Ask and Answer!

Yes, when I was in middle school I stole a magazine from 7-11 because I wanted it but didn't have the money. I made up for it by going back and paying for the mag by overpaying for other items I purchased.

Do you think the best way to get from point A to point B is a straight line?

fastest, possibly. best, nah.

do you believe in magic?
Yes. Science is just magic thats been explained

Do you believe in time travel?
Funny you ask, my favorite movie is "the time travelers wife" I loved it. But no, I don't believe in time travel.

Favorite hobby?
Sleeping and dreaming? Aww...

Hmm...probably Arrested Development but I dunno, I have so many.

Fondest memory?
my dad picking me up and carrying this one time when i was really little...

favorite thing you cook/bake
Homemade ravioli....
First kiss?
a couple sloppy/sad attempts in high school... but first *real* kiss first year of college.... i was a late bloomer INFX thing....

you same question...
6 years old, under the pinball machine at the bowling alley in Daytona beach, can't for the life of me remember her name.

First Person to break your heart?
[MENTION=4459]Sensiko[/MENTION] Jastro park pool....age 10.....real kiss High School...Junior year...Erin....nice smile....
Dream Job?
My senior year in choir. This boy just decided that the moment was right to, and I obliged. It wasn't too bad.

Worst Kissing experience?
[MENTION=1848]The Doctor[/MENTION] my father when he died
@Skarecrow lock myself in a room and make music all day

dream car
[MENTION=2873]Serenity[/MENTION] Girl named Kat....she rushed in so fast she hit my teeth with her lips and cut them.....lolol
[MENTION=4459]Sensiko[/MENTION] Maybe an old Aston Martin
Fav Movie?
anything tarantino...but probably Kill Bill both parts

childhood pets?
A corn snake, a box turtle, a tarantula, dogs or various shapes and sizes....cats the same....not to a rabbit, guinea pigs, birds....not all at once but...a few here and
Age you had your first fist fight?
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Nine. It was on the second-floor landing of my house with my brother E, around 3pm. He won : P

What candy grosses you out the most?
anything watermelon flavored

who was your favorite teacher?
a baseball bat

why are smiles so alluring?