Asperger and autoimmune reactions.

egh whatever~ this was posted on slashdot yesterday btw

We are back onto wakefield eh?

And an article from the British Medical Journal, that mouthpiece of the medical cartel.......brilliant

'BMJ has an open peer review system, wherein authors are told who reviewed their manuscript. About half the original articles are rejected after review in-house.[12] Manuscripts chosen for peer review are first reviewed by external experts, who comment on the importance and suitability for publication, before the final decision on a manuscript is made by the editorial ("hanging") committee. The acceptance rate is less than 7% for original research articles' - wikipedia
It's just >.> you're coming over so agressively. Anything I say seems like and attack or something! I don't really feel this is going anywhere productive~

If you really want to know my opinion.... I really couldn't care less for all these conspiracy theories. What troubled me most was that some people feel that there are evil organizations out there that are only out there to do harm. I fail to believe in evil intentions. I fail to see that capitalism is some kind of evil system. I fail to see that "rich elites" are only here to subdue the lower classes. I fail to see the "evil intentions" to their actions.

That's the fundamental difference between us that aches me most.
I find it disturbing you cannot see a different "motive".
You find it disturbing that I don't see the "facts", that I cannot see their evil as well.

I don't care for these facts. I care for the ability to be able to understand that people can do the most heinious acts out of a sense of justice, no matter how misguided they may seem to us.

This whole thread is starting to become a cesspool of agression anyways.

Sorry for any bad feelings I may have created. I never wanted things to play out like this.
It's just >.> you're coming over so agressively. Anything I say seems like and attack or something! I don't really feel this is going anywhere productive~

If you really want to know my opinion.... I really couldn't care less for all these conspiracy theories. What troubled me most was that some people feel that there are evil organizations out there that are only out there to do harm. I fail to believe in evil intentions. I fail to see that capitalism is some kind of evil system. I fail to see that "rich elites" are only here to subdue the lower classes. I fail to see the "evil intentions" to their actions.

That's the fundamental difference between us that aches me most.
I find it disturbing you cannot see a different "motive".
You find it disturbing that I don't see the "facts", that I cannot see their evil as well.

I don't care for these facts. I care for the ability to be able to understand that people can do the most heinious acts out of a sense of justice, no matter how misguided they may seem to us.

This whole thread is starting to become a cesspool of agression anyways.

Sorry for any bad feelings I may have created. I never wanted things to play out like this.

None of us did.

Whether something productive comes of it depends on what we learn from it.

You may not like your sisters style ('passionate') or my style ('aggressive') but if you enter into discussions on weighty matters that people care about, in a dismissive manner, then expect to get some reaction.

Dismissing me as a 'conspiracy theorist' is actually quite insulting. By parroting the capitalist media you are helping them to silence dissenting voices, by belittling what they have to say and dismissing all their claims as crazy 'conspiracies'

Please re-read the article that you posted and you will see that a claim that there is a financial elite who are influencing government policy is NOT a 'conspiracy theory'

Even Fukeyama, a capitalist apologist says:
  • 'trickle down' is a myth
  • de-regulation has caused massive problems
  • inequality of wealth has grown to shocking levels
  • the non transparent derivitives market has been a disaster
  • the financial sector has expanded
  • we have seen an oligarchy emerge and he even questions whether it is a plutocracy (it is. He is lying about the elites wanting the best for the people....they don't they want the best for themselves, otherwise they would share their wealth and beckon in a new fairer society)
He is wrong about a number of things though:
  • Growing government is not a move to the 'left'....not the definition of socialism i believe in anyway. Because government is merely the committee of the capitalist class anyway so we are still losing power to them; that is merely state capitalism NOT socialism
  • The increase in government influence hasn't seen benefits because all the money has been moved from the public purse into private hands....leaving a financial desert
  • Government reforms are not properly wealth 'redistribution' because the money comes from the working class not from the capitalist class. So all they are doing is fleecing the taxpayers, to pay other taxpayers....robbing peter to pay paul, whilst robbing both peter and paul themselves
  • Social mobility is a myth under their form of capitalism
  • The New Deal and other reforms are essentially, in the long run, a waste of time because they still haven't fixed the fundamentals, which is the system itself
He argues, as the capitalists often do, that it is not the fault of the capitalist class that they exploited the people, rather it is the people's fault for letting them.

He speculates about why the people haven't risen up in a populist leftist movement to oppose the capitalist class, but he is failing to take into account the fact that most people are peace loving and don't want upheaval. Although he mentions the opiate effect of cheap credit and consumerism on calming the people, he does not mention the effect of the medicalisation of people's distress and the use of drugs to calm the population, or the impact the media or education system have on controlling the way people think, or the stoking of the fires of nationalism (war often unifies a country against a common foe...a well known ploy of the neo-conservatives; in their case the enemy is muslims or 'terrorists', before that it was the Russians....the US government got good mileage out of them and before that it was the Nazi's)

He wants to know why there isn't a leftist movement....the answer is that there will be as people learn how to organise again

There is going to be an upsurge of civil unrest as the 'austerity measures' bite in the west and more and more average people realise that they have been robbed by the financial elites who are all sitting pretty despite the economic carnage they have left in their wake.

Big pharma is just another cog in the machine, another brick in the wall
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Bill Clinton once won an election using the slogan: 'it's the economy stupid'

This isn't true though. You can tweak the economy as much as you like but it will still come across the same old problems eg boom and bust cycles, global instability and the need for war because it is not the economy that needs fixed, it is the system itself

The powers that be are the powers that be because they keep the same system going.

If we changed the system they might lose their power, so they do not want to change the system.

They also do not want people discussing the possibility of system change so all the discourse in the public arena (ie via the media which is run by the powers that be) is all pitched within the capitalist framework.

All the discussion is about what should be changed within a capitalist framework.....the problem is that the framework itself is faulty

So we are all living in a capitalist box where some aren't willing to think outside that box and some aren't even aware that there is a box

The lack of awareness is because a culture of ignorance has been cultivated amongst the population by the powers that be

They sculpt the way that people think. The tools they use to do this are: the news, radio, newspapers, TV, film industry, music industry, internet (they don't have as much control over this medium as the others.....yet) and the education system. All these things work within a capitalist framework and convince people that there is only one reality and that that reality is capitalism.

One way in which they do this regarding the media is by only reporting on the 'whats' and the 'hows' but not looking at the 'whys' or by presenting a false version of the 'whys'.

Why is education failing? Because the powers that be are engineering ignorance and because capitalism doesn't put enough value on it. If we as a society wanted to prioritise education we could, but we don't.

In the US the media constantly equates big government with socialism. This is a missuse of the word 'socialism' and it is a way of making people think that socialism is a bad thing, because no one likes paying lots of taxes to an expanding government. Big government within a capitalist framework is still capitalism. It is just state capitalism. China is not a socialist country, it is a state capitalist country....the same goes for cold war russia. Growing a capitalist government is not socialism it is a variant on capitalism.

Socialism really means an end to the exploitation of man/woman by man/woman. So if government is exploitative then it has to go. It has to be replaced by a different way of organising.....which is perfectly possible. When you look at the human ingenuity that is applied to maintain a decaying capitalist system and imagine if all that ingenuity was applied to creating a new fairer system.....anything is possible.

Fukeyama claimed before the latest global crisis that we are seeing an 'end to history'. To many of us who dream of a better world that was just capitalist propaganda. As the capitalist system rocks under the global crisis it is becoming clear to everyone just how fragile it really is.

We are not seeing an end to history....the socialist dream is still very much alive and well and will continue to offer a common sense alternative to all those who become weary of: taxes, 9-5 living, oppressive bosses, long hours, late retirement ages, money problems, debt, war, famine, exploitation, massive consumption, economic crises, the rape of the environment etc
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Whatever the case may be, there is something to the energy that is being created. I don't doubt that variables and outcomes can easily be tweaked to benefit either side of the story.

[ame=""]YouTube - Deadly Mycoplasma in Vaccines - Garth Nicolson_ microbiologist.wmv[/ame]

There seems to be a distraction, disconnect towards aspects of the self as the theme, who knows with these things.