It's refreshing not to be thought crazy

Unfortunately, it seems like people have been afraid to think for themselves at all for a long a time. There's a lot of catching up to do.
My biggest hope though is that people who have been afraid to let go can do so without resorting to the guns and bombs. We could be living in a world of wonders. In retrospect, I think I've had contact and it would be awesome to have mroe
There are a number of ideas as to what might be going on with some of the ET stuff
On a mundane sort of level there is no doubt the military has technologies that we are not aware of and are using them and that some UFO sightings are relating to that
But i don't think that accounts for everything that is going on
We have been conditioned by hollywood to think of aliens as these little green men that come down to earth in their spacecrafts from another planet....and maybe that is happening...i am totally open to that possibility
However there seems to be a strong occult aspect to all of this. When you look into the occult it soon becomes clear that people are trying to contact discarnate intelligences. Now pychologists might explain these away as aspects of our conscious or unconscious or whatever
What we are told by different mythologies is that there are different worlds....different realms or dimensions and that we can access these dimensions
Science is now seriously considering the possibility that we are living in a holographic universe. A reality that is basically waveform energy (information) like a sort of projection
They are also discusing the possibility of parallel universes. So it seems that if everything is frequency and that if we can shift frequency we can shift into different dimensions then we are living in a multi-dimensional situtation
What people through out history have told us is that we are not alone in these dimensions and that there are other beings inhabiting them. These have been called different things by different groups for example the gnostics talked of 'archons' and the 'demiurge', the christians talked of 'angels' and 'demons', the muslims talked of 'djinn', the hindus spoke about 'asuras' and 'devas' and so on
Now these things can all be talked about in psychoanalytical terms as parts of our psyche or our collective pysche but what if 'reality' is not any more real then any of these other realms and that these dimensions can sometimes blur into each other and sometimes beings can cross over into other dimensions?
When we sleep for example we often dream and go into the 'astral' realm. Because we are not in our physical body there we don't perceive it to be 'real'
But if our reality as we know it is not really solid anyway, but rather a hologram that fools us into perceiving that it is solid (like a virtual reality simulator operating through the 5 senses) then how is this reality anymore 'real' than the dream reality?
Then there are the experiences of psychonauts who experiment with entheogenic plants such as magic mushrooms and ayahuasca who all report experiences of interacting with other beings. Many people report having similar experiences whilst doing this.
Sometimes people are catapulted out of this reality altogether into an unfamiliar reality where they then communicate with other entities who tell them all sorts of remarkable things
If we are in fact information decoders then how do we know how anything really is? Because information can be decoded in different ways; this is why hypnotists can warp peoples perception of reality...because they change how people decode reality
In the occult orders some groups are claiming they derive their powers from a higher source: the discarnate intelligences ('ET's')
Many people with a religious slant are outright saying that these entities are 'angels' and 'demons' and that satan is trying to take over the world. Now as crazy as that might seem to non religious people it would certainly make sense of some of the crazy stuff going on in the world right now!
The occult is on the rise, we are seeing an erosion of societal morality, we are seeing our freedoms being eroded, the environment is being posioned and destroyed and so on
If we are all one consciousness then these discarnate intelligences are of that same consciousness which would make them in a jungian sense our collective shadow self....the things we have made unconscious
So if that were the case then the only way to remove them would be to make them face and acknowledge this other aspect of ourselves...this dark side we have repressed
So i think we are seeing mutli dimensional entities influencing humanity but different people will interpret that in different ways
Some will see them as physical aliens eg the annunaki
Some will see them as demons working for satan
Some will see them as the shadow of the collective psyche (some sightings have been seen by more than one person at a time)
Some will see them as figments of our imagination
Some will see them as an expression of the individual subconscious (perhaps perceived due to a chemical imbalance whether occuring organically or due to the ingestion of psychotropic substances)
Some will see them as the creation of our collective consciousness which creates our a thought form
and so on....
Well whatever they are i think most people who aren't living under a rock could all agree that something very strange is going on with our world right now