Ask and Answer!

Because a real smile can't be helped and comes straight from the heart.

What is the funniest joke you have ever heard?
the punch line is "you should have seen the monkey trying to put the cork back in."

how many miles did you travel today?
Finite, maybe.

Can one actually think of infinity?
Yes, everytime I look at the stars because it blows my mind with the infinite possibilities.

What is your favourite place?
The sea.

what is the first word that just came through your mind?

Where did you first see beauty?
at my mothers lap

will Newt be President?
I like soccer (British football), American football is kinda dull.

What should I wear if I don't want to look like an idiot tourist when I go to Paris this February? (I also don't want to be cold)
Your usual winter clothes?
Google what the streets of Paris looks like at winter (or, if you know a specific date, try to find the temperature)

What do you do during the holidays?
What do you do during the holidays?

My parents celebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve Eve so that I can spend Christmas Eve with my hubby and lil ones and my son as he is from a previous marriage and goes to his Dad's on Christmas Day. We open presents, take pictures, make it a point to be a little nicer and a little more respectful then we eat like gluttons!

What do you regret not doing this past year?
I regret not drawing more

why didn't the world end recently as predicted?
Because the predictions were all wrong.

If we go off the fiscal cliff will there be a lot of screaming?
Some tears will be shed. I imagine the screaming will occur too, as well as the ripping of hair. Some of us (i.e. poor) will sit back and sigh.

Tell me about a dangerous situation you survived?
I nearly fell from 300-500 metres high to edgy rocks. Thankfully the grass in the mountains is quite strong.

Does it make sense to call American football, football?
Probably, as much as anything else makes sense

What is your first memory?
I was sitting on my dad's lap when he came to visit me and I was hitting his knees and ankles with my plastic toy hammer, "testing his reflexes" like I had seen doctors to me so many times.

I was around 2.

What age were you when you could tie your own shoes?
I remember my aunt teaching me how to tie them when she took me ice skating. I must have been 6 years old.

Which finger on your hand is the most attractive?