sons of the bankers went to the big universities in germany for example in berlin. hegel lectured at these universities and the bankers learned hegel's principle of: ''thesis, antithesis and synthesis''.

This involves taking two opposites which create a tension and from the tension a synthesis emerges. So lets say you and i are both tied to a rope. If i pull the rope and you do nothing you will just get pulled towards me. But if you pull back on the rope then we might both move off the spots we are standing on. I would be the thesis, you would be the antithesis and where we ended up would be the synthesis (a new situation that had emerged from the chaos of you and me pulling on the rope)

So you see if you want a situation to emerge. You just need to create a polarity; then you need to amke sure that you feed both sides of that polarity just enough that the synthesis ends up where you want it

An example of this would be how the central bankers supplied saddam husseins iraq with weapons and then encouraged it to attack Iran. The situation that the bankers wanted to synthesis was to weaken Iran but at the same time they did not want a strong and triumphant iraq that could stand up for itself in the future which could for example demand high prices for its oil. What they wanted was for both iran and iraq to be weakened and then in such a poor state that they would desperately need money and would sell their oil at any price to the cabal in order to feed their people

So thats what the cabal did...they supplied support to both sides but never enough to allow a clear winner to emerge...they just let both countries fight it out until they were ruined like two boxers fighting until they both collapse in a heap

In the same vein as hegels theory is what david ike has called the method of ''problem, reaction, solution''

This method is where the cabal want to achieve something...a synthesis. lets say they want to attack a country so that they can steal its oil. maybe they do this because the leader of that country is refusing to sell his oil cheaply. So they create a problem. Lets say they blow up a train in one of their own countries. This then causes a reaction in the public.

The public are shocked and terrified and angry. They are all asking each other:
''who did this to us?''
''why would anyone do this to us?''
''We need to do something about this! We need to find out who did this to us and we need to get them back!''

The cabal then use the mainstream media that they own to start talking on the Tv and airwaves about the explosion. They tell the people through their news channels that the people whose oil they want to go in and steal are behind the bombings. ''Its them!'' they say. The public then have someone to blame....they now have a hate figure

So then comes the final part of the plan. The cabal then offer their solution to the public which they had planned all along. They get the politicans whose careers they had bankrolled to go on the TV news channels they control and they get them to say to the people: ''We are a peaceful people and a peace loving country. But these people have attacked us. We simply cannot stand by and let them get away with this. So it is with great reluctance that we are going to go to war agaisnt these evil men who have done this to us. The military is preparing as we speak''

And the public relax again. They accept this solution offered by the cabal because it seems fair and just that the people they think have attacked them should be brought to justice

That's basically how it works

Incidentally if you ever need to negotiate in order to get something...this method works extremely well

How about this one:

•Urban Institute: This research organization favors socialized medicine, expansion of the federal welfare bureaucracy, and tax hikes for higher income-earners.

Why is Soros, the evil mastermind bent on oppression and world domination, funding groups that seek to tax the rich and give that money to the sick and the poor? Maybe he wants sick people and poor people to be so happy and healthy that they don`t see that their happiness and health only makes them more his slaves?

The rich are not safe from the cabal. The middle classes for example are currently having their savings wiped out becuase the cabal are keeping interest rates artificially low through printing lots of money. this increases the amount of money in circulation which drives down the value of anyones money in the bank

The rich won't be spared by the cabal. The cabal will come for them once they have destroyed the middle class. Only the high priests will be allowed to control things. Rich people could be a threat to that order so they will have to go. i the meantime though the cabal will use the rich to achieve what they want to achieve...but when the time is right they will sell them out

And one more:

•Peace Development Fund: In PDF's calculus, the United States needs a massive overhaul of its social and economic institutions. "Recently," explains PDF, "we have witnessed the negative effects of neo-liberalism and the globalization of capitalism, the de-industrialization of the U.S. and the growing gap between the rich and poor ..."

Yeah there is no problem with banking reforms to happen now because the cabal have already pulled off the heist....they already got the government to bail out the banks and get the public in everlasting debt servitude

Changing the banking system now would be like closing the stable door after the horse has bolted

B-b-b-but Soros MUST support neoliberalism, because he is part of the cabal!! Why is he giving money to people like this? Bring back the manufacturing industry? But that would mean putting millions of sweatshops out of business and bankrupting the people who exploit cheap labour and dodge unions! Is the plan to bankrupt the corporations and destroy America by forcing it to hire enough workers to manufacture its own sneakers and computers?

Neoliberalism is just a tool to achieve their end game. the wealth transfer is well under way

The restructuring will create manufacturing where they want it

The plan is outlined in UN ''Agenda 21''

The global population numbers will be reduced. People will be moved out of the countryside and into urban zones which will be connected by high speed railways. The remaining land will be carved up into zones for different usages for example agriculture, forestry, mining or whatever

Everyone will have a smart meter in their home monitoring their energy usage. Everyone will have a microchip under their skin that their electronic money will be stored on. Their movements will be strictly regulated and restricted and their where abouts known to the central authorities at all times

Peace will be kept by a global police force and a global army which both answer to the cabal

But to acheive this things will need to be reshuffled around. people will need to be moved and manufacturing will need to be moved as well

Africa has already been earmarked to be agricultural land. The problem with that is of course that it is currently populated with africans. this means that they must ofm course get rid of the africans. They are doing this through a number of means. One method has been to use their agent Bill Gates to launch a vaccination drive to inject as many people as possbile with shots that will destroy the immune systems of people...this will over tim achieve a massive kill off of the population

Bill Gate's father was a member of the eugencist group ''Planned parenthood''. The main foundtion of planned parenthood was the encouragement of black women to have abortions.

The cabal met in the villa of the rockefeller family outside Rome and set up a think tank called ''the Club of Rome''. this group then published a paper in 1972 called ''the Limits to growth''. this paper outlines various apocalyptic scenarios that they say will occur if the worlds population is not reduced. you should be able to find this paper online if you are interested in it. Just remember it is designed to be frightening and to be a jutification for their actions

Seriously, muir-- you posted all of these descriptions and told everyone that these were evil organizations funded by an evil man... you are obligated to explain why you think that. If your whole thing is ANYONE WHO HAS MONEY OR POWER IS EVIL, then AT LEAST try to be consistent with your targets and maybe downplay the existence of people who give to causes like the ones you named.

I am not syaing anyone who has money is evil. i am talking about the top 1% of the top 1%

I hope i have managed with what i've said above shown at least to some extent how the situation is not always how it at first appears and that what might look confusingly random to you actually masks a plan that these guys are carrying out over generations.

There is method to their madness

I`m starting to think that you`re a shill for Natural News, spreading alarm so people will be too afraid not to buy things that otherwise you wouldn`t be able to sell... using the image of a counterculture revolutionary with a genuine interest in the people to push forward your propaganda. How much is he paying you? Is it a lot?

I am making no money out of my posts. Although it would be rather nice to be paid to do this it would corrupt it at the same time
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Thimerosol info from wikipedia. this has not come from a government or big pharma source so is not trying to hide the fact that they have poisoned millions of people:

The info here mentions that thimerosol has an accumulative effect. this is created by giving children vaccine after vaccine after vaccine after vaccine after vaccine and so on....nowadays kids are given a lot of shots


Thiomersal is very toxic by inhalation, ingestion, and in contact with skin (EC hazard symbol T+), with a danger of cumulative effects. It is also very toxic to aquatic organisms and may cause long-term adverse effects in aquatic environments (EC hazard symbol N).[SUP][11][/SUP] In the body, it is metabolized or degraded to ethylmercury (C[SUB]2[/SUB]H[SUB]5[/SUB]Hg[SUP]+[/SUP]) and thiosalicylate.[SUP][3][/SUP]

Few studies of the toxicity of thiomersal in humans have been performed. Cases have been reported of severe poisoning by accidental exposure or attempted suicide, with some fatalities.[SUP][12][/SUP] Animal experiments suggest that thiomersal rapidly dissociates to release ethylmercury after injection; that the disposition patterns of mercury are similar to those after exposure to equivalent doses of ethylmercury chloride; and that the central nervous system and the kidneys are targets, with lack of motor coordination being a common sign. Similar signs and symptoms have been observed in accidental human poisonings. The mechanisms of toxic action are unknown. Fecal excretion accounts for most of the elimination from the body. Ethylmercury clears from blood with a half-life of about 18 days in adults. Ethylmercury is eliminated from the brain in about 14 days in infant monkeys. Risk assessment for effects on the nervous system have been made by extrapolating from dose-response relationships for methylmercury.[SUP][13][/SUP] Methylmercury and ethylmercury distributes to all body tissues, crossing the blood–brain barrier and the placental barrier, and ethylmercury also moves freely throughout the body.[SUP][14][/SUP] Concerns based on extrapolations from methylmercury caused thiomersal to be removed from U.S. childhood vaccines, starting in 1999. Since then, it has been found that ethylmercury is eliminated from the body and the brain significantly faster than methylmercury, so the late-1990s risk assessments turned out to be overly conservative.[SUP][13][/SUP] Though inorganic mercury metabolized from ethylmercury has a much longer half-life in the brain, at least 120 days, it appears to be much less toxic than the inorganic mercury produced from mercury vapor, for reasons not yet understood.[SUP][13]

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