Are we really a Democracy?


Well-known member
Read this article and then answer.

The top Ohio elections official, a Republican, has suspended two Democratic elections board members as the state's regular, bitter battles over voting procedures intensify.

And this is just another example on top of things like voter ID laws that are supposedly supposed to prevent that microscopic chance of voter fraud. I can seriously picture the Republicans in this country being little kids with their fingers in their ears dancing around singing "Nah nah nahnah nah we can't hear you" at the rate they're going.
Maybe this is a dumb question but, why is WI and OH the states everyone is always talking about? What makes them so important? Is it just because they have so much goofy politics or is there something more to it?
Maybe this is a dumb question but, why is WI and OH the states everyone is always talking about? What makes them so important? Is it just because they have so much goofy politics or is there something more to it?

'cause there's nothing else to do in the mid-west?
YES WE [strike]CAN[/strike] [strike]ARE[/strike] WERE!
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Aren't we a republic? (although I have very clue what that means)
We are a republic. The problem with any democracy is the quality of government is directly proportional to the quality of its citizens. Have a largely ignorant populace and you have a largely ignorant group of representatives, or representatives that follow their own agenda because the ignorant slobs aren't paying attention and raising hell about it. Our two party system has completely degraded into what seems like one big good ole boy's club, they scratch each other's backs and try to stay in office to make their money...all the while raising hell at each other over hot topics like gay marriage and they've been doing this since before I was born. 30+ years of arguing over the same topics, let people marry who they want to and fix our country. Many of the things that make this country great are also abused by these insidious shitheads to further their own selfish agendas. War for 10+ years? Oh the industrial military complex is making killer money, meanwhile how is everyone else doing? How many of our fighting men and women have died because of a media frenzied campaign of fear to line the pockets politicians and war profiteers.

This is why I don't watch the news, it is depressing and agitating. We need to pay our debts and reduce how much we are paying government officials, they're getting money from lobbyists already...why should we have to pay them too if they are not going to protect our interests?
Oh the industrial military complex is making killer money, meanwhile how is everyone else doing? How many of our fighting men and women have died because of a media frenzied campaign of fear to line the pockets politicians and war profiteers.

That reminds me of Ike's speech in 1961. Yep, the GOP weren't always entirely the "bad guys"....

Never were a democracy and probably never will be.
. <-- The point

--> . Where everyone else went with it.
Sorry for the tangent Lerxst, was not trying to derail your thread...when I start typing anything is liable to spew forth ><
Read this article and then answer.

And this is just another example on top of things like voter ID laws that are supposedly supposed to prevent that microscopic chance of voter fraud. I can seriously picture the Republicans in this country being little kids with their fingers in their ears dancing around singing "Nah nah nahnah nah we can't hear you" at the rate they're going.

First off, no, we're not a democracy. We're a democratic republic. The idea of a democracy is ludicrous, because its nothing more than mob rule -- and we all know how groupthink infiltrates such things.

The fact that Obama would not allow thousands of DEAD DEAD DEAD voters to be taken off of the roll says what about him? I know you know about the enourmouse voter fraud that got Obama elected, illegals being paid to vote, etc. That's illegal. However, Bush wins the state of Florida legally after being recounted 60,000 times by 500 votes and Bush didn't deserve a presidency? I hate Bush, so I'm not saying it was a good thing Bush was reelected. I am saying however, that it is not a microscopic chance of voter fraud that the progressives want you to think.

I think both parties are decrepit with filth and sludge -- these conservative posers running in the polls for Republican put a horrid name on all conservative values. The balls Hussein has to say "they are both extreme candidates" despite the fact they are extremely liberal conservatives speaks volumes for Mr. First Black Prez.

I understand this isn't on topic per se, but voter fraud is very real, and it happens. And I love how every liberal I know would call me a "blind idiot following the news" if the tables were flipped around.

edit: p.s. your voter link fraud is about 6 years old. Might wanna find a more recent post
We were never a democracy, and we are currently only nominally a republic. In reality this country sadly seems to be an oligarchy where offices are basically..when boil it down... sold to the highest bidder.
We are a political entity with parties that spend big bucks trying to get their people elected to offices for reasons of control and beliefs. They will lie, cheat, promise, and demean our society while trying to get elected. It has become terrible.
Once elected, few achieve their promises.
Who counts the votes while we sit and watch TV?
We are a republic. The problem with any democracy is the quality of government is directly proportional to the quality of its citizens. Have a largely ignorant populace and you have a largely ignorant group of representatives, or representatives that follow their own agenda because the ignorant slobs aren't paying attention and raising hell about it. Our two party system has completely degraded into what seems like one big good ole boy's club, they scratch each other's backs and try to stay in office to make their money...all the while raising hell at each other over hot topics like gay marriage and they've been doing this since before I was born. 30+ years of arguing over the same topics, let people marry who they want to and fix our country. Many of the things that make this country great are also abused by these insidious shitheads to further their own selfish agendas. War for 10+ years? Oh the industrial military complex is making killer money, meanwhile how is everyone else doing? How many of our fighting men and women have died because of a media frenzied campaign of fear to line the pockets politicians and war profiteers.

This is why I don't watch the news, it is depressing and agitating. We need to pay our debts and reduce how much we are paying government officials, they're getting money from lobbyists already...why should we have to pay them too if they are not going to protect our interests?


Given the sophistication of our propaganda system, and how much effort and deliberation is put into misinforming the populace and distorting reality, I would argue that in some ways, the US is more fascist than the USSR
We don't get to choose how the country is run

Politicians do things they said they wouldn't

Politicians don't do things they said they would

We get a choice between two liars

Democracy is a lie
We don't get to choose how the country is run

Politicians do things they said they wouldn't

Politicians don't do things they said they would

We get a choice between two liars

Democracy is a lie

I don't think we get a choice between two liars this year. I think it's just Obama. Nobody is gonna vote for Romney it's common sense. It's 100% the peoples fault too, people just don't care enough to take control of their government.
We are the proles.

...and I am very mad.
I don't think we get a choice between two liars this year. I think it's just Obama. Nobody is gonna vote for Romney it's common sense. It's 100% the peoples fault too, people just don't care enough to take control of their government.

This is a system that has been allowed to spiral out of control for far too long. In order to facilitate change in a positive direction first our culture must mutate into something that not only instills pride within its citizenry, but reestablishes what is intrinsically valuable in regards to our survival. So whenever I get a chance, I toss a pebble into the pool. Perhaps the ripples will reach the right minds.
I think the U.S. is a partial democracy.

Your government is selected by popular vote. However, the vote-able options available to the voting public are mostly communicated through the commercial media.

In practice this means that there is a steep price attached to each option offered to the voting public; to the extent that the selection of candidates to be presented for democratic voting is determined by a plutocracy.

So I think that the U.S. electoral system is an insulated plutocracy, which enjoys an exclusive monopoly. Nevertheless this plutocratic body, to the exclusion of all others, submits to popular vote democratically.
I think the U.S. is a partial democracy.

Your government is selected by popular vote. However, the vote-able options available to the voting public are mostly communicated through the commercial media.

In practice this means that there is a steep price attached to each option offered to the voting public; to the extent that the selection of candidates to be presented for democratic voting is determined by a plutocracy.

So I think that the U.S. electoral system is an insulated plutocracy, which enjoys an exclusive monopoly. Nevertheless this plutocratic body, to the exclusion of all others, submits to popular vote democratically.

Really we just get to vote A or B with no real understanding of what we are voting for. The politicians don't tell us what they will do. They tell us what they think we want to hear and then do whatever the hell they want